I went with the least optimistic yet positive answer, situational pass rusher. But I wouldn't bet on it.
Man who knows. Based on this years passive, read and react defense that neutered any aggression, it is rather difficult to tell how good or bad Gholston is or will be. To be sure he showed little to nothing but really many other players did the same. Ryan sure as hell coached up a bunch of players that were not 1st round talents. Nakamura, Leonard, Scott, A. Thomas (2-3 years ago) etc. etc. I honestly can not say at this point.
I'm with you. I can see Gholston becoming a guy that you see on 3rd downs getting good pressure on the QB. I don't think he has the lateral agility to be an every down LB, but coming off the bench and coming down hill on 3rd downs. ...and I love Gran Torino.
I think yes. Looking at that Baltimore defense I see a lot of physical talent put in poisition to succeed - of course they all have some serious heart, which we have yet to see, but I think success will breed success with him. When he knows people are depending on him, he will have the heart.
+1 Gholston won't be focusing on learning containment or zone coverage... he'll be in there trying to kill the ball carrier or the quarterback. If he can't succeed in Ryan's defense, he won't be able to succeed anywhere.
I think the biggest problem right now is Gholston himself, he just didn?t look like he?s in Shape or he was playing as hard as he could have. The sceme does of course not make it very easy for a Rook to make the transition, but there are still plays, where you just pin you ears back and get after someone, without thinking about anything, even then Gholston looked slow. btw, who is our LB-Coach? Our top Rookie looks slow and lost, BT?s slacking after he signed a contract, and this season, he also disapeard, after the first 4-5 games. Harris took a huge step back this season. And noone seems to be able to get in his zone in time or cover a damn TE.
The scheme is only going to get harder for that clown. He has his money and that's all he ever cared about. Oh, and all the coaches will change. We don't have any right now or at least won't after tomorrow.
I agree. The one person who can save VG is VG. He should learn from one of Ryan's players: Ray Lewis, who is one of the hardest working players in the league, off-season and on. There are very few players who train as hard as him, and after all these years he is still one of the better players in the league. P.S. i was in a waiting room last week and picked up an old issue of Men's Fitness to read while I was waiting, which had an article on Lewis and Ryan, and Ryan was talking about the shit i just posted.
I'm suprised that the votes are as balanced as they are. You guys do realize he's moving into one of the most complicated Defensive Schemes in the NFL, right?
I can't vote in this poll. The options are all wrong. My vote would be somewhere in the middle, but slightly reworded. Yes, he will turn him into a Pro Bowler Yes, he will make him a solid NFL starter No, he will be just an average NFL starter No, he will only be a situational pass rushing specialist No, he will ride the pine most of his remaining years No, he will be an Usher for Regal Cinemas in 3 years
It's impossible to say what will happen with Gholston, but I think a guy like Rex could make something out of the kid. I just don't think it'll be enough.
I'm tellin ya... I don't think Gholston was being used properly and it screwed him up. I would like to make a vbet that Gholston has at WORST a decent year next year! Say... 6 sacks, 70 tackles?
I think 70 tackles might be a little optimistic but 6 sacks should be do-able for him as long as he has a good offseason. I'm suprised that the votes are so positive with the posts that fly on this board. I really don't have a clue how he'll turn out, but I think that he's at least talented enough to become a solid started if he sorts his head out. That sort of talent displayed by him a year ago just doesn't disappear over night. Gholston could be a solid pass rusher right now if was handled by the coaching staff very well and he'd sorted himself out a little bit better. There is no 'transitional period' involved when all he has to worry about is rushing a QB.