Re: Favre - Get your torch and join the league of petty jealous dipsticks!‏

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by TeriB, Feb 12, 2009.

  1. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    Wipe your face, Favre left some DNA there.
    #21 Miamipuck, Feb 12, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2009
  2. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    The CS did not throw those horrible interceptions or put up only 3 points agains the Seahawks or get completely outplayed by the "weak armed" QB the Jets cut to bring Favre here. Yes the CS stunk down the stretch and the defense did not play well, but the biggest reason for the collapse was Favre. And last time I checked, the NFL season doesn't end in November, so the 8-3 record and the perception at the time that the Jets were a great team means nothing now. The Jets were 9-7 and out of the playoffs.

    There were many Jet QBs that had better seasons than Favre this year - Todd in 81 and 82. O'Brien in 85,86, and 88. Testaverde in 98. Pennington in 02, 04 and 06. In fact, I bet Esiason had better seasons with the Jets than Favre's 08. Favre was good in 2 games - Arizona and New England.
  3. TeriB

    TeriB New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Lol, this is pretty funny. I'm accused of trashing "The Jets," when I'm the one on this thread actually defending a Jet - Favre. :rofl:

    As far as flaming, again, I'm not the one flaming - quite the opposite in fact. Unless this is suddenly and anti-Favre board, and I missed the change. Really though, I can root for the Jets with or without Favre, and with or without the approval of anyone here, ya know. Over the last season, I learned to appreciate and admire the Jets team and organization. I'm sorry of so many here disagree with them, but that's really not about me is it?
  4. phatnols

    phatnols Member

    Mar 14, 2006
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    He is no longer a Jet...

    so leave
  5. brothermoose

    brothermoose Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2006
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    Burt was, is, and always will be a Packer, of Green Bay...and fudge.
  6. TeriB

    TeriB New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Lol, make me. Is this kindergarten? I actually haven't posted her in months, so I guess I'll leave you to it.:metal:
  7. phatnols

    phatnols Member

    Mar 14, 2006
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    You sure type like a kindergartener. Lets talk football about current players, not old dudes that are no longer with the team.
  8. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    You can disagree, but you should keep it to that. Teri earned her bones on this board. Hers wasn't a hit-and-run post.

    JETfrmWOMBtoTOMB New Member

    Mar 15, 2004
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    Missing the point??? Nobody has missed the point on here over the past season than the idiotic Favre fans that post this garbage!!! That is you and the other Nancy! Listen and listen good. Favre is not a homegrown Jet. You can't expect for us to have the same insane love for him as you do. Get it through your thick head.

    Many of us didn't care about his legacy before the season, we cared about it only in the sense that if he won another super bowl and it was with us we woulda' benefited from it and finally now that he's retiring we could give two shits about the man. By this we don't wish harm on the man we just don't care. You guys are like a horrible scabies infestation or bed bugs that just wont go away!!!!! lol If your here to root for the Jets fine, thanks for coming, pull up a seat, if you're here to try and push Favre propaganda beat it!!!
  10. jigglebilly

    jigglebilly New Member

    Aug 8, 2008
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    TERIB?!?!?! You always were the activist.
    #30 jigglebilly, Feb 12, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2009
  11. puddnhead

    puddnhead New Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    My point was that the OP posts an article about Favre's motives, behavior off field, etc. Nothing at all about how well or badly he played on the field. But that is all your response is about .

    Get it through your thick head.

    p.s. "Nancy", ooooh. You're a real heman Jet I see, using big "tough boy" words. This "Nancy" is intrigued. What a man! Ooooh! Ahhh!

  12. #17 with a bullet

    #17 with a bullet New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Alot of people hate Favre on this board. We get it! He sucked for the last five games. at 8-3 people were crying about picks etc.

    He gave a nice jolt of energy to the team and the fanbase. The team doubled the win total from the previous year. So he got injured and sucked ass for the last 5 games. Chill the fuck out it could have been like last year.

    Favre is done now. He had a great career. He Gave us hope for 8 games and performed well considering his off season regiment. Which was self inflicted.

    We are moving forward this year! With a new Q.B. it looks like it will be an existing one. I personally hope Ratliff can perform as well as he did againstfirst stringers this year as he did second stringers last year. I hope rex turns the D into a formidable opponent to give Ratilff time to develop, and I hope we win more than 9 games this year given our schedule.

    The Jets are a good up and coming team. I believe they will lay it all on the line and will continue to root for them regardless of Favre not playing for them.

    Do I personally think the Jets would be a better team with him? Sure! Do I think he was worth 13 Mil? Hell no.

