Hypothetical-What If:: What if the Jets beat Denver but lost to the 2 or 4 win teams?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by NDmick, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    What would you rather have?

    In the next 4 games, I'd rather have this loss to Denver as opposed to losing against shit NFC West teams or division rivals.

    If they did win Sunday, and lose any of these games, the mentality here would be a worse meltdown that it is now. Don't deny it, there would be no rationalization, you'd all go crazy and set cars on fire.

    This was the only acceptable loss left in the schedule, and the Jets weren't going 13-3.

    I'm not saying smile at this loss, but understand that losing to a bi-polar division leader isn't as bad as losing to teams with top 10 draft picks.

    I know that the next few games have to be played, but I think the winning steak loss is now out of their system. It's time to roll.
  2. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Rather lose to one of the NFC teams, due to AFC tiebreakers.
  3. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    true, but my thinking is that with losing to those shit teams, all hell would break lose 10x worse.
  4. bassman

    bassman Member

    Nov 25, 2005
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    No I'd rather lose to San Fran or Seattle. I hate Shannahan and besides I'd rather win against the AFC teams.
  5. RobA

    RobA 2005-2007 TGG.com Most Optimistic Award Winner

    Oct 27, 2005
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    Actually, this loss is worse. Out west you can always make the excuse of the west coast trip, in the division you could say they always split with the bills, or they played the fins soft cause they had a playoff spot clinched. Lots of possible excuses, can't think of any for denver.
  6. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    If you could make some deal with me that this loss would guarentee wins in San Francisco and Seattle then I would say deal.

    The problem is, the Jets did lose to Denver and could still lose in San Fran or Seattle.
  7. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    You never want to lose at home. We also already lost to Oakland, so why do I have to sign on for another loss at all? Well it's done now, nothing to do except look forward to winning these next 7.
  8. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    What if the Jets lose to Denver and lose to 2 of the 4 remaining teams? You see how ridiculous this thread is?
  9. Willie WhiteShoes

    Willie WhiteShoes New Member

    Oct 4, 2005
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    Losing is losing. I thought this team was actually growing into something. They just proved me wrong........again, for like the 5000th time. This was a bad loss. It was what's called "a let down game". They call it that for a reason.

  10. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    You guys are reading his post wrong. He is not talking about Buffalo or Miami.

    He is talking about the 2 and 4 WIN teams. (Seattle and San Francisco)
  11. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    right, I'd rather take the hit on a team going to the post season than a team looking at a top 10 draft pick.
  12. Heavy Metal Thunder

    Aug 19, 2008
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    I'm sorry but I respectfully think that your logic is severely flawed and I will explain why...

    1) You make it sound as if losing to DEN lessens the likelihood of losing to SF, SEA, BUF and MIA. Even though we lost this game we can still lose one or more of our remaining games.

    2) You say that we weren't gonna go 13-3. It's easy to say that now that we lost but we went into the DEN game as a 7.5 point favorite and will be the favorite going into all of our remaining games. There was absolutely no reason to believe that we could not finish 13-3.

    3) Yes, you are correct that this is not the end of the world, but calling a loss to an inferior team a blessing in disguise is going too far. Sometimes we try to find a silver lining that just isn't there. If we lost because they laid out a blueprint on how to exploit some wrinkle on our offense or defense, then we should be happy that we had time to fix it before the post-season.... but poor run defense, poor pass coverage, poor execution and poor play-calling are not wrinkles.
  13. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Yeah it's a stupid thread. It's like when somebody asks you would you rather be raped up the ass by a big burly guy or a hot chick with a dildo. Both options suck, why even waste time dwelling on it? Either option you pick makes you a homosexual (not that there's anything wrong with it, it's just what you'd be). The correct answer, if you are heterosexual male, is neither.

    Just like for this thread. Is it better to lose to Denver or lose to the Raiders? Neither. Both losses sucked. Celebrating losses makes you a Pats fan. Incidentally, they're all homosexuals too.
  14. Cornfed

    Cornfed Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    I agree with the original poster. Yes, any loss sucks. Also, I think the Jets are better than Denver this year. And, I agree that AFC losses are worse than NFC losses.

    But Denver has looked great and terrible this year. I think the original poster called them bi-polar, which I think is apt. This is as opposed to the shit 49ers and Seattle, who are, shall we say, shit?

    At least Denver has some weapons and has a more respectable record.

    I dunno. I'm probably thinking about this too much, and yes, any loss sucks. I just don't think there are that many elite teams this year - maybe just the Giants? - who you expect to win all the time. If the Jets can beat the two shit teams on their remaining schedule then split with Buffalo and Miami, we'll be sitting pretty, likely with a home playoff game.
  15. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    There has been only one undefeated team in NFL history. And one more that was undefeated up to the final game, but was expected to win that too. Are you seriously telling me a team has to go undefeated to be an elite team?

    There are elite teams now. I'd say the Giants, Steelers and Titans are elite teams. The Cowboys with Romo might be an elite as well. I don't think we're an elite team though. But the Giants last year weren't elite either.
  16. Cornfed

    Cornfed Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Of course I'm not saying a team has to go undefeated to be considered elite. I just said I think the Giants may be the only elite team this year, and they're not undefeated. So of course I wasn't saying that.

    This year, though, I think the Titans are close, but they lost to the Jets (a team I don't consider elite). The Bucs and Carolina...especially Carolina...seem to be next closest in my opinion this season. But I don't think they're on the Giants' level. And now with Romo back, I'd agree the Cowboys may come close to that status, too, though I recall them starting to go a little sour a game or two before Romo went down (would have to look that up to substantiate that claim).

    Not much science here, but that's my opinion.
  17. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    You said a team doesn't have to be undefeated to be elite, but then say the Titans aren't elite because they lost a game. I don't get that. I'd say if you win 12 or more games in a season you're an elite team. 13 if you really want to hold a high standard. The Titans will win at least 13.
  18. Cornfed

    Cornfed Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Like I said, I'm not applying much science here, and I bet if you read my posts a few more times closely you'd find some other inconsistencies. It's not just that the Titans lost to the Jets. There are now two 1 loss teams. I'm kind of putting the Giants on a higher plane than the Titans since they had that crazy run at the end of last year which seems to have carried over.

    I think I agree that a 12 win team is elite. Almost definitely 13 and up win teams, and certainly higher than that. So you're right that Tenn probably belongs in that class as well.

    OK, it's late, I took a lunesta 20 minutes ago, so my moments of cohesive thoughts are dwindling. Have a good night!
  19. GSourJr

    GSourJr New Member

    Mar 16, 2004
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    When it's AFC vs NFC, psychology is not even a consideration.

    The out-of-conference loss only hurts the team 1 way: In the W/L column.

    The "in-conference loss" hurts the Jets 3 ways:

    1) Won/Loss Column
    2) Conference tie-breakers vs other AFC wild-card contenders if we stumble going for the division.
    3) Head to head vs. Denver for seeding if we both win our respective divisions with the same record. Right now, Denver is one game behind us. If we end up tied at say 11-5, they would get the higher seed. Then if we somehow manage to be the last two teams standing, the AFC Championship happens back in Denver...again.
  20. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I think the scariest part of this for me is that we are 1-3 against the second worst division in football and could easily have been 0-4. Luckily, we probably won't see any AFCW teams in the playoffs if we hold onto the division.

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