I can't believe JOBA lets a BOSOX fan get to him. If I was Joba I would have told the jerk-off, I was enjoying my offseason, thinking of where I was going to invest my millions, planning my vacation, and getting ready for the next season, AND CALLED A FREAKING CAB.
I said preach ...... not that they did. But they want to portray themselves as this high and mighty team with a strict code of ethics but in reality they are exactly the same as every other team in the pro sports when it comes to character guys.
It sure sounds like you are condoning it as you keep making excuses when Joba has no excuses for this type of behavior. Where did I mention anything about a role model? My son will have a great role model, he never sees his Father drink at all and certainly will never see me step behind a wheel if I do have a drink. Joba could afford a limo NOT a cab(car service and cab are 2 different things), anyone can afford a cab and should use one if they and their party are drinking. This is embarrassing no matter how many excuses you make and we all love Joba. He'll be forgiven, I hope he learns from this mistake and never does it again. I think he will but if it's swept under the rug as if it's not a big deal then maybe he won't learn.
I agree junc that it is an embarrassment to Joba, and perhaps his family but in no way shape or form is it an embarrassment to the Yankees. Thats ridiculous. If Tom the cable guy gets a DWI on a friday night is it an embarrassment to cablevision??? silliness
Absolutely it would be an embarrassment to his employer. In life you do not just represent yourself unless you own your own business, are single w/ no family and the only employee in your business. You represent yourself, your family and your employer. joba embarrssed himself, his family and the New York Yankees. if I go out and get a DWI and they report where I work you're damn right my employer would be pissed, your actions affect the lives of many more people than just yourself.
hahaha dude what are you talking about??? so youre putting your employer on the same level as ones self and one's family as far as what and who defines you? Youre crazy. That is the dumbest thing Ive heard out of you in a long long time. And you know that includes A LOT of stuff. Let me ask you this. Do I also represent my past employers??? I had a paper route in 1979, do I still represent the Daily News? Please, youre ridiculous.
Here we go bringing things down to a 3rd grade level Of course you represent your employer, did I mention past employers? It's an embarrassment to the company paying your checks if you get in trouble w/ the law espcially since that stuff is usually in the papers or on TV. I want to know what World you live in? I'll bring myself down to yuor level for a moment- you want to see an example of a dumb post just read your last one. It is really disturbing some of the views people have, I guess this is why our society is filled w/ such low life people.
hahah hes out of his mind. I live in a weird world? So lets take IBM for example. Their image is at risk every minute of the day, weekends included of course, due to the possible actions of one of their thousands and thousands of employess? If they hire someone and 6 years later the guy gets in trouble with the law this reflects on the judgement of the people who hired him? It reflects on IBM merchandise? Where exactly does it end? Believe me junc, you are part of a great minority on this one.....
Holy shit, dude. You didn't only miss the point... you got it completely backwards. No one is condoning the behavior. I just think it's ridiculous that people get bent out of shape in the slightest about the indiscretions of a professional athlete. Or act surprised or whatever. As though these athletes are somehow above this. Or should be. Or whatever. It's celebrity worship. It amuses me. (And disgusts me a bit at the same time.) This is precisely what I'm talking about. Sorry, dude, but I'm not going to be "embarrassed" for a professional athlete whom I have never met, likely never will meet, and - at most - will get to see throw fastballs by opposing batters from my seats several hundred feet away. He's not my friend. He's not my acquaintance. He's a professional athlete. I root for him to do well. I hope he stays out of trouble with the law, because I don't want that affecting his performance next year. Not because I don't want to be "embarrassed" by him. Is what he did stupid? Of course. It's jut as stupid as anyone else who drives drunk. It's not more stupid because he has money. It's not less stupid because you want to feel him inside you. But professional athletes typically aren't known for their smarts. Which is why I never understand when people act surprised that a pro athlete does something stupid.
There's a difference between surprise and disgust. I'm disgusted by his actions in the same way that I'd be disgusted by ANYONE who committed the same crime. I'm not shocked or surprised about it because, as you said, he doesn't come from a group known for their brains. But he doesn't get a pass because athletes are stereotyped to be stupid. Or because I've never met him. Are you disgusted when you hear about a child molester on the news, even if you've never met him? Obviously the level of disgust is different, but it's the same idea.
