Unless I'm badly mistaken, every score but the Ravens' was shown on the scoreboards today at the stadium. One time, one time, I think they showed that the Jags were leading 7-3, and of course, everyone cheered. I understand wanting to keep people engaged in the game no matter what, but come on. How old are we? Probably half of the 78k in attendance have Internet access on their phones (or at least 25%). Of course, web access is spotty during games due to, I guess, interference (...or Mangini's signal jamming tactics....). But really, what is this, Beijing? Show us the f'ing score and stop treating us like babies, you commie bastards!
Everybody knew the scores. From the players to the fans in the stands. It's no coincidence the Jets play sagged once Baltimore pulled away. The wind got taken out of our sails
I know, so why not show it? That's so bush league...or Beijing league... Whatever. I guess that's the least of our woes, but really....this is 2008, and we're all adults here. Maybe if we all closed our eyes and covered our ears, Baltimore and NE wouldn't exist and we'd control our own destiny. Yeah, that's the ticket!
The only time I saw the wind taken out of the Jets sails was after Favre's several back breaking interceptions. But I agree it was bush league not showing the scores.
That first Favre INT was a classic Favre pass/punt. Just close your eyes and hurl it and hope somone on your team catches it. Damn. I still haven't drank enough to forget this game. Off to grab another beer....
I was on my blackberry during the game and calling the score as I saw it anyway. It was pretty obvious midway through the second quarter that we were not going to the playoffs. What a waste of time.
I don't think it was bush league at all. Keep the players focused on the game, don't have them looking at the scoreboard. With today's technology, it's not that hard at all to find out the score of the other games. And if there was good news, they'd tell us.
I strongly disagree. What other decisions should they make for us? Again, in the grand scheme of things, who gives a rats arse? But censoring scores? We're not in Beijing.
In theory it's supposed to keep the players from finding out but if you saw the long faces on the sidelines with 7-8 minutes to go (that Mike'd Up just showed) they knew. Keeping the scoreboard vacated is an empty gesture really, there's always gonna be a handful of players that want to know no matter what and they have ways of finding out and then word spreads.
Agree. I understand the theory. It's like telling your kids that the dog went to doggie Heaven. Or that Santa Claus brings the presents, that the Stork brings the new kids (rather than Mommie/Daddie getting it on), that the tooth fairy gives you money for teeth, etc, etc). But just not showing the score on the big board is so ineffective in 2008 that it makes the whole thing seem silly. Also, we're all adults (even the players), and we're not in Beijing. So it winds up just being annoying and silly (how many times did I have to whip out the iPhone instead of just looking slightly to my right to see the scores of every other game?).
i have to agree that it is absolutely absurd to not show all the scores. if thats the case then take the fuckin scoreboards down, dont show highlights during the game. dont announce any scores. if the players cant stay motivated whether they know or not, when playing the hated dollfags!!!!! seriously i want to know who they are and make them go away. these are the types of things that people end up going... oh i guess they didnt show the scores cause they didnt want me to go home and lose on concession sales... cause ill bet a million dollars there are people out there saying it.
well that helped too, but once it became clear the season was over, they didn't really seem too motivated to finish this game strong. That reflects poorly on mangini and so what if we did win...to just put belichick in the playoffs? Lose-Lose scenario.
not true, I distinctly remember several crowd shots where they panned up and you could clearly see the Bears score flashing on the board.
yes true. The announcers made a point of it during the game and showed the scoreboard to prove it. They said Childress made the decision so the team wouldn't be distracted.
Just about every team does it in these situations. Has nothing to do with keeping the fans interested, it's to keep the players focused on the game. I agree it's kind of pointless, players are going to find out anyway, but I don't think it has anything to do with keeping the fans engaged in the game.