Favre Backup club- Excellent article in Times

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by sec314, Oct 9, 2008.

  1. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Sometimes I cant believe he's actually the QB of my team. Great article,cool guy, great leader and teamate


    They arrived in Green Bay a cast of characters, 18 men who played quarterback for the Packers during a 17-season stretch when few of them played at all.

    Jim McMahon arrived as a Super Bowl champion, Ty Detmer as a Heisman Trophy winner. Rick Mirer was a first-round disappointment, Matt Hasselbeck a sixth-round find.

    Now, they belong to a small football fraternity that started with Don Majkowski and continued to Aaron Rodgers: the Brett Favre Backup Club.

    Majkowski watches games now in retirement, and he sees pieces of Favre all over the league. The same ball fakes. The same hop after firing a pass. The way so many of them undo their chinstraps after each play.

    “His idiosyncrasies are everywhere,” Majkowski said. “If you closed your eyes and just listened to a Packers game, you can hear the cadence. Aaron Rodgers sounds exactly like Brett. He’s not alone. Those dudes are doing everything that Brett did.”

    Eleven of the 18 members later started for other teams. But first, each apprenticed under Favre, a job that was part stagehand and part understudy. Looking back, it was part of history, too.

    Beyond the tics they carried with them, enduring images of Favre remain. They are snapshots frozen in time that, when taken together, present the picture of a quarterback from the vantage point of those who spent the most time around him.

    They remember Favre as a young man, “a knucklehead,” Majkowski said. Favre would show up at meetings wearing shorts but no shoes. He would lean back in a chair and place his bare feet on the table. Coach Mike Holmgren, ever the perfectionist, would point at Favre and look at Majkowski.

    “Like, can you believe this hick?” Majkowski said.

    Those were the wild times. The parties after games at Majkowski’s house. The college atmosphere. The plays that broke down, only to end with touchdown passes. “No-no-no-no-no-yes!” plays is what Holmgren called them.

    “But you could see all the signs when I was with him of how great he could be,” said Kurt Warner, a nonmember of the Backup Club who spent training camp with the Packers in 1994.

    They remember Favre the practical joker, the veteran who asked them to fetch orange juice and then dumped hot sauce in their cereal, who put fake rats in their lockers or who blew air horns in their ears. One time, Favre even soaked the jersey of his successor, Aaron Rodgers, with doe urine. The smell lasted for months.

    Detmer and Favre once had a running contest with the kickers, who put Favre’s helmet in the ice tub for revenge. It was the first year with coach-to-quarterback communication devices in players’ helmets, and Favre’s short-circuited, leading Holmgren to blow his own fuse.

    The only backup who confessed to returning fire was Hasselbeck, who once put live worms in Favre’s chewing tobacco.

    Favre laughed at that incident, typical of the everyman the backups all remember. When Hasselbeck arrived in 1998, he passed a billboard with Favre’s face every day on the way to practice. At their first meeting, Favre turned to Hasselbeck and said, “Hi, I’m Brett.”

    “He introduced himself as if I didn’t know who he was,” Hasselbeck said. “I had this image, from the quarterbacks I had been around, of this QB attitude. Brett was normal. His best friend was the strength coach.”

    Favre’s current backup, Jets quarterback Kellen Clemens, said, “He does a good job of not being Brett Favre, if that makes any sense.”

    To the backups, it makes perfect sense. Hasselbeck often found Favre alone in the weight room, squatting 315 pounds. Another backup, Saints quarterback Mark Brunell (member, 1993-4), witnessed Favre’s well-documented wildness translating onto the golf course.

    Then there was the time when Favre, Brunell and Detmer went hunting in Wisconsin. Favre showed up in blue sweat pants and an orange hunting jacket. When Brunell noticed the shotgun in Favre’s hands, it made him nervous. While walking through the woods, they spotted a deer, and Detmer remembers Favre asking, “Is that a dog?”

    Asked if they killed anything, Brunell said, “Just time.”

    Over the years, as the backups changed and Favre matured, their stories reveal how he improved in golf and in hunting and, of course, in football. Everything changed, they said, except Favre, who has made 279 consecutive starts, including the postseason.

