Jets Mortgaged their future, Big Time

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by BomberJet, Dec 25, 2008.

  1. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    Mortgage the future big time?

    The only way we give up a first is if we win the Super Bowl, and I'm pretty sure we'd all be fine with that.

    and bradwaysux...who's to say that the young QB's won't benefit immensely from sitting behind a HOF QB?
  2. Salz

    Salz New Member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    QB- I agree with ya. Ainge or Clemens will have to step it up.
    RB- Finding a competent to replace Thomas Jones in a few years won't be very difficult. It's an easy position to find.
    WR- Coles is old, but Cotchery is young and a good WR2. Clowney and Stuckey are also young and have potential, particularly Clowney. We need a legitimate WR1, and I don't care how old he is.
    G- Yeah, Faneca may only have a few more years left, but hopefully they will be productive. Brandon Moore hasn't turned 30, but we should draft a guard with potential either this year or in 2010.
    T- Woody's old, but he'll give us a few more decent years. We should find his heir apparent soon, though.
    DE- I'm with ya here. Our ends are old and pretty unproductive. This is an area of concern now and in the future. Gholston could be moved here, perhaps.
    LB- Not really with ya on this one. Harris is really young, Pace is somewhat young. Barton is aging, and Bryan Thomas might be getting up there, but the future at this position looks good to me.
    CB- I think Lowery will turn out to be a good CB. I expect him to make strides next year, and if he does, him and Revis should be manning the corners for us for awhile.

    So in summary, we need to get young at a few positions, but we can also fill some of those holes when they arrive with free agents too. I don't think the future is as dire as you make it out to be. I like the job Tennenbaum has done.
  3. keypusher

    keypusher Member

    Sep 23, 2008
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    If the Jets had given up tons of draft picks to get the players they got this year, then they would have mortgaged the future. If they were paying Favre an enormous salary and had to cut promising young players to stay under the salary cap, they would be mortgaging the future. Neither of those is true, though.

    A 30-year-old #1 RB is definitely a concern, but it's not like Jones is a colossal talent anyway. He won't be hard to replace.

    If you assume that the Jets' FO will fail to replace the current talent, simply because it's the Jets' FO (after all, it's not like Tannenbaum was the GM in 1984 or 1989 or 1994), you are not being rational.
  4. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    Yeah, Favres 10 year deal is going to kill us.. Mortgaged everything...

    Puhlease - It was a 1 year roll of the dice. Little was lost unless you thought this team was going to a Super Bowl this year.
  5. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    We all know hind sight is 20/20. I have to say, i loved the idea of Favre coming here. I didn't like how they handled the Pennington situation, getting nothing for him, but i wasn't screaming about that at the time.
    You look at some of the guys we signed, who along with Favre, are on the wrong side of 30, and you realize this team was taking an all or nothing approach.
    If Favre retires(PLEASE!), and we have to develope a rookie QB, if that QB doesn't turn out to have a year like Flacco, Ryan, or Cassell, we're dead. If we need a few seasons to let him develope, our window of opportunity will be slammed shut. None of these FA's will be worth much by then.
    We have a 30+ year old Rb(Jones)Wr(Coles), o-line(Faneca, Woody),all of whom count mega $ against the cap. This is obviously not a good situation.
    On the defensive side you've got Ellis, Barton,Law,Thomas(?),Jenkins, who are on the wrong side of 30, also. Another problem.
    This team was shooting for the stars this season. They put all thier chips on one #, and lost it all. This was a Superbowl or bust season. We busted, big time.
    As much as we don't want to admit it, we are headed for a rebuilding. We need to upgrade our LB's, DB's,WR"s, and QB.Our defensive line will be one year older, also.
    What our FO did was underestimate how our shortcomings would effect the rest of the team. We can't cover RB's, or TE's, with our LB's, teams just throw at any corner not named Revis, and our coaching staff cannot devise any in game adjustments to stop what opponents are having success with.
    Sad to say it, but we gambled and lost. We are headed for a rebuilding phase, and that phase should start at the head coach, and continue with the QB.
  6. Namath2Kolber

    Namath2Kolber New Member

    Nov 28, 2006
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    Exactly. Chad was not the future of this team. Giving up one or two picks is not mortgaging the future of the team.

    Now you want to talk about mortgaging the future of the team, let's take a look at Bryan Thomas and Vernon Gholston.
  7. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Actually, it's just being in the SB. The Jets can lose the SB but still have to give up the 1st. But I wouldn't worry about that, first you have to get into the playoffs.
  8. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    Over time, yes I think he might lose something. It's not entirely coaching, but I think the smaller things will start drifting away and he'll get progressively worse.

