whenever I think of Greg Jones i think of glad to say they played it even last year they always do as a Seminole highlight. omg one of the nastiest punishments ive seen put on anyone let alone a defender. [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE] oh ya, go NOLES!
wheres ur um student ID, id love to see it, o no wait ur like the 99.9% of ur other fans whov never sniffed coral gables. Whats ur address, the kleenex is on the way. and trumped... i didnt know winning by 8 was a trumping, fuckin tool.
Both FSU and UM are both young teams right now. They are working there way back to the promise land. Each program will be way much better next year.
If Greg Jones didn't get hurt that year, he would have been drafted a lot higher and would have been a RB in the NFL, not a FB.
Do you finally have a FSU ID? or still workin those books at TCC? FSU and UM are both jokes for at least another year.
Yeah because a Private University and tuition at least 20K+ is so easy to get into. I'm at USF, where it's better on the wallet and grants are easier to come by. You're the fuckin tool...You show up all of a sudden when you win, but last year you went silent, and this entire offseason you were silent. Go back in your box now.
ermm.. not sure what this means but i graduated summa cum laude in august tough guy. only joke was that sorry ass team from wack ass orlando i saw on the field today at dolphin stadium.