Brett Favre Thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by SyracuseJet, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. SyracuseJet

    SyracuseJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2007
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    If you wanna post about Brett sucking or screwing the Jets or anything else, post it here.

    My two cents.

    1. We knew what we were getting into when we got him. We knew with TDs came INTs. Quit acting like that's news.

    2. Brett threw 22 picks. And he threw 22 TDs. So, if my math is correct, EVEN IF EACH INT WAS RETURNED FOR A TD, Brett still cancelled it out with a TD of his own. So, his TD/INT didn't HELP or HURT the Jets. (Is that reaching?)

    3. You can blame Brett, but let's not forget our Defense DIED.

    4. Mangini sucks. Sorry, but it's true. Enjoy Cleveland fat boy.

    5. PLEASE don't say that we'd be in the playoffs with Chad. He played the same this year as he always has. Let it go.

    Ok, have at it fellas.
  2. RevisCB

    RevisCB New Member

    Aug 16, 2007
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    Unfortunately Favre is going to come up in nearly every topic, although it would be good to keep it all to one thread, all attempts to do so will be in vain. Talking about the draft, he will come up, about future coaching situations he will come up, what went wrong, he will come up, his name will work its way into every thread posted on this board about the Jets, sad but true ;) lol
  3. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    I always thought Favre was over rated. Loved getting him for the circus effect on the team and the possability of catching lightning in a bottle and moving on to our next QB in a year or two. Stability is way over rated when you are a stable mediocre team.

    Favre probably doesn't come back, the Jets will need to move forward on a QB finally and the team gets the big shake up it needs to either fall into the pitt of being a crappy team or maybe moving forward and getting to the next level. Having a slow team with limited weapons on both sides of the ball with a smart game manager wasn't taking us anywhere.
  4. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    I will take 9-7 over 4-12 any day of the week.
  5. keypusher

    keypusher Member

    Sep 23, 2008
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    Yes, it's reaching, for two reasons. First, and most importantly, other quarterbacks also throw TD passes without throwing as many interceptions. Lets assume Favre threw 32 TDs and 32 INTs, while every QB the Jets played threw 32 TDs and 16 INTs. That means Favre and the opposing QBs each throw two TDs per game, but Favre throws two INTs and the other QB only throws one.

    Putting this more concretely, Favre threw 22 TDs and 22 INTs. Pennington threw 19 TDs and 7 INTs. Guess who hurt his team more. Guess who helped his team more.

    (By the way, I am leaving out fumbles. Favre fumbled 10 times, and lost eight. Pennington fumbled three times, and lost one. So the overall TO ratio at QB was 30:8 -- nearly 4:1. Given that ratio, it's surprising the Jets finished only two games behind the Phins.)

    Second, you are implicitly assuming that the Jets would not have scored at all on any of the drives in which Favre threw TD passes. That's not true, of course. if a QB throws a 15 yard completion to the end zone, he gets a TD pass. If he throws a 14 yard completion to the one yard line and a running back takes it in on the next play, he doesn't get a TD pass. But the team still scores either way.

    "The same as he always has" (or even considerably worse) would have been quite good enough to get the Jets to the playoffs, given the talent elsewhere on the roster, and the Pats' injuries.

    People make decisions based on what they know at the time, and not with the benefit of hindsight. Getting Favre and axing Pennington (though not letting him go to a division rival) looked sensible in August. But now that the 2008 season has been played, there is no point in pretending that getting Favre and letting Pennington go to the Phins turned out to be anything other than a catastrophe for the Jets.
    #5 keypusher, Jan 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2009
  6. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Overrated? Or do you mean overrated for this point in his career? He obviously could never be overrated for the totality of what he has done.
  7. NYJ4LF

    NYJ4LF Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Brett Favre has always been a high risk/high reward quarterback. We knew that going into it.
  8. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    I can't believe no one started a Brett Favre thread until now.

