Hello, my name is Brett Favre and I'm a

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Long Time Jet Fan, Oct 26, 2008.

  1. jetsaholic1094

    jetsaholic1094 New Member

    Dec 21, 2003
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    And the Chiefs were lucky that Drew Coleman did the same thing.
  2. Long Time Jet Fan

    Long Time Jet Fan New Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    :rofl: I just love posts like this. I have no knowledge of football? I guess you haven't watched much professional football, or much of Brett Favre. Yes, you're right. All his atrocious passes are the coaches fault. They tell him to just heave the ball up their for grabs or throw to guys blanketed by two defenders. Favre is what he is. Sometimes he's great, sometimes he sucks. For the last several weeks he's sucked.
  3. puddnhead

    puddnhead New Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    You wrote that they are throwing passes because BRETT FAVRE choses to throw passes.

    Yes, this shows you are ignorant of how plays are called in the NFL, and therefore, NFL football. I can't believe you still haven't figured out you're wrong.
  4. Fusion2006

    Fusion2006 New Member

    Sep 7, 2008
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    "I just love posts like this. I have no knowledge of football? I guess you haven't watched much professional football, or much of Brett Favre. Yes, you're right. All his atrocious passes are the coaches fault. They tell him to just heave the ball up their for grabs or throw to guys blanketed by two defenders. Favre is what he is. Sometimes he's great, sometimes he sucks. For the last several weeks he's sucked."

    I think that is what he is pointing to. I don't know your football knowledge, I don't know you. But from what I've seen in football, it is very common for QB's to underthrow a pass like that. You still havn't explained how that pass could have been easily picked off. How would the CB know that it was going to be underthrown? Every pass in the NFL "could" have been picked off if the CB knew exactaly what the QB was doing.

    The beauty of that throw is that the worst case scenerio is an incomplete pass. The only way he picks it off is if he KNOWS that Favre is underthrowing it on purpose, which he would never take that risk because then Coles is wideopen in the endzone if he's wrong. It's a skill throw and takes a skilled WR to catch it, which is why it is difficult. But it is not a risky throw. It is however a low percentage pass.

    But if you want, please explain how it is high risk.
  5. nyjetsfan7234

    nyjetsfan7234 Member

    Jul 29, 2008
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    we won forget about it
  6. Long Time Jet Fan

    Long Time Jet Fan New Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    Umm, where did I say that? What I said was that I just can't help chucking it up for grabs.
  7. keypusher

    keypusher Member

    Sep 23, 2008
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    Not to step into this, but it seems to me you have a very basic misunderstanding of what he is saying. Yes, the coaches call a pass play. That does not mean the quarterback gets to say to himself, "Gee, no one is open, and player X is double-covered, but what the hell! The coaches called a pass play, so I am going to throw it to X anyway."

    In short, the QB can still throw it away, or throw it to someone else. The fact that a pass play was called does not excuse the QB if he throws it into double coverage/right at a defender/etc.
  8. packerbacker1234

    packerbacker1234 New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    You know, I'll stop trying to defend #4. It was the same way last year after he would have a bad game: Packer fans, even after 16 years of amazing service, would turn on him.

    I guess I can't expect any less from jet fans. Favre hasn't done enough to earn any respect from you guys.

    Maybe if he has a nice game you guys win next week, that may change.
  9. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    Favre will throw INT's...that's part and parcel and i've accepted that you have to take the good with the bad.

    There's too many ignoramus's on this board that are quick to blame Favre for his errant throws or whatever....the bottom line is....we've won 2 out of the last 3 ...3 games in which Favre hasn't played his best football.

    You're gonna find that Favre naysayers are generally Chad Pennington blowhards.....so you can only take their incessant rambling with a grain of salt. :wink:

    I believe in Favre....i don't believe in our CS.
  10. EcKo151

    EcKo151 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    Ah so what.

    We got a guy who's 2nd in the NFL in TD passes, and 2nd in the NFL in INTs.

    Favre Being Favre
  11. greenwhite&nogold

    greenwhite&nogold New Member

    Aug 9, 2008
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    they let us off the hook!!! (pounds mic and walks off)

    Three picks, two of which went back for 14 point to the Chiefs. WAY TOO MANY MISTAKES by the JETS today.

    Like falling on the ball and dragging it into the end zone when it was already lodged at the one yard line.

    Like quitting on your go route and allowing the throw to be picked.

