can we get our pass rush 1st round superstar on or is he still learning how to get off the line of scrimmage
Oh quit your whining and bitching, Jesus Christ grow a pair of balls. It's still tied, and they're still the Chiefs. My God.
Are you kidding me. 14-14 is a disaster. they've moved the ball at will ALL GAME with TYLER THIGPEN! not an ounce of pressure since the 3rd sack, guys running free in the secondary all day unmitigated disaster the jets will lose this game I wish the Jets could grow a pair of balls against the stinkin raiders and chiefs!
He says at half time "look guys, my super-smart and clever game plan isn't the problem. You guys just can't execute it. See this is the worst rushing D in the league, so we're going to pass it because they'll never expect it."