    First year in, he's making nice reads, nice throws, and he has some running skills. Which is all great stuff, but he's also not going to have this CS, Randy Moss or Wes Welker.

    There's not a major amount of footage on the guy that teams can really pour over either. Not that it's that much of a factor but every little bit helps.
  9. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    The future was mortaged by taking Gholston and paying him a fortune and we can't unload his cap hit. Favre cost us nothing. He is gone when he is gone, no dead money just a pick that can be replaced with an FA impact player when his 12 million comes right off the books the day he leaves.
  10. JUNJOBX2199

    JUNJOBX2199 New Member

    Oct 9, 2006
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    The title of this thread is interesting. Many Teams go out and spend a fortune when trying to attain the greatest feat that is the Lombardi Trophy. We have also lived through at least two era's in Jets history where we had to shed our super stars because we had mortgaged the future to win now. NFL coaches with the exception of a few are even more short lived then the stat on players , so its a win now mentality that drives some new coaches and others who have been around for a while with nothing to show for it. Unfortunately we gambled and it hasn't completely panned out for us , but we still have tomorrow as they say and maybe more (Please oh please). I keep reading that we should pick up Cassel and we should go after this one and start Brett Ratliff. Who here can actually say they have the right answer? None!

    The New york Jets do not do anything easy.......ever ! People like to point to 98 , but think if instant replay were around and we didnt get that touch down in seattle , we would have still made the playoffs but may have had a different road that would have changed that history for the better or the worst ....who knows?

    we cannot second guess the decisions that are made in the here and now. the proper way to determine the true consequences is the end result. next year we will not have to shed all the new acquisition and we will be able to jell that much more and hopefully forge an identity , rather then feed off of the one the hall of fame QB came with.
  11. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    Haven't found a Giants board yet?
  12. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Ah typical Jets fan, I give you facts and you get all salty. Fact: 1st round pick is for MAKING the SB.

    I found one, I'm going to finish up my stay here, there's only one game left in the season anyway, then from next year on I'll post at giantszone, if I post at all. There really is no need to post or anything at all, or to stop posting at one place. I can just speak to my friends that are Giants fans just as easily. Most of my friends are Giants fans anyway if they follow football. It's the Jets that you have trouble finding decent fans for, so you'd need a board to interact with them.
  13. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    Yea I know. I'm just f'n with you.

    I don't think you should make the conversion. You'd be jumping ship at the wrong time in Jets history. :)
  14. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    C'mon, people. We really have to get off this b.s. already. Look at the 1998 standings for crying out loud.

    If the Jets lost that game to Seattle (and everything after that game in the regular season played out the same way), the Jets still would have been the 2 seed. The Jets at 11-5 would have held the tiebreaker advantage over 11-5 Jacksonville.

    It is a MYTH that that phantom touchdown helped the Jets in any real way. It was simply cosmetic from a Jets point-of-view. It made their record 12-4 instead of 11-5. They were going to be the 2 seed either way.

    To JUNJOBX2199,
    I am not trying embarrass you because it is an honest mistake, but this was the straw that broke the camel's back. I have seen this Seattle myth far too often on this forum. I correct people on it all the time. Maybe a mod should made a sticky thread about Jets myths. Another infamous one is Ben Davidson breaking Joe Namath's jaw (Ike Lassiter was the actual culprit).
  15. al_toon_88

    al_toon_88 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2005
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    Can't you wait until after this Sunday's game to begin your Jet funeral oration?

    Your bashing is more effective when done like this:

    Jets lose / choke to officially end their season ---> (then) You trash the organization by making statements that, while irrefutable, are at the same time impossible to verify, and most likely amount to a re-stating of the obvious
    #35 al_toon_88, Dec 26, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2008
  16. mj2sexay

    mj2sexay Active Member

    Oct 18, 2005
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    I know I might get killed so I'll only offer my opinion after shooting this name out...but what about McNabb for next year assuming the eagles don't keep him?
  17. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    There is too much controversy with that guy.

    Beyond that, I personally would hate it. I simply hate the way he throws a football. He's an awkward looking player. I just do not like watching him play the game. Elvis Grbac was another guy like that. Just an ugly guy to watch.
  18. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Too much controversy? You don't like the way he looks throwing the football?

    I don't care if he has pink hair and shoots the football out his ass so long as he's helping the team win. The guy is an outstanding QB, and I'd love to see him on the Jets if Favre retires.
  19. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    1. Cap's disappearing.

    2. We would have had to pay any top 10 pick a shitload of money. Blame no rookie cap on that, not the Jets incompetence.

    Rookies get paid way too damn much.
  20. OhioJetsFan

    OhioJetsFan Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    Speaking of Gholston... is he truly a bust, or the victim of bad coaching, or somewhere in the middle? (I'm in the middle on that one.)

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