Collinsworth hops off our wagon after one f***** loss..... Can you believe this d-bag? Good riddance you bum. He annoints himself as an idiot for calling us a SB contender... You were an idiot long before last week Cris; why are you consistently on television?
He said he was an idiot for believing the Jets are this good, and he sprained his ankle jumping off the bandwagon.
And so it starts. Next will be Prisco and the rest of the talking heads. This is going to be an annoying week.
... collinsworth is a pontificating idiotic blowhard who looks like a scarecrow caked in make-up !! ... l_j_r
I was just as annoyed at all the Jet-Giant SB talk and the articles in the paper comparing the teams by position as if the game was this Sunday. When that talk started, today's loss by the Jets (not the Giants) was almost inevitable. I'm not so sure Collinsworth is wrong to hop off the bandwagon after today's horrible loss. What about today's game gives anybody confidence in this team? It's time to take off the Green and White glasses and realize that the Jets were exposed today - no pass defense, no aggressive defensive play callilng, and horrible play callling on offense.
How can you blame him? We were embarrassed at home. If you consider yourself a SB team and the team to beat in the AFC, you kind of have to BEAT other AFC teams. So far we have 4 losses, it's not like this is our first loss this year. Right now the Jets have a lot to prove. It was premature to anoint this team as a top team in the AFC. Right now, the Titans and Steelers are the best, and behind them there is a glut of teams. We are in that glut.
Good. I hate all the media bandwagoners. We will play better if talking heads stop spouting that we are going to the SB.