I have been listening to interviews on this station a little bit since the Jets play the Pats Thursday and it amazed me how biased they were to anything Patriot related. I dont mean like just rooting for the team but going out of there way to put down the Jets. Mark Cannizarro was on the other day with Dale and Holley and they asked him if Ty Law would be wearing number 24 and Cannizarro replied "No, that number belongs to Darrell Revis" and then you hear Dale or Holley (not sure who) go "WOW, well so much for locker room respect". Cannizarro also had to tell them 2 or 3 times throughout the interview that the Jets were a humble team because Dale and Holley were trying to make the Jets look like a cocky team who doesnt respect the Patriots. Dennis and Callahan are no better either. Just anything Jet related or saying the Jets do something better then the Pats and they jump all over it. Weather you like the Sports radio hosts in Ny or not for the most part they are fair. These guys just seem like complete homers. I'm sure nobody is interested or cares about this but I felt like posting something.
Imagine a Boson sports talk station being homers? I'm sure Francesa never touted the Tuna when he was HC of the NYJ. Honkey, please.
I said for the most part there fair. Francesa always and forever will root hard for Parcells and give him the benefit of the doubt. But when he is breaking down a game he usually does it impartially.
I dont listen to EEI anymore because theres only so much Sox talk one can take....having said that, there isnt a local sports show in the country that doesnt tout the home team. Ya think if I listened to the fan, I'd find a Jet fan or 2 on the station?
There are a few Jet fans on the station and they rip the Jets all the time, they are far from homers.
Exactly. Thats what I mean. Like its not neccesarrily about being a homer. It's about giving another team some respect. Maybe it's different when you have won as much as they have but still. Dennis and Callahan really think that Bill Bellicheck didnt do anything wrong with the way he handled the whole Eric Mangini thing. It's stuff like that where its just like "come on man everybody has their flaws".
Are you really suprised? Nearly every "Expert" is bias to the Pats. It's nothing new, and it won't change until someone else wins 3/5 Superbowls. It's the cold hard truth.
Smerlas is remarkably inarticulate and stupid; hence his starring role on that channel for the past decade.
EEI does segments which shows their clear bias all the time; they don't even mask it. In fact, a lot of their segments are taylor made to fit the typical Boston sports fan's mental capacity and over-aggressiveness. As drama-loving and anti-intellectual NY Sports media is, Boston Sports media is worse in that they're blatantly trolling other teams and individual players. The best example I can think of is Michael Kaye, I don't believe he'd ever talk disparagningly about a Sox player, other than comment if they suck or not. But commentators on EEI, on the other hand, actually brings up the ARod's sexuality, like it's relevant! I mean I guess we have Carlton and Benningo who can be a little tactless at times, but with Boston media nothing is off limits. Some of them are also not very funny, especially that dude that comes on at the 1 oclock spot that has the sound effects. Horrible.
Sorry guys I am hearing all this talk of respect. We havent earned it yet. Hell we lost to the Raiders and almost the Chiefs . Then their is last year that is still fresh in peoples minds. Statistcally we are moving up the respect ladder. But until we win games like tonites and Titans we have not yet earned respect
If you listened to the FAN you'd hear this rant: http://www.wfan.com/episode_download.php?contentType=36&contentId=3091130
Yeah I heard that. What did Joe B do wrong there though besides pledge his allegiance to the Jets and say he "tell's it like it is" about his teams. Thats being honest if you ask me.
I listen to WEEI all the time and Dennis and Callahan are always tough on Belichik. Especially Callahan, who rips the afternoon guys for being Belichik toadies. Anyone who really listens to 'EEI knows that there are tons of negative fans rooting on all the hometown teams regardless of whether they are winning or not (alot like many posters here).