    Now we can have a separate Brett Favre thread. Great.
  9. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    I'm still waiting for the reward. Which will be him saying "I'm done".
  10. puddnhead

    puddnhead New Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    The 2007 Favre is worth bringing back for 2009, if he's still available

    Favre stunk for the majority of this year. Pretty much as much as he did, or more, as he did in 2005.

    But even though that's the case, your comment is laughable. Favre is "overrated" for the totality of his career? LOL. And it's not all just about age, that he was good in 90s but has been washed up this decade, as people keep suggesting. Just look at 2007 alone. He led the 2nd best passing offense in the league, throwing for over 4k yards even though the YPC of the running game on his 2007 was in the bottom 3 in the league for over half the season, had a very good td/int ratio, and had multiple highlight reels of incredible plays, with not too many bad ones.

    Here's the real situation, if you cut through the posing and hype and biases: the 2008 Favre is obviously forgettable, if that's all he has left then we don't want him back. But if the 2007 Favre is still in there somewhere, that is by far the best option the Jets have at QB right now.

    I personally think Rhodes is on to something. For 2007 Favre worked out and got into really good shape in offseason, he mentioned before that season that he started doing that in 2006 & thought that's why he'd not been very good in 2005. For 2008 it doesn't look like he did that (since he thought he was retired and all). The question is, for 2009 will he make this kind of commitment or not? Rhodes hit it right on the head.

    Regarding all this "aloof" stuff that's come out in last day ... I don't know what to make of that. It was only six weeks ago that multiple veteran players were going "on the record" to say how great a presence he was in the locker room. Something is not jiving between those two accounts.
  11. MudBowl Survivor

    MudBowl Survivor New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    There is simply no defending the Brett Favre trade. NOt now, not at the time, never. The Jets are getting paid back for treating Pennington the way they did and catering to this lowlife, selfish, egomaniac, number hanging QB who has been past his prime for years now. 2007 was a total abberation, obviously. Brett Favre's next clutch pass will be his first.
  12. puddnhead

    puddnhead New Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    Rule of thumb in life: Usually, when someone says something is an "obvious aberration," it's because they can't actually explain it. Brett Favre lived one giant "aberration" stretching over 5 months, 18 games, a thousand plays from scrimmage. Errr ... okie dokie. If all that's possible, wouldn't it be four times as believable to sya it was the last 5 games that were the abberation? Just saying ...
    OMG, now we're saying Brett Favre has never thrown a clutch pass? LMAO. It's pretty hard to take anything you are saying seriously after that!
  13. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Favre did what he does he looks great at times and does some of the dumbest stuff you can every see some times. He's been doing that his entire career in big spots. Great talent, great body, a true iron man. The guy is 39, he probably can't hold up for a full season or play in cold weather anymore? I always thought he was a really good second tier NFL historic QB but that's me, I didn't see him playing the Lions twice a year I saw him in the big national games every year. No shame in getting old and since Broke Back mountain, it's okay to wear wranglers and be a Diva.

    It was fun it didn't work out the guy is done, see ya!
  14. JetGreen

    JetGreen New Member

    Mar 5, 2006
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    Um..., The game against the Pats at Foxboro. Overtime. 3rd and 15. We have no momentum. So who found Keller with a great pass? Who then threw great passes leading to a field goal and a huge win?

    Favre was pretty poor through this entire season and was a huge factor in us missing the playoffs, but to say he's never thrown a clutch pass when in fact he's thrown a few this season alone is just wrong.
  15. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I think Favre has earned the right to take a couple of weeks here to think about what he's going to do--not from this year but based on who he is. Having said that, once his uncertain status is standing in our way of progress, whether that's trying to land the right coach or get on with the off-season, then it's time to bring him back or cut him loose. I don't want this thing looming over us from now until camp. We're not Green Bay, we have no history or loyalty with him, cutting him loose will not be an emotional crisis for 99% of us. If he wants to come back and he's the best option for the 2009 Jets, then so be it. If not, bye, thanks for giving it a shot.
  16. jigglebilly

    jigglebilly New Member

    Aug 8, 2008
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    Congratulations, you are the first person on this board I will officially declare, an idiot.

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