Joba is a complete moron. What an idiot. But on the other hand, the only danger driving drunk in Nebraska is mowing down deer.
If I were a Yank fan I'd be more concerned about what this means for Joba then what this means for the team.
It's the open container that I find most alarming. It's as though he thinks the laws don't pertain to him. It's an in your face thing.
What's wrong, does he not make enough money to call a cab? Or get a driver? As much of a scumbag as I already thought he was, this makes it worse.
Wait... a professional athlete behaving as though he's above the law?! Dear God, does the press know about this? This is shocking! Shocking, I say! Moral outrage over this kind of shit blows my mind. Why do people care? Because he plays for the Yankees. And yet I'd be willing to bet that every single one of you knows someone who has gotten behind the wheel drunk, or had a beer while driving. Do you hold these people to lesser standards because they are incapable of throwing a baseball very, very hard? No... you semi-accept it from them because you're not sucking on the cock that is celebrity worship when it's someone you know. This is not to say I condone the behavior from anyone. Or that I think you applaud your friends when they do it. But I doubt you call them scumbags for doing it, either. I just get a kick out of this moral superiority people like to feel at the expense of a subpopulation that wasn't exactly known for their wits or ethics in the first place.
cuz he threw at that ugly fuck youkilis 3 times and youkilis just stood there like a gigantic pussy.....Id like to see joba throw a beer bottle at youk next year
agreed 100%. this is hardly news. and certainly isnt going to affect the yankees or joba come April so I could not possibly give a hairy shit
looks like some awesome sight lines in the seats next to the center field restaurant in the new stadium. If you're in the left field seats against that wall, good luck seeing anything in right field and part of center field. vice versa if your sitting in right field. And the video monitor is behind you.
Are those the bleachers? You're right, terrible sight lines there, but fortunately, I never sit in the bleachers.
I agree with you to an extent..... The issue is Joba is a role model to children and a very recognizable player on one the most popular teams on the planet. If this was CJ Wilson from the Rangers nobody outside of Dallas gives a shit in fact it may not even be national news. The Yankees preach having character guys and for a guy especially one as young and as valuable as Joba to get caught doing this is a black eye to the organization. Now my situation is different because I've lost family members because of drunk driving therefore I disassociate myself with people who do that type of thing. I made that mistake once and it scared the living shit out of me so I vowed at that time to never do it again. So to answer your question I don't hold hold Joba to a higher standard but I would think he being who is would be alot smarter than to do something so irresponsible especially when you consder how Billy Martin lost his life.
I do, I don't allow people around me to drive drunk- never have. Regardless of whether I did or not Joba shouldn't be dumb enough to be doing especially when he can easily hire a car service or a driver which is something not every regular citizen can do. We should all be outraged, another example of a spoiled athlete thinking he is above the law. It's an embarrassment to the Yankees, to baseball and to the moral fans that support them.
They do? Darryl Strawberry, Steve Howe, Dwight Gooden, Billy Martin... the list goes on. This is exactly what I'm talking about. We shouldn't be any more shocked, outraged or whatever than when someone else does it. If a baseball player is a role model for your kid, then I feel bad for your kid. They're baseball players. Typically dumb, with typically questionable ethics. It's not that people should be condoning this behavior... it's that they shouldn't act shocked that any professional athlete -- who has likely had his balls gently cupped by everyone since high school -- would think he's "above the law" or better than everyone else. Of course he does! An athlete good enough to make the majors has almost certainly had everyone telling him he's a god since puberty. I just find it all silly. I mean, Joba's drunk driving offense is worse because he could have afforded a cab? Are you suggesting that your financial situation should be taken into account when calibrating your Moral Outrage-O-Meter toward drunk driving? Ridiculous.