    Like getting beat on a cross route and giving up, allowing that to be picked.

    I think Favre got a little spoiled with Donald Driver and his ability to go across the field and make plays and Jennings ability to go deep and pull one down. The Jets receivers just seem to be out of synch with Favre. I'm sure some of them are Favre's fault, but Favre doesn't have a crystal ball... every QB has to trust that his receiver will be there when the ball gets there. If the receiver is not there (slows down, runs a different route, get's beat down) then it's going to be a PICK.

    I'm just happy it's a win... but clearly Favre and the receivers need to get on the same page, like by next week, or they season is going to get ugly. Also, the entire team needs to up their football IQ. Falling and rolling on a ball that is on the one yard line is just plain stupid, stupid, stupid. Jumping offsides on Favre's "hut, hut" is stupid, especially when you're the center.

    Seems to me, the Jet's have the weapons and potential... they just need to start gelling.
  12. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Ugghhh will this shit ever end with these darksiders? The question that should be asked is why we threw the ball so much against the worst rush D in the NFL? Why did we line up in shotgun on 4 straight 3rd and shorts and why did Stuckey give up on the play?

    Listen Favre can throw as many picks as he wants as long as we win I don't really care about personal statistics oh and as for this....

    "With all due respect, Pennington didn't take those sacks either. He'd safely throw the ball away... not directly to the guys wearing the other jerseys."

    There is absolutely no way Chad leads us on that game winning drive after throwing that pick for a TD. I don't know about you but I was pretty dam confident when we got the ball back Favre was driving us down the field for the game winner. I never even broke a sweat.
  13. johnny

    johnny Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    No offense, but I think this entire NFL season should be proof enough for people to stop using the term "No way. Nobody knows what would happen if Chad were in the same situation. Although he didn't have an INT just prior, Chad did lead Miami to a go-ahead TD late when they needed it in the game against Houston (only to have the defense give up a TD with about 10 seconds left).

    Also, just to play devils advocate - actually Favre didn't lead the Jets back on the next series. The Jets punted (for the first time) after the Chief's INT -> TD. It wasn't until after the defense stopped the Chiefs on their next series that the Jets got the ball back and Washington bought it back to the Chiefs territory. What would have happened if the Chiefs had been able to run out the clock?
  14. jetglass

    jetglass New Member

    May 9, 2005
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    OMG! Are you f-in serious? We won in spite of favre. Exaclty like the titans went 10-6 last year in spite of VY.
  15. GreenbayJet

    GreenbayJet New Member

    Oct 1, 2008
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    I totally agree with anyone that says BF throws too many picks.
    Believe me I`ve hated this for all of his career(now too).
    But you can`t deny the sucess,but you also must wonder how
    many more games he would`ve won if he would take more care of the ball.
    Can`t blame anyone for being mad to irrate about the interceptions he
    throws. But it is beyond amazing that he has won as many games as he
    has by being a "freakin`" gunslinger. Yes, he has had some of the best defenses
    to back him up in the past,but not all of the time.
  16. steviep

    steviep Active Member

    Aug 10, 2003
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    There is an NFL Clip -- with coaches miked -- where Holmgren tells Favre -- begs him -- to stop throwing stuff up for grabs. Its pretty funny. But nothing has changed.

    The one that got ran back was not the worst of the lot by far.
  17. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    With over half of those TDs coming in one game, might I add.
  18. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    My bad 2 possessions later, the bottom line is we saw it in the past, when a Jets QB throws what should be a back breaking INT it is a back breaking INT. Today we saw that INT but our QB led us down the field for the game winning score when the game was on the line. Last week as bad as we played he also led us down for the game tying FG and had the OC called the game properly we also would have seen the game winning FG attempt.

    Like I said, the guy can throw 5 INTs in game as long as when that gun goes off to end the game the Jets are ahead. All that matters is winning and they won today. Am I unhappy with some of things I saw today? Absolutely but I'd rather see those things and win than see them and lose.
  19. uberchink

    uberchink New Member

    Aug 31, 2008
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    and how does that make a difference? you're a bitter man if you're trying to spin throwing 6TDs in a bad way
  20. uberchink

    uberchink New Member

    Aug 31, 2008
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    Favre's been in the system for what, 2 months now? Are people really that impatient that they expect him to look or play as well as he has for 16 years in Green Bay? It's still gonna take more time and he's already showed spurts of how great he can be.

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