This issue is pandemic to this site. Every time somone doesn't say the Jets are great some poster calls them an idiot or a moron. Why people get so bent out of shape by what the media says is beyond me. Frankly I don't give a damn whether someone thinks the Jets are awesome or someone thinks they suck. It's not going to change whether they win or lose. It is, in the end, meaningless.
How about Keyshawn saying that the team to beat once again is the Titans because they beat Detroit Badly....DETROIT! How come the Oakland game defines out season because they are a badteam but when the Titans beat an even worse team suddenly they are the team to beat in the AFC again. These guys are jokes.
That's exactly my issue. I don't really care either way what the media thinks, but calling out a moron when the shoe fits seems perfectly appropriate to me.
You're missing the point. As I stated in my thread, I don't care if you say the Jets aren't the team to beat - just be fair in your analysis. If the clown says the Titans are the team to beat because of their record, fine. But don't say the Jets season should be based on the Oakland loss and not give any credit for the streak or dominating the Titans on the road. My biggest problem is that these jokes are PAID for their analysis, and as such they need to be objective and fair. So I will call out a clueless moron like Carter when they are being ignorant and biased.
Aw c'mon who cares? If the Pats had lost to the Raiders, most of us would be bringing that up too as much as possible as soon as someone was trying to crown them. At least you can make out what he is saying all the time, unlike Shanon Sharpe. He sounds like he is chewing on stack of hays when he speaks. Didn't Buchanon, former CB of the Falcons, say that Shanon Sharpe looks like a horse during super-bowl press day? I agree.
You are missing the point. Who cares what these people think. :wink: You're talking about a football commentator. You really think the guy's a moron because he disagrees with you?
We're not mad at all, he just shouldn't have a job talking about football if all he does is go home and touch himself to Chad Pennington