Pretty slim chance they would trade him to another AFC team, if they would trade him at all. They would have plenty of interest from the NFC..probably half the teams at least.
We are out that business. First of all, he's not a proven winner, he's had his ups and, downs so its not a gven that you can win with him, secondly, he's baby for acting the way he is and thirdly, I don't want to trade anyomore draft choices. Face it, this ain't your daddy's Jets, we are about defense and running so a top flight QB is not what's needed. We need another RB and depth at OL, DL and LB to make this thing work
But Cutler is better than anything we have and he won't quit after one season. Yes, he comes at a steep price, but I say he's worth it. He may not have won, but his stats are very good. I want Mr. T to get this done. How about a little ROI for all the investments the Jets ask their fans to make.
fuck that get him. hes a god damn baby in qb years we would have a franchise qb. A FRANCHISE QB. when is the last time the jets had a franchise qb? chad could have been that if he wasnt made of paper mache'. every other qb since like ken o'brien has been a stopgap. trade the first, clemens, and a late round pick. do it tanny do it. give us something to rely on.
I'm bringing back my avatar from three years ago in support of the Get Cutler movement. The Jets right now are a Quarterback away from being a legitimate contender, it's as simple as that. I had resigned myself to accepting the fact that we'd be going into the season with a gigantic question mark at Quarterback and limited options in the receiving corps. I understand that they already spent a good deal of money, and that Rex wants a game manager, and that Kellen might be good enough, and blah blah blah. The fact is that if we can come up with the best offer for a 26 year old quarterback with the strongest arm in football and we don't pull the trigger, it'll lead to more of the same. The Jets have been proactive and made a lot of very good moves over the past two years (and a few bad ones, certainly), they might as well go for the biggest fish of them all.
That's pretty far from true. We have the best running game in the AFC East. That automatically puts us out of contention for having the worst offense. It's not strong, but it's not the worst. The Dolphins offense is a joke and they have done absolutely nothing to improve it. Guess, Chad isn't getting younger, neither is Ricky Williams and Ronnie Brown appears to be a one year wonder (still good though). And TO on the Bills means as much as TO would on the Jets. If we landed TO no one would say we had a good passing game.
think about what you just wrote. detroit has two first rder's and a second so close to the first rd, you might as well say 3 1st rder's. and yet you would be willing to give up #17 and a little more for him??? detroit picks 1st,20th, and #33. now tell me why the lions would consider #17 plus something????
Denver wouldn't IF the lions made that offer. Thing is they haven't. also, maybe denver wants talent as well as picks which would give us an edge based on the fact that the only good player in detroit is calvin johnson, who they would never trade. i dont see the lions getting into this mess. they dont have the expendable talent and they would not be able to rebuild well without those 3 great picks. i think 17, a late rounder, and a player (harris, maybe) gets the deal done.
this is exactly why i come on this board when i need a good laugh! trading our 1st plus clemens(why would they want him if the jets don't) and a late rd pick. delusional is being polite in this circumstance!!! but i did chuckle like hell...
well, joesmoe, the reason that could work is because it gives them something in return. a qb that can be molded, which mcdaniels might like. yeah its a stretch but i havent seen a good idea from you on what its gonna take to get this kid at a reasonable value. the detroit deal that you suggest is not reasonable by any means (mortgaging an entire draft pretty much when you have nothing else). so, i have given you two deals (one with clemens and one with harris) that at least make sense. whats your scenario?
denver wouldn't make the trade for the lions first three picks, yet they would for the jets #17, a late rder and maybe harris???? i want some of what your smoking, because your definitely in lala land!!!!!!
the jets don't really have enough to do a trade for cutler presently, unless it were for this years 1st,next years 1st,2nd and third at a minimum....
while i admit im a little foggy off that shaun ellis, you need to realize that the lions never offered the first three. they offered 20 and 33.