so every loss is SOJ, and every win is "maybe not SOJ" how does that mentality translate into anything to be proud of? Ok, I am too young to get it. But it doesn't make any sense to me. This happens in the NFL all the time. Winning streaks end. They weren't going 13-3. If the 49ers kill the Jets, i'll be right next to you.
I don't support this mentality either. I think some posters are being too cuckoo with this game. The Broncos are not a joke team. They had number of injuries, but every team has injuries. The Broncos have a top coach, QB, and offensive line. Two weeks ago, Denver won in Atlanta. Nobody else has beaten the Falcons in Atlanta this year. Also, the SOJ don't beat 10-0 teams on the road.
exactly, lets face it, if it wasnt soj they would go 13-3 and establish themselves as THE team to beat. The jets have never done that. Im not saying that this team cant go anywhere, i think the sky is the limit, but I still feel we are looking at the soj in certain aspects. Why cant they throw us a bone here? The soj dont dominate. Im not saying the jets wont make noise this year, but I wish for just once that they could earn the title of "the team to beat." Lets see how we rebound from this, time will tell if this truly is soj, right now it looks like it. Time will tell.
No one expected the Giants to win the Super Bowl last year. And what was their record last year: 10-6? Whatever it was, i remembr they almost never won games at home, they got booed all the tim, and the media was calling for their head coach to be fired right up until the end of their incredible run... So stop worrying about "13-3." There's a long line of 13-3 teams that failed to win the Super Bowl. This Jets team is still writing their legacy, and to me, it still doesn't look so bad.
That's it. The mentality. I hate to say it because I'm personally attacking fellow Jets fans on this - but this mentality doesn't deserve a Super Bowl. Neither do the Cubs or Browns. If losing and failing and "woe is me" is the thought process. Then sit and watch everyone else get a ring. Its just like real life. Slumping the shoulders and kicking the ground and watching success fall into the hands of people you hate gets you where you are. Brett Favre doesn't do that shit and thats why he's had one losing season in his whole career. Let's learn from our new QB. The thinking needs to change.
right, well thats why i said i still feel the sky is the limit, meaning a super bowl appearance and maybe even a win is possible, but as of this very moment they are scaring me into thinking they may be soj.
lol the Broncos just got dominated by the Raiders. Yeah, THOSE Raiders. They're not a good team. Even in the AFCW if we had just beaten them they'd be a .500 team. I'm not so sure they finish above that this year even so. You're going to opposite extreme, which is no good either. This loss sucked. We shouldn't lose to teams like this. It's a really bad loss. Reading some articles, it seems like this is the angriest Mangini has been from a loss in recent memory. That doesn't happen if this loss isn't a big deal. Winning teams HATE losing. The Jets don't have that mentality right now. They don't try to win at all costs. They don't always give maximum effort. And frankly the fan base encourages it, since you've got people like you and Nick that downplay the loss and try to act like it didn't happen or it doesn't matter at all. It does matter, after every loss all the players and coaches should feel like shit. Once you get used to losing it's pretty much impossible to recover from it. Just ask the Lions. Just ask Kotite.
of course it matters.. i'm just not asking for the head of everyone, thinking that the season is over and that this team is going to collapse into hell. I know that the team can rebound, and the way that the board was during the winning streak will return. there is no middle ground with most people. Thats where I sit, the middle, where its logical and comfy. Illogical people call for Mangini's head and say that we are totally fucked due to this loss. If any of that sunshiner/darksider shit is thrown at me.. I'm thinking positive about this loss but I always want Sutton fired, so I cover both parties.
Yeah, that's cool and all, but really... Do you think all of the team's problems will be solved when the defensive coordinator is replaced? Won't the new guy just be working with the same people currently running the team? Do you honestly think that Rob Ryan (or whoever) is the difference? Isn't this constant "Fire Sutton" stuff just more negative energy directed at a Jets team that, for the first time in a long time, has a decent shot at the Super Bowl? So... Isn't the very act of posting constant demands for the defensive coach to be fired undermining the efforts of the team? Aren't we, as Jets fans, supposed to support the team, and not spend our energy tearing them apart during a season that they have a decent shot at the playoffs and more? Isn't it just plain selfish, and destructive, to demand that the Jets fire a coach at this point in the season? Even if you "FIRE BOB SUTTON" guys are 100% correct, wouldn't it be better for the sake of the team to stop making demands like this whent the team is so close to the playoffs? Could you guys maybe take a few weeks off while the Jets, win or lose, try to make the playoffs? Just wondering...
Sutton's philosophy of never attacking a QB and rushing 3 needs to be changed. If he isn't going to do it, someone else can. Ryan would not rush three and drop back 8. Not one coach/analyst or fan has agreed that's how you win. He's been doing since he's been here. We know where our biggest weakness is. And who the fuck is "you guys"? Don't lump me in with the masses. I'm not as illogical as them, and speaking of illogical - your track record is abysmal. Never lump me in with "those guys." ......"Fake Jets Fan" Me wanting Sutton out since the minute he was rumored to take the position isn't the same as those who gave him a chance. I knew what was coming.