    “He’s the same guy behind the facemask,” said Ingle Martin, a backup in 2006. “The same mannerisms, the same everything.”

    None of the backups recommend following Favre’s fundamentals — not the hop backward after throws, not the underhand passes. But when they look at competitiveness and pain tolerance and old-fashioned luck, they find all those attributes in the quarterback who kept them off the field.

    Majkowski saw the X-rays after Favre broke the thumb on his throwing hand in 2003. Normally, Majkowski said, that injury would require surgery with screws inserted. Favre never missed a practice.

    “It’s the greatest single consecutive starting streak in the history of sports,” Majkowski said. “Unless you played quarterback in the N.F.L., you can’t fully appreciate how difficult it is to go through one season without missing a game, let alone 17.”

    Mostly, though, they remember Favre the human being. They remember the stories he told, the John Elway impression he perfected.

    He is very much grateful to those people who stuck with him,” Hasselbeck said, noting that coaches in Atlanta gave up on Favre and that coaches in Green Bay almost did. “He has this larger-than-life persona, or image, but at the end of the day, he’s still a human being. Mike Holmgren believed in Brett when a lot of people didn’t. Maybe something similar is happening right now.”

    The backups watched Favre’s tearful retirement news conference last spring — “Which press conference?” Brunell joked. “I remember five or six of those” — and all the memories came flooding back. Only Majkowski, who has covered the Packers as an analyst in recent years, believed that Favre would stay retired. He had approached Favre on the field before games. Sometimes, when he asked if Favre was hanging in there, the answer came back, “barely.”

    “I knew he wouldn’t,” Hasselbeck said. “I’m not saying he knew, but if you know him, he loves football. There are guys in the N.F.L. who love being in the N.F.L., and there are guys who just love to play football. It’s totally different.”

    They listened as analysts criticized Favre for his indecision. They, too, heard stories about the way Favre distanced himself from teammates as he grew older. What struck Steve Bono, a backup in 1997, was when Favre said it was “hard to be Brett.”

    “That was the weight that he felt and carried,” Bono said.

    Majkowski said: “There is no comparison to the guy at that press conference compared to when I first met him. It’s hard for me to comprehend now that maturity, that he’s old enough to be called Mr. Favre now.”

    Favre turns 39 on Friday. Now settled with the Jets, he leads the league in passer rating through five weeks. The backups watch him wearing green and white, and it feels strange — like seeing their collective history, the same old Brett, but all mixed up.

    “Honestly, I don’t like it,” Brunell said. “To me, Brett Favre is a Packer. I would have loved if he had finished a Packer. To me, and shoot, to millions of others, he’s going to be considered a Packer.”

    The Backup Club will induct three new members at the end of this season, but so far, only Rodgers holds the distinction of replacing the man who always seemed as if he would play forever.

    “It’s an honor,” Rodgers said, “to play behind one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time, take the reins of a good football team, and try and pick up where he left off.”
    #1 sec314, Oct 9, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2008
  2. JetsBigD

    JetsBigD Member

    May 8, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Awesome article man....thanks for the post
  3. greenwhite&nogold

    greenwhite&nogold New Member

    Aug 9, 2008
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  4. penny10jet

    penny10jet New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    why cant all our beat reporters write like this guy?
  5. JetFanInMD

    JetFanInMD New Member

    Aug 16, 2008
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    To give credit where it is due

  6. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    This is why fans have migrated here from GB... he is beyond Iconic.
  7. Firemangini Ed

    Firemangini Ed New Member

    Sep 26, 2008
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    Am I the only person who thinks Majkowski was as good as Favre? I know the Majik Man's career didn't last long due to injuries, but I think he was The Gunslinger before Favre was, and did it with lesser talent around him. I used to hope that Majkowski would throw an interception just to watch him run out there and put a big hit on the ball carrier. More fun to watch than any other QB, though Favre is close.
  8. uberchink

    uberchink New Member

    Aug 31, 2008
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    I didn't get to watch the Majik Man much since I was too young but all I know is they were 0-2 that year before Favre was thrown into the mix and brought them to a winning record.
  9. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Back in the early 80's, the NY Post used to have football writers that wrote great articles like this. Today, only the Times has writers like this but they don't cover the NFL enough for my taste. The NY media in general does not cover the NFL enough for me. Have you heard Fatcesca lately, with ED Coleman and Carlin and Jones. Sickening baseball talk. Thank God for Sirius NFL!!!!!!
  10. jcjet

    jcjet Member

    Feb 22, 2003
    Likes Received:
    nice article thx
    #10 jcjet, Oct 10, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2008
  11. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Happy birthday Mr. Fahvra
  12. Favre4Ever

    Favre4Ever New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Great article.

