Brett Favre was a mistake...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Hemi, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. Antoni

    Antoni Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2007
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    Sorry, you don't have the '96 Favre, you have the '08 Favre. Yes, data analysis has everything to do with paying for PSLs, "fucking retard".:rolleyes:
    #421 Antoni, Sep 26, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2008
  2. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    no, its nitpicking like it fucking matters...... i see Jets and everyone else's fans do it - it means nothing... Chad's mental superiority and the dink and dunk passing game has the planet brainwashed into thinking that its a relevant conversation at any level...

    keep calling it data analysis... i'll call it nitpicking. You now sound like the Chad-blowers that were made fun of when he was a Jet and you probably laughed at too, now he wears gay teal, and down you go... Favre wins all the time - he's just the better QB.. I don't care what the #s say.

    Fan bullshit.
  3. Antoni

    Antoni Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2007
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    Ok, forget about the Dolphins for a second. Say Pennington signs with the 49ers instead. With ticket and jersey sales aside, what advantage does Favre bring to the Jets that Pennington didn't? So far he's only reinforced his gunslinger playstyle that works ever so well with a conservative strategy Mangini likes to run, right?

    Coupled with his apparent inability to learn a new offense even given the fact that Pennington also, had to learn a new offense and had 1 week less to do it. Then there's that whole throwing off the back foot thing that has so far, resulted in 3 picks. And yeah, let's face it Chad isn't exactly Marino and I don't expect him to win many games for us, but by the same token he won't lose any either(see Favre vs NYG in the NFC Championship)

    If Chad sucked, you at least put in Clemens and Ratliff to see where you go in the draft. Are you going to really bench Favre, lol? All I'm saying is, and I'm trying to be as neutral as possible, is that the whole Favre thing was not in the best interest of the team but rather in the best interest of Mangini and Tannenbaum.
    #423 Antoni, Sep 26, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2008
  4. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Pennington gets a Dan Henning playbook, which will look a lot more familiar to him than what Favre is getting. If Marty Morninwheg was on the Jets, then its the same playing field.

    Favre always throws off his back foot, some are great plays, others are great picks-- Packer fans had to deal with it and loved him. He has 2 picks, the other is on a 2pt coversion, doesn't count. Penny lost week 1 for you - he loves throwing 4th qtr game sealing INTs, I saw it last year - thats why I had no problem getting rid of him... Brett's known for his 4th qtr magic, more so than what he did in the NFC game.

    It was about having a QB who could last an entire season, and be the unquestioned starter. Chad and Kellen were in a constant battle in the media and with this board (not that the board holds any weight). It also doesn't bode well for the other players having to bother with the questions of a QB battle. The FO took a look at this and knew something for the most important position on the field something had to be done, so they took the chance to try and acquire a man who could be an unquestioned starter on another team, since he was facing a scenario similar to Chad here. But if Kellen Clemens could play like Aaron Rodgers, Favre wouldn't be here either.

    It was in the best interest to get rid of Pennington, more than bring Favre here. Favre was the reason to get rid of Chad. With Chad gone, Favre being a rental, and neither QB below them ready (Kellen is complete shit, Ratliff too green), it allows the staff to go in a different direction with a buffer. It is an error on their part, however, not to have an heir apparent. Kellen was the 1st attempt, or even this years attempt... epic fail - bring Favre in. The next attempt is next year, Ratliff or a draftee - I'm in favor of both... They have been guaranteed 2009. That year will be the year to see if there is a young QB they can groom. If not, a coaching change will occur, considering the defense and some of the offense is a good place for a new QB to grow into a new system with a new coach, but not regime - I think Tannenbaum and the scouting staff stays on.

    The move does favor the staff slightly more than the team, but there is a confidence about this team that the NFL media speaks of that I don't think can be attained with a young, learning QB behind center. It was in the best interest of the morale of the team to bring in Favre as well.
    #424 NDmick, Sep 26, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2008
  5. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Eaxcatly and I watched that Charger playoff game over the weekend and Chad threw the ball really well, not just on that bomb to Moss either. It's amazing knowing he had a torn rotator cuff.
  6. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    When healthy(that's always been a problem for Chad) he's been a better QB since he became our starter in 2002 and he has a better playoff record despite playing in a tougher div and conf. Obviously all-time Favre is much better but you guys act like Chad is Kyle mackey. He is the ONLY QB in our history to start games in 3 different postseasons for us. We certainly would be better RIGHT NOW w/ Chad as he knows our O but IF Favre picks it up in time we have a higher ceiling w/ him but if he dosn't we have a lower floor. We were going to be a playoff contender w/ Chad as our QB so anything less than 10-11 wins and a decent shopwing in the playoffs will make this move a failure on the field. of course it was more about selling jerseys than winning so the Jets will view it as a success regardless.
  7. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I don't understand why the Chad Fans don't just go ahead and do what they really want to do and follow him to the fish. He ain't coming back no matter what, so either suck it up and get over your manlove or follow him down to Miami.
  8. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    I don't see the problem with people still supporting a former player in his future travels with another team. I also don't have a problem with people that think it was a bad deal with getting Favre. I don't agree with them, but it is what it is. I don't see why so many of you that hate the guy have to have a problem with people still being supportive of him (Pennington). And accusing them of bullshit like not being true Jets fans or wanting the Jets to fail because of the deal is retard talk. Unless the person actually comes out and says it... well in which case is just plain retarded.