Nah, I wouldn't say you're in the middle. I have yet to see one person post that Mangini should be fired or that we're guaranteed to miss the playoffs. But I have seen several threads and even more posts "calling out" people for doing that. This board is always stupid like that. There are always people on here that go around trying to "call people out" either for being high on the team or for criticizing the team, and people always take it to an extreme. Before you it was that 1969 guy, and before him was DWare but he kinda backed off that and is pretty cool about it now. Either you'll chill out and be around for awhile, or you'll just get yourself banned like 1969 did. Either way is cool, most of us have been around here for years, and will be around, discussing the Jets, win or lose. You're not breaking new ground or anything though.
Dude? You know i am calling out you an all your followers when I say that... Look, I am not a nut. I would never blame a team losing on some messages posted on And please stop calling me a "Fake Jets Fan." That is a very old rap that I shed a long time ago, it's something you and yours cuddle to because you want to. I am not caling you out specifically because you want Sutton fired, I am questioning whether New York fans' constant negativity can ever be versome by the New York Jets. And I am asking if all jets fans could believe in the team--without question--for a few weeks during the playoff push. Obviously, I am wrong. You answered my question. Jets fans just can't let go of being negative, of second-guessing the coaching staff. Guys like you would rather be correct in criticizing the Jets coaching staff than see them win a Super Bowl. And this isn't meant to be a specific criticism towards you, but more of a general observation about Jets fans. I think too many Jets fans would rather be right about how a specific coach or player is a bad coach/player than see their team win a Super Bowl. It might have something to do with being in the Media Center of the World or whatever, but.... there you go.
i'm going to get banned for trying to explain that its not the end of the world? okay. and I don't call people out. I've never said "you were wrong" to anyone. Shit, I've got my own incorrect prediction in my sig. The only things i've posted are about not not melting down over a loss to a division leader. I'm calling for understanding, and I'm being personally attacked and being told that I'm a crock of shit because I'm trying to see things rationally and not being angry enough? I was pissed during the game, and when it was over, I realized the winning streaks end and teams can't play at a high level every week. Sooner or later, the loss comes. No breaks went the Jets way and it started at the Cotchery fumble. Its "one of those games"... but if we were in the Pats situation and this loss happened, i'd be more pissed. But they are in 1st, and things can be OK. excuse me for not melting down and trying to offer that perpective. Pissed yes, but not melting down like everyone else.
Does this team have a chance to go all the way?? Sure. The Giants did it and no one thought they could do it. So can this team, its all about who gets hot from during the days of Winter. But the negativity connected with what you are referring to comes from a want that began a long time ago, and now that things are great it should go away completely. It stays in the sig so that I'm not starting threads about firing people or "We suck its all over" Sutton was rumored to be fired during the offseason. Let's remember that. I want what the Jets want. I believe, and look at my threads and posts, I'm asking for everyone to change the mentality to believing. But the Sutton problem is a personal opinion and instead of harping on it, its there like a tatoo. To be seen and not heard (or consistently typed in this case). Let it sit there, its not bothering anyone but me. And thats all it should bother.... Let what is said in the posts matter. And if you look through the history, it might agree with what you are saying about believing.
Wow, DWare wasn't what everyone thought he was on here, he was turned into it by the bullshit. I can see where he was right most of the time. I'll try not to make the same mistake. Silly internetz.
I like your creativity DBJ and did enjoy your OP more than any other whining SOJs nonsense but god this SOJs nonsense needs to stop after any loss. This is not a SOJs moment. We just won 5 in a row including back to back huge road wins against really good teams. This was a letdown week, its happening throughout this parity driven NFL . It was bound to happen, we were not going to win 13 in a row to win a SB. We are not that good but certainly good enough to win on any week against any opponent. We are 8-4 with a one game lead in the division and a favorable schedule remaining and are still very much alive for the 2 seed and a bye. Be disappointed about the loss but really this SOJ nonsense needs to stop right now. A SOJs game would be losing to a team like SF or Seattle in these next 4 weeks. It was a bad game but see how we recover from it before jumping ship. Like the Oak loss(our last loss 6 weeks ago) noone will remember this loss if we take care of business and win out and get the bye.
Every team loses a game or along the way that they shouldn't but for some reason it turns into same old Jets syndrome for wacky Jet fans. Let's look at some recent SB Champs: 2007: Giants last game of November they get humiliated at home by Minnesota 2006: Colts lose 3 of last 5 games 2005: Pitt had 3 game losing streak late Nov-early December 2004: NE lost to 4-12 Miami in December. If yesterday's play con tinues into next week let's worry but to me it's 1 game thing. In '98 we lost at 3-13 Indy, these things happen. Big time teams respond and I nexpect a big response from this team next week and the final 4 games.