    And no, Majik man wasn't anywhere near Favre in talent. Don't get me wrong, Majik was one of my favorite players but I think we got a good taste of how special 1989 was by watching him play from 1990 on. He was decent but nowhere near as good as he was in 1989. Don was a 1 year wonder....but what a year that was! Its amazing how much love Don still gets in GB. I've been to numerous games in which Don is walking the GB sidelines. Fans yell to him and he always comes over to the stands during games to pose for pictures...sometimes with a fan's arm around him too. He's a great guy and extremely appreciative of the fans.

    Happy 39th Brett. Hope to see you cotinue to play and play well for many years to come.
  13. CaneJet

    CaneJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2002
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    What stands out: the way he introduced himself to teammates as if they didn't know who he was and the broken thumb he played through that normally would have required surgery.

    Also, if we win the SB with Favre, he needs to be inducted in the Hall as a Packer and a Jet. And retire number four and put it on the stadium wall...the whole shebang...
  14. 4transplant4

    4transplant4 New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Happy Birthday, Brett Favre!!!
  15. DonnieBaseball23

    DonnieBaseball23 Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    It's that quality Syracuse education. GO ORANGE! :)
  16. packerbacker1234

    packerbacker1234 New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    He had Sterling Sharpe before Favre did.

    Enough said.
  17. uberchink

    uberchink New Member

    Aug 31, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Sharpe wasn't even the same person by the time Favre came around. Obviously he was still good but did he even have practice at all the entire time Favre was there (because of his toe)?
  18. Favre4Ever

    Favre4Ever New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    yeah that turf toe kept him out of practice for virtually an entire season one year.
  19. Twombles

    Twombles Active Member

    Nov 6, 2005
    Likes Received:
    That's a great article to read. Thanks mate.
  20. packerbacker1234

    packerbacker1234 New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    That's just it: Sharpe wasn't even as good as he was before Favre showed up, and STILL he was a beast. Arguably if injury hadn't ended his career, he could of been among the all time bests at the position. The guy was just that good.

    So, to say Majick did the same sort of stuff with lesser talent is a falicy. He played with the best WR Favre really ever had in his entire career for a longer stretch of time.

    And, have you looked at Favre's wr's over the years? His best one might be Donald Driver. Freeman had a lot of good moments with favre, but he was far from a great WR. In fact, that showed when he left GB and could barely make practice squads on other teams. Just saying, Favre has never had great WR options, and rarely had the same starting wr's year to year. His best pass catcher was most likely Chumura, and then obviously Sterling Sharpe for two seasons before the back injury that ended his career way too short (guy had 5 more good years left in him).

    And, while DD is great and I do love the guy, he isn't exactly imposing. He just works really hard to do the best he can, and we just happen to like that attitude over the flash and glitz of some of the other premier guys.

    In either case, I wont deny that Majick was not a bad QB. He really wasn't. Unfortunately, Favre came in immediatly and did things that Majick could not, such as leading comeback victory after comeback victory. While Majick did thread the needle and provided excitement, his arm strength was not near to what Favre's is, and he wasn't that great at making plays out of nothing, something Favre has excelleded at. I'll give him some credit, but Favre came in and started to win immediatly, even before the sack master showed up. Majick couldn't win consistently enough, and though Favre was wild, he was wild in a way that usually won the game.

    Besides, I would never be excited over an interception, even if the QB layed a good hit on him. Hit him hard all you want - it's still their ball and not ours. Now, if Majick would of taken out guys on reverse plays like favre does, now that is impressive.

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