It's The Coaching, Stupid

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Wahoo, Dec 21, 2008.

  1. johnny

    johnny Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    When you are down by seven and you don't even try a FG (from the 50) when the kicker made a kick that would have good from 55 you are making a bad decision. Simple as that. You can rationalize it all you want (field position), but that lack of three points hurt. To me that scared, passive coaching and I have seen this time and again from this staff.

    Although I didn't agree with it at the time (and I still don't) I din't mind the fourth and two call as much. Reasoning: at that point of the game (down by seven - three miutes to play) the game is going to come down to making a single play at some point. Whether you go for it on fourth down there or at some point later in the game it doesn't really matter at that point.

    However, while I'm not enamoured with the staff you just can't put it all on them. Favre missed a bunch of passes today. Coles dropped a good pass by Favre on that fourth down play. Also, on a key third down at the end of the half Elam (I think) had the RB for a loss. That would have caused a fourth down and a FG attempt. Instead he misses the tackle and the RB gets the first down and they score a TD two plays later. That's just bad execution on the players. Not poor coaching.

    Fire Mangini all you want. However, the coaches are not the only ones at fault here.
  2. JoeWalton

    JoeWalton Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    "I thought Feeley was going to lose his mind there for a minute... Man, was he pissed or what."

    Wouldn't you be? He knew how solid he kicked the first one. Asshole Mangini didn't even bother to ask him if he thought if he could kick it through from another 5 out. Arrogant prick!
  3. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I thought Mangina would have at least considered it. The team really needed a lift at that point but that would have force Mangini to consider such nuanced things as "momentum" and "emotional lift". Things he evidently hasn't has alot of experience with.
  4. desert swordz

    desert swordz Totally Addicted

    Apr 29, 2006
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    It's understood that players are responsible for their own tackling abilities, lol. still, it's the coaches job to try to either teach or preach such simple nfl fundamentals, such as tackling, to his players.

    did you watch the niners game?? remember the one instance where Patrick Willis had trouble taking down neon leon?? what did singletary do?? right after that play, you saw singletary on the sidelines talking to pat, stressing that with shifty runners like leon, a player must watch the player's core/hips/mid-section in their pursuit. no ones doubting that willis lacked the ability to chase down and tackle a running back. despite this singletary was still seen coaching him up. it has to take a collective effort from both the player and the coach. it's not right to blame one or the other. the player has the ability and should be able to do such simple things, but if he forgets to follow through on the "simple fundamentals", it should be the coaches job to set his ass straight. you never see mangini talking or coaching up his players on the sidelines.

    Actually there may be some merit in blaming the CS for penalties. For the most part, penalties are the result of lack of discipline on the football field. team discipline=coaching responsibility.

    i still think it's the gameplanning/in-game calls and adjustments thats the biggest problems with our coaching though.
  5. GermanJetBerlin

    GermanJetBerlin New Member

    Aug 25, 2008
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    CP gets away from the Jets. Has a career year. A MVP-runner up comes in, alongside with a ton of talent in other areas. Has the 2nd worst year of his career. Explain to me, if that does not happen by desastrous coaching and gameplanning.


    There cannot be any doubt, Brett Favre is the better QB. CP would have looked like last year. He was about ot loose the TC-Battle. Brett coming in that late, working out bfore with high school kids, has failed. Tell him to come back, prepare like he did in 2007. But before...

  6. desert swordz

    desert swordz Totally Addicted

    Apr 29, 2006
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    i agree. we had some questionable in-game calls made today, but still, some of our players still underperformed or failed to execute.

    how many times did we see favre either underthrow or overthrow our targets??? i was livid when he missed a seemingly open clowney.

    however, you can't really fault favre on that drop by coles. it was actually a well-placed ball. coles kinda had a tough time with that considering there were 2 other defenders, but i think he shoulda came up with that ball. you can, however, question favre's decision to go 40 yards down the field on a 4th and 4.
  7. johnny

    johnny Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    Agreed. Coles has GOT to catch that ball. IMHO this had been his worst year as a Jet. I've never seen him drop so many passes. You wonder is his concussions has caused him to lack the necessary focus. It seemed like he used to catch everything that was in his grasp. Now he's got just as many drops as players with "bigger play" capability. Without his surehandedness his value really does go down.
  8. johnny

    johnny Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    Great point. I don't want a coach to be a raving lunatic on the sideline. However, I'd like some proof that he communicates with the players on the sidelines. You wonder if he fails to communicate with the players on the sidelines during the games does he have the same attitude during the week when he's trying to implement his gameplan.
  9. The Green Dude