The level of disgust is quite different, because I have never encountered a child molester, nor been one myself. I have gotten behind the wheel after a few beers (long time ago, not proud of it). And I know others who have done the same. My point is this: It seems to me that, for the majority of people here, the act of driving drunk is not the largest factor in determining the level of disgust people have. It's the fact that it's Joba Chamberlain for the New York Yankees. You say your level of disgust is the same as it would be for anyone who did that... and I have no choice but to take you at your word, although I have a hard time believing it. How many drunk driving stories (where someone is actually hurt/killed) are barely skimmed over in the local paper every day? Or flipped past on the news? Does your disgust for them even have a chance to register? I have a good friend who drives after drinking on a regular basis. Thankfully not far and not highway driving. I've talked to him about it. Told him how stupid it is. Offered to drive him myself. He doesn't listen... thinks it's not a big deal. Am I "disgusted" by his actions? No... I just hope and pray he never gets in trouble or hurts anyone. I'm sure just about everyone knows someone like that, even if they won't admit it. So when it's Joba... or any athlete/celebrity... you get the people claiming, "My God, how could they?! How embarrassing! What a disgrace!" And yet, something tells me that it's not how they react to other news. Pre-emptive post for junc: Holy shit, dude, I'm not defending Joba here.
The one thing I'll say for devil is that he's had this same reaction towards other TGG posters in the past, so he's consistent in his hatred for drunk drivers.
I apologize for my morality and the fact I live in the real World. I want to know where you guys live. Where did I say it would reflect on the company for hiring them? I wrote that your represent yourself, your family, your employer. IT makes the company look bad, it doesn't bring into question why they hired you but any company would be pissed if one of their employees got arrested for a DUI and their name was all over the papers. I cannot believe we are all adults here w/ the attitudes you guys have, I am frightened that these type of people will raise children and teach them the same types of behavior. You are condoning by making excuses. It's no big deal to you. I don't like when my team has bad people on it, one mistake doesn't make Joba bad but w/ enablers like you maybe it turns into more than one. I don't like it. I'm embarrassed as a fan, I like to root for good people, people that follow the law. You call someone else weird then you think that post was funny? what exactly is funny about what he wrote? I would hope everyone is outraged when normal citizens drive drunk I am MORE outraged by that b/c it could affect my family and friends if they get killed. Your points are off base, Joba embarrassed himself, the organizations and the fans and what he did was a terrible thing risking the lives of innocent people. If you cannot understand why people would be upset w/ that I cannot help you.
Something is definitely wrong when I am agreeing 100% with Cappy over several posts. Junc, you corrected me when I assumed that by embarrassing the employer I thought you meant it reflected on their judgement of hiring and employing him. So, how is it embarrassing to the Yankees. Steinbrenner and upper brass are turning red because this was a yankee who did this? They are ashamed? They dont give two fucks as long as he is able to pitch come April. Joba Chamberlain to the Yankees is an arm. Hes not even a human being....Hes a commodity. As long as he aint in jail they dont care. None in the Yankee organization is embarrassed right now
I never made an excuse for him, and I never said, nor meant to imply that drunk driving is "not a big deal" to me. The day the Yankees start listening to an "enabler like me" for personnel decisions is the day I don't have to satisfy my urge to talk baseball on a football message board with someone whose skull makes lead seem light and airy. Yes, and I would like to have Jessica Alba and Megan Fox fighting over me. You're making my point for me. In professional sports, there aren't exactly a lot of saints. Even the ones you think are saints?... they probably aren't. Trust me. I worked with professional athletes for long enough to know. It's not that they follow the law... they just don't make the news very often. Whereas the professional athlete who drives drunk is incapable of hurting anyone? Huh? I understand perfectly well why people would be upset/angry/disappointed or any number of things regarding a drunk driver. What I have difficulty understanding is why the reactions are different based on the fact that it's a pro athlete. That they think they "know" someone based on what they see on television, and then go and act shocked... shocked, I say!... when the guy gets caught doing something.