Wow, unbelievable. I really hope that this was purely an accident and that no drugs or alcohol was involved.
Have to see if this was true. Didn't this happen at 7 AM in the morning while he was heading to his boat? If he was drunk at 7 AM then they should just throw away the key...
Stallworth reported drunk ***************************** WSTN in Miami reports that Donte' Stallworth had a blood-alcohol level of 0.12 when his vehicle collided with pedestrian Mario Reyes last weekend, killing Reyes. The legal limit in Florida is 0.08. Stallworth's attorney and Miami police will not confirm the report. The police says the final toxicology report is not due until Friday. If the report proves accurate, police could charge Stallworth with DUI manslaughter, a felony calling for up to 15 years in prison. Source: Cleveland Plain Dealer
When are these idiots gonna stop this shit. You're worth milliions of fucking dollars!! Call a limo service or "lower" yourselves and get in a taxi like everyone else. I feel bad for the mans family. As far as Stallworth...he deserve whatever he gets.
But then a guy could wind up like Duaner Sanchez and have his whole career thrown off course. So maybe the answer is to drink only when at home. But then a guy could wind up like Brandon Marshall and have wrestling matches and break television sets. Or a guy could wind up like Bret Saberhagen and step on broken beer bottles. Ahh, fuck it, these players should know their own limits and stop being total asshats.
As I said earlier. If he really was drunk (and we don't know that) at 7 AM in the morning then he has a serious problem. If he was still drinking he is a drunk. If he went home and slept a few hours and still registers over .08 then he is a drunk. No matter how you look at it if he was drunk at 7 AM he is in deep shit. With his life as well as with the law.
Right, because everyone that has ever had a hard night of partying that is still up, and drunk, at 7 must be an alcoholic.
first of all your done know the first thing medically about the effects of alcohol on someones BAC....its more like a bell curve and while he may have felt completely sober his BAC was over the legal limit....this happens often....people go out drinking.....and then get pulled over the next day for a minor traffic infraction and are technically drunk according to BAC.... the initial report said he was slightly over the legal limit of .08 with a reading of .12.....12 is not slightly over it is under the influence...its not double the limit which is good for him but its still a high enough reading...therefore regardless of his waiting period or lack of he should not have been on the road. he may or may not be an alcoholic....if he is he needs treatment....if he isn't he just had some shit luck.... either way the guy had no business driving at 7 AM after a night of drinking... i'm just saying your simplistic response to a medical reading of Blood Content and Mental Health is why your not a lawyer.... most likely assuming he has no prior convictions DWI or not in nature he will not serve near 15 years.... also, the manner in which the blood was drawn may cause the evidence to be disposed of....there are many technicalities involved.... i feel terrible for the family of the man killed (disclaimer) i'm simply laying the landcaspe from Stallworths point of view...