    Anyway, I hope we find a qb for the future this year. I think out defense will come around and assist our offense and win us games. Let's have an amazing 09-10 hopefully and enjoy watching what our D and O-line can do for the team.
    #32 #17 with a bullet, Feb 12, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2009
  13. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    So, what exactly should I be grateful for?

    To be honest, I'm thankful that he made his decision and retired before the combine started.
    #33 BadgerOnLSD, Feb 12, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2009
  14. JETfrmWOMBtoTOMB

    JETfrmWOMBtoTOMB New Member

    Mar 15, 2004
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    Hahaha! I thought you might dig that! But somehow the rest of the message flew over your head. Again... We don't care about Favre!!! Therefore, we could give a shit about the OP's article!!! Are we reaching??? Did you copy that?

    I'm sorry, we got off on the wrong foot here, I just feel that you are all a bunch of frauds. You jumped ship from the team that you all loved for one man. A selfish egomaniac to boot! The only excusable reason for you to be over here trying to make excuses/explanations or do damage control for Favre is if you are his family or Dianna herself. Other than that, you got major issues my friend. You're worst than the Patriots trolls! I can't believe it. Nothing better to do in west bubbafuck is there?
    #34 JETfrmWOMBtoTOMB, Feb 13, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2009
  15. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Hehe. I simply don't understand 'following' a player to a different team. You root for the laundry. I can see wishing Favre well because of all of the good years he gave Green Bay (it helps that he didn't go to a rival in the NFC North), but if anyone thinks Namath going to the Rams made me a Rams 'fan', get outta town. For the sake of analogy, I'd rather eat a bullet than 'follow' Chad to Miami, so it begs the question, would some of these Packers fans have gone so far as to 'follow' Favre if he'd gone to Minnesota, Detroit, or Chicago? That's really pushing the envelope.

    How could you stop being a fan and then return to being a fan? Either you are or you aren't. Jets ownership sucks balls, but you'd probably have to kill me first. Oh, and Brett Favre is a Republican - or so I've heard. I wonder, is he also self-respecting...?
  16. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    I do have to say, things are a little different with Packer fans. There's a bit of a sense of entitlement there, given the fact that the fans actually own the team. If management screws up a decision, it has the fans to answer to directly. Does that make it right to leave the team as a fan because of a poor decision management made? Of course not. It's unfathomable to me. However, it does explain why they feel management screwed them over personally.

    As for me? I couldn't care less about Brett at this point. He came, he saw, he blahed. The most significant memories from this season will be the media circus. It would have taken a Super Bowl run to overpower that fact. Now that he has retired, I just hope the Favre threads rapidly die off. His brief time here really doesn't merit any added attention.
  17. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    I guess if you own stock in the team, but me, I feel screwed over personally by Woody Johnson just the same. I always liked Favre as a player and as a person, and although I could have done well without the retiring/unretiring/will I/won't I histrionics, I certainly harbor no ill will. Yeah, 8-3, that was nice; but the rest, not so much. A confluence of factors, of course, but in the end, just what am I supposed to be so thankful for when I'm doing exactly the same thing I did the minute the regular season ended LAST year? Actually, this year I was far madder. One of the worst Jets collapses ever. I wish Favre well, but enough already on here.
  18. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    You should start an Atari Bigby appreciation thread on a Packers board to keep in the spirit of things.
  19. XGBer-Moving_On

    XGBer-Moving_On New Member

    Aug 19, 2008
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    First of all, the Jets fan in me is happy he is retiring- there is no evidence that he has recovered or will recover from the injury and I cannot take another 5 game stretch like 08 but you are off base by a couple of points (or pints):
    • He sprinted off the field after meeting and shaking the hand of the better QB after that game/season. There has been alot of shit on this message board (imagine that?) about how he ran off the field without congratulating Pennington. That is bullshit. After that gesture, why would he stay any longer? To give you all more fodder?.
    • If lining his bank account was motive- which it is not, hre would have taken the marketing deal offered to stay in Hattiesburg where people talk slower than you but put a lot more thought into what they are going to say!.
    • As for diving in front of Strahan, no comment. Gastineau had the record for a long time- but I'll take Strahan as the Good Human - Great Football Player Ambassador of that record any day. I don't recall Strahan burning his ex with a cigarette lighter and seems to be getting along outside of football without those pesky court dates and anger management issues. Get over it!
    #39 XGBer-Moving_On, Feb 13, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2009
  20. maynardsmyhero-uk

    maynardsmyhero-uk Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    For favre in NY read Namath with the Rams

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