Mark my words....

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by rohirrim665, Mar 4, 2009.

  1. Bear66

    Bear66 New Member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    I think every coach has his favorites and makes mistakes in not using other players (or in some cases, over-using some) Herm Edwards ran Curtis Martin into the ground, even though we had LaMont Jordan as a great backup. Mangini over-used Brad Smith at the expense of Clowney (when he was healthy), Gholston just wasn't one of Mangini's boys..I do think it is unfair to call him a bust, its just the nature of the beast. More to the point... Look at the college DE's drafted by the JETS in the first round (Jeff Lageman, John Abraham, Bryan Thomas, Gholston) is a very hard transition from being a "down" lineman in college to a "standup" linebacker in the NFL. All of the guys I mentioned before struggled (except for Abe) in the transition. There is far more responsibilty playing OLB. Couple that with an overly complicated system and a guy that just didn't have the motor running 100% & you get the result we saw last season. Gholston needs to have a dummied down role>>figure something you"d have Mongo from Blazing Saddles do.. Gholston, mind you is not a dumb guy & is quite the freakish physical specimen. He needs the right system and the right driver driving the bus. Ryan will find that hot button. Who can forget The Tuna putting a gas can in Bryan Cox's locker to get into his head..classic (and it worked) Mangini used too much external imagery on his guys. Beasts need a fire lit under their asses to get going. Rumor has it, Ryan just purchased a boat load of Napalm with Gholston's name all over it. Playing next to a guy like Bart Scott won"t hurt either
  2. Firemangini Ed

    Firemangini Ed New Member

    Sep 26, 2008
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    I agree with everything you just said. The whole Vernon Slowston fiasco is making me pay more attention to things like the 3 cone drill which indicate ability to change direction. Slowston was awful on the 3 cone and shuttle runs.
  3. cspkrazy

    cspkrazy New Member

    Mar 4, 2009
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    i have a feeling gholston is going to have a monster year
  4. Phear

    Phear New Member

    Mar 4, 2008
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    come on mick, you know with don it was mcfadden or bust. do not expect him to post anything knowledgable about this issue. :wink:
  5. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    knowledgeable you say??? hahahahaha
  6. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Proven right every day too. Nothing new there though. The very fact somebody makes a thread about Gholston having a monster year is just too funny to take in all at once. The fact people like you agree make it even better. You were probably one of the Mangini supporters too.
    #26 Don, Mar 6, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2009
  7. Phear

    Phear New Member

    Mar 4, 2008
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    how so? oh i forgot, mcfadden tore up the league last year, no other rookie could touch what he was able to do.
  8. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    NOTHING slows a player down more than having 8 things running through his head while trying to play football.

    find the ONE thing VG does well and coach him up on this. If it's rushing off the edge, spend the whole season teaching him to read snap counts, swim moves, bull rush techniques, etc.

    forget what the team 'needs' and figure out the one thing he can do best and turn him loose.
  9. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    A youngster with way too much money way too fast. The kid thought all he had to do was suit up and he'd be the instant star they were obviously drafting and paying him to be. It's not uncommon with any of today's instant multi-millionaires.

    But now that that's all settled down and he realizes what a dud he was in his rookie year, he's got pride to play for now. And he's got something else that he didn't have last year, a better system and a coach that believes in him and who's willing to help him become the star he was drafted for.

    He's going to do well this year, especially after he gets a taste of what it's like to be successful and playing within a kick-ass system that compliments his talent. And he knows if he doesn't get it done this year he's history.
  10. Twombles

    Twombles Active Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    Gholston pornography thread.
  11. fltflo

    fltflo Active Member

    Mar 6, 2008
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    God Bless you Don, we can alway count on you to come thru with something positive to say and offer the fans hope....:beer:
  12. rohirrim665

    rohirrim665 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Yea well were stuck with him now buddy, get over it. I didnt draft him, but we have him and to say that rex ryan is not going to at least try and utilize our number 6 overall draft pick is ridiculous.
  13. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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    I really feel that Gholston should have had one job last year and one job only...Rush the damn QB, seriously...Look @ this guys youtube videos when he was with Ohio State...One of the best pass rushing talents that I've seen in a long time and I just dont understand why Sutton and Mangini didnt have Gholston rushing the QB in 3rd and long situations...

    Also, I would love for Rex Ryan and the Jets to run a 4-3 @ times, put Gholston as a defensive end and let him do what he does best...Rush the QB.

    I would NEVER call Vernon a bust after only 1 year in the league playing a new position in a 3-4 Defense because I know it takes time in the NFL to become a superstar type of player but This year we will see what he's made of and lets just hope by the end of next year he's a starter with David Harris, Pace and Scott.
  14. Royce Parker

    Royce Parker Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2008
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    There were just too many factors to weight last year to try to put a stamp on Gholston's future yet, e.g. that it was his rookie year, coaching was questionable, he was adjusting to a new position... not that he deserves no blame for a poor season, but personally I've gotta at least see how he looks over the course of the 09 season before making any flat out declarations of the kid's NFL potential. If he doesn't improve drastically under Rex Ryan with the players that he'll have around him next year, I'll be happy to jump on the bust wagon.

    For now, as I would think any Jet fan would, I'm rooting for him simply because he's a Jet - why wouldn't we want him to excel?
  15. IrishSteveZ

    IrishSteveZ New Member

    Oct 1, 2003
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    We do have more to go on. Look at what Ryan did with Suggs, its almost the exact same situation here.
  16. IrishSteveZ

    IrishSteveZ New Member

    Oct 1, 2003
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    LMAO, I love that he won the 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award.

    Great job! :up:
  17. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Was Suggs a DE in College or an OLB? I cant remember but all I know is this, I swear I remember Suggs starting @ OLB then going to DE then back to OLB or maybe he was just a DE in College then became a OLB in the NFL? Im not sure
  18. Phear

    Phear New Member

    Mar 4, 2008
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    Actually, I never liked mangini. He showed more aggression in his gum chewing than his defensive scheming. And I think he was as big a reason as any that gholston did nothing last year. I actually wanted to trade out of the 6th pick if chris long wasn't on the board. But we didn't trade out and at the time gholston was the bpa. Easy to argue against that in hind sight tho huh?

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