    The Green Dude 2008 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Jun 3, 2004
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    get rid the the three knuckleheads in my signature...
  10. azpackjetfan

    azpackjetfan New Member

    Dec 8, 2008
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    You can question Favre going for the bomb with Coles, but what other choice did he have? Did you see his receivers just glued to the defenders, not even trying to get open? I was sick thinking the season might come down to that play and they're just standing there,except Coles.
    I thought while we had the momentum on that first drive we should have gone for it. Not taking the FG. In week 3, sure kick it get on the boad. You have to coach differently in the BIG games.
    Second Drive, bad drop by Coles for a first down. Plus the whole thing went sour when on 2nd 11, their DE jumps off side and we don't snap it for a free play. We wait for him to get back and then we hold bringing up a 2nd and 21.
    I have harped on this before, Mangini has to have some sort of communication that if and when you see a defender jump offside, snap it and send everyone on go and seam routes. It's a FREE Play. Take a shot.
    Bad route running altogether. I thought they practiced in the snow! You have to change your game plan to quick stops and comebacks and not try those timing and back shoulder routes. That's on the coaching, Stupid!
    Bubba Franks needs to make that catch and pick up that first down. Awful drop, momentum killer.
    Bad decision to not kick the FG after Feely just hit from 45 and would have good from 55.
    And that leads up to the poor third down play call with the season on the line. Just pick up the first down, or run a draw to pick up the three or four yards you need.
    Finally, Coles needs to catch with his HANDS. He let that ball get into his body and the defender was able to knock it away.
    Tough season altogether but might come down to three plays we don't make in the last three losses. Cotchery not coming down with the ball on the sideline vs Denver. Keller not catching the TD vs SF, and now Coles not coming up big when we needed a big play.
    We seem to play worse when we control our playoff seeding, maybe we'll play better not having that luxury.
  11. Matty Jets

    Matty Jets Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2004
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    Unfortunately Mangini's staying another year.
    He has a good relationship with Woody and Tanny and Cowher won't come here.

    My big problem with Mangini is not trusting Feely to re-kick the field goal. Why play it so safe when he did the direct opposite later in the game, when they went for it in their own territory? There is no consistency to this guy. Was it Favre's call to go for it?

    Dec 21, 2008
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    Mangini flat out has to go. The past three losses can be nearly entirely attributed to him. He had absolutely no heart and no fire, evident in his post game press conferences, and this translates into his players playing with absolutely no fire. They dont want to play for him right now and to me you cant blame the coordinators, its manginis fault. He said it himself that this week he was much more involved in defensive meetings and play calling, he messed it up. In most cases, the coordinators are listening to what he is telling them to do.
    I truly believe that Cowher is the answer.If you look at the steelers team of today, they are the best D in the league because of him. Even though hes no longer there, he taught thoses players still there how to play with intensity and heart. Then, in turn, those players taught new players those same ideals and techniques after Cowher left. Cowher would bring great things to the jets and in my opinion the organization must do whatever it takes to get him in new york.
  13. Matty Jets

    Matty Jets Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2004
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    Cowher's not coming way. Mangini will be here to finish his contract.
  14. TommyGreen

    TommyGreen Trolls

    Sep 8, 2002
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    We came in to play a weaker team in the West Coast. It's the coach's job to get the team ready, and it's the coach's job to execute a winning game strategy. And it's also the coach's job to make the calls on the field that lead us to a win.

    Mangini did NONE of those things!!
  15. coloradojet

    coloradojet Active Member

    Oct 5, 2003
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    You forgot about the playcalling and the schemes. How good are they? The other QB has always all the time he wants to wait in the pocket until a receiver gets open because they never rush more than a few or ever blitz. You think the plays you call on offense make no difference? And who calls the plays, the players?
  16. al_toon_88

    al_toon_88 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2005
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    At this point, I'd be all for bringing Marty Schottenheimer on board.

    At least we'd be in the playoffs every year. I can deal with Martyball. Anything but more of this BS.
  17. xmscott

    xmscott Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    I need that as an avatar
  18. Quinnenthebeast

    Quinnenthebeast Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2008
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    Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if there is a player mutiny and everyone finally speaks their mind. Mangini must go!
  19. Tony

    Tony Bipedal, Reformed

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I hate to say this, but I agree. This entire staff needs to go.
  20. Traveling

    Traveling New Member

    Sep 7, 2008
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    I think the problem is other teams have figured out the Jets offense game plan. The bread-and-butter for the Jets team in those two good wins were the short pass and timely runs. The Jets lack a legitimate deep threat and teams know it. The defenses are sitting down on routes and the receivers are not able to get open because all the plays are supposed to go short. If you get the chance to rewatch the game, notice how little the receivers are open. Everyone says how Favre is throwing into double coverage or tight coverage. The reason is the defenses have figured out this team and the Jets haven't done anything to change.

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