To Those Still Upset at Favre

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by packerbacker1234, Oct 28, 2008.

  1. DevTeam

    DevTeam Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Favre could easily have 15 TDs and 6 or 7 INTs, he throws picks, I understand that -- but half of them are just hail mary's which makes no sense given the context of the score, or the time left in the game, or whathaveyou, he should just throw the ball away in those situations.

    We still have a winning record.
  2. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    IF Cotch doesn't fall he threw to where 3 Raiders defenders were anyway, if Favre doesn't throw that pic in the EZ then Baker slipping never happens b/c we don't go to OT.

    The Ol has been good pass protecting most of the year, Brett has been holding onto the ball too long taking shots he shouldn't so Chad would be just fine b/c he wouldn't be holding onto it as much.
  3. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    Ignorance must be "total bliss" in your world.
  4. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    I, for one, am not pissed at Brett at all. Rather, I feel really, REALLY sorry for him. He didn't need do this to himself.

    Basically, Brian is transforming Favre into Brett Pennington, but with the downfield INT propensity of Kellen Clemens. I've been NEVER this sick of a team's offensive coordinator since the days of Hackett (of late.)
  5. DevTeam

    DevTeam Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    He's making 12 million dollars for this year -- playing one season of football. I agree, he didn't have to do this to himself, however, if you think for one second that 12 million bucks isn't a motivating factor, time to check your head.
  6. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Playing one year of football is quite a different thing from Playing one year of Brian Schottenheimer football. I wouldn't touch the latter unless I get paid like 20 mil per year. *then I'd tank the season.*
  7. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    it makes me laugh seeing all these people whine and bitch about Favre and his errant throws. I remember watching Clemens, Ainge and Pennington throwing INTs like there's no tomorrow during TC.....our QB situation could be MUCH WORSE if we didn't trade for Favre.

    At least Favre is capable of winning games despite the errant throws.....Penny folds like a tent....I don't give a rats' ass if Favre throws 8 INT's in a single game if it means we still walk away with a win.
  8. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    That might be significant - it must be an indication that, Favre actually mastered the art of beating the foe from within.
  9. Gator

    Gator Active Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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    I agree with the premise of this post. For years and years, when Pennington would take us down the field and we scored a TD the general feeling was surprise..."Wow! Look at us! We're a real NFL team!". Now I expect it. In between the picks he took us down the field for TD's twice in the second half. He's just gotta cut out some of the picks. Most of them seem to come down by or close enough to the goal line anyway. Not great, but as long as you tackle the guy it's kinda like a punt, which is why we've been able to win 2 out of the last three.

    Everyone chill. We're 4-3. As long as you keep your record OK there's always time to start playing well. Just stay over .500 going into December.
  10. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    you're "bang on", bro.

    despite the turnovers ....Favre has the ability to march the offense down the field and put us in a position to win....the opposing defenses HAVE to respect his "deep ball"...we never had that with Penny....Penny would attempt to throw the underneath routes, and get picked off when trying to win a game in the last 2 mins...because the secondary knew they could play tight coverage and blitz his ass into making a stupid throw.
  11. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    How many pick sixes did Chad throw last year? Yet the Chad Fans were all defending him.

    Now with Brett, do they assert the same defense? Not so much, for some reason.

    Call me crazy but Chad's picks by and large happened when defenders jumped in front of his floaters. At least some with Favre have happened with miscommunication, passers breaking off routes, the OC calling the same play too often. But those are real factors, unlike the ridiculous excuses offered for Chad last year.

    Having said all that, at some point we need to make the tactical decision to ignore the Chad Fans. Whatever they say, he ain't coming back. And that makes me feel great no matter what else happens this year.

    If Favre turns the team around, the Jets make the playoffs, all the negatives seem less important, and they go far into the playoffs, he might come back for an even stronger SB run next year. If not, at least the situation will be crystal clear regarding the need to get a Qb for the future in there without Chad mucking it up.

    Either way, it's all good. I'm not upset at all, except a wittle bit at the CS. This is basically a good year as far as I see it.
  12. Gator

    Gator Active Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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    Zactly. Pennington is playing well now because they have great running backs, so teams have to respect the run more. Damn shame we didn't move up to grab McFadden instead of standing pat and taking the guy on the milk carton.
    #52 Gator, Oct 29, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2008
  13. TheBlairThomasFumble

    TheBlairThomasFumble Active Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    This coming from a guy with "Favre" in his screen name. I guess we can all look to you for the unbiased take on how well he's played this year.

  14. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    dude...i've been a Jets fan for 15 years...."Favre" is in my screen name because we haven't had a decent QB on this roster in some time....and I, for one, am quite excited having him play for our team. I'm not biased...but i do support Brett Favre...and i also understand that with his TD's...come the INT's. He throws a lot of questionable deep balls...they're high risk. Some of those decisions are on Brett...some of them are on the coaching staff

    When i see crybabies like yourself whine and cry over his INT's...i just shake my head. You knew this was a part of his game....get over it. This isn't anything new! We're still above .500....and we're still in the hunt for the division. If we had a record like the Lions or Bengals..then yes, there would be cause for concern.....but there isn' quit your fucking bellyaching.
  15. Gator

    Gator Active Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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    Every time he fades back, I'm in shock that he's our QB, and I expect something good to happen. Even though something bad has happened a few too many times, I forgive him. Taking us down the field and throwing a TD to win the game will do that. :)
  16. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    This is as bad as saying, "hey, alot of other teams are mediocre in the AFC, that makes the Jets situation not look as bad"
  17. Gator

    Gator Active Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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    Right now we're on the playoff bubble. J!E!T!S! fans should be thinking one thing. Win Sunday. If you don't think we can win Sunday, you ain't a fan.....and this is not directed at you personally, but a general statement.
  18. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Oh I agree. A win this Sunday changes everything. I realize the Jets are in it, and I am happy to see it. Just want to see the team play better and not settle for the fact that other teams are struggling. The cream will rise to the top soon, I just hope the Jets are apart of it.
  19. FriendlyGiantsFan

    FriendlyGiantsFan New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    The intent of that post isn't to get into the "what if" game (which was started by the person I was responding to) but to show that there were some factors outside of Favre that helped the Jets win the game. Favre has not been playing well and this needs to change if the Jets are going to be the team they have the potential to be.
  20. rmagedon

    rmagedon Active Member

    Feb 15, 2008
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    Has anyone noticed we're 8th in the league in scoring? We're scoring 26.0 points per game. You have to admit, Favre may put us in a tough spot when he throws his picks, but at least he will find ways to score to keep us in the game. The closest we came to being 8th in the league in scoring was in 2002 when we were ranked 15th with 22.4 points per game. So we're scoring, far more than we have in the past, that's for sure. However, if Favre could control his throws and stop giving other teams pick-6's and/or good field position to keep them in the game, we'd make a stronger statements in those game we're supposed to win and possibly hang on until the bitter end with teams that many consider playoff contenders.

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