    Everyone keeps saying Pennington fans should move on... I say the same can be said of those hating on him. You can move on to. You don't have to acknowledge any post about him. But you do anyway.
  9. puddnhead

    puddnhead New Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    It totally bewilders me that this Chad vs Brett stuff is still going on. But unfortunately it is extremely familiar, it's still going on on Packers boards too, in the form of Aaron vs. Brett (although less intensely, maybe that's because of the the extra W and the fact that Aaron had 172 more weeks to learn his current offense than Brett has had).

    I guess I just have to say, to both sets of fans that keep doing this: what's the point? It is what it is? I still root for Favre, so I followed him here. But I still root for Packers too, so I keep posting there. But when I post there, I do not keep making Favre vs Rodgers comparisons ad naseum. What is the point? Seriously!
  10. puddnhead

    puddnhead New Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    I can't believe this is still going on but ... whatever.

    Your thesis is that Favre rushed the throw, he could have held on to the ball and looked for other options. Fine. The please STICK WITH THE LOGICAL CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR THESIS when writing everything else. If you say Favre did not need to throw right away, then you CAN'T use as support for your argument that the guy blitzing him stopped coming at him in order to jump and try to deflect the pass! The only reason the linebacker is doing this is because Favre is doing what you say he should not be doing, if Favre does not throw a pass then (duh) the keeps coming instead of jumping to deflect a nonexistant pass. And Favre gets sacked, losing yards, and possibly hurt.

    Surely you will agree that linebackers run faster than our grandmas, and surely you must agree that a linebacker will not stop blitzing in order to try to jump-block a pass if there is no pass to be blocked. Or do we have to keep dissecting the chicken vs egg flaws in your logic?

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Your absolutely right. This move was to save their a**es and take away some of the Giants Sb shine. Even though I would have gotten rid of Chad and Coles anyway but I would have saw what we had in Clemens and Ratliff so we could move forward. At the end of the day Farve is better than Chad and I would rather have Farve but this was a saving a** move not a football one.
  12. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Jersey sales maybe, ticket sales no. All the tickets have been sold for 30 years and there is a long waiting list. The Favre move wasn't about tickets and I doubt it was about jerseys either. We happened to be in the opposite conference from Green Bay, where they wanted to send him, so he was available for virtually nothing, except we had to cut Pennington who Favre replaces anyway. That's why we got him, to try and upgrade the position and the offense. He fell into their lap.
  13. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Couldn't have said it better myself. If people don't want to see Chad mentioned in the Jets forum, it's too bad because he was here a long time and has a long history with the Jets. We talk about Ken O'Brien here, Richard Todd, Vinny, Boomer, Namath, so it will be the same with Chad. If people don't like it they should skip the threads or leave the board, I guess.
  14. johnny

    johnny Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    You are implying things that I didn't write. Did I ever say that Favre shouldn't have thrown the ball? No, I said that he shouldn't have passed it to Coles (since he was covered). I would rather have him throw the ball away rather than risk a pass that at best would get a 1-2 yard gain.

    I also said that Favre's form was unnecessarily bad (almost falling backwards). My point about the LB jumping was that if the LB was as close as you claimed then he wouldn't have jumped, but continued forward into Favre as the pass was thrown.

    As to your contention that LB's run faster than grandmas and that a blitzing LB will not jump unless the QB is about to pass the ball - I agree. Unless, of course, the grandmother is Lawrence Taylor's granmother and the linebacker is Anthony Schlegle :). However, before complaining about someone else's logic I suggest you fully understand what they wrote.

    I suggest we just drop the discussion on this issue (it's Friday already). It's pretty obvious we'll never see eye to eye.
  15. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I don't see any problem with posters noting that others supporting a former player in his future travels with another team seem to be doing so in a way that shows they care more about him than the Jets and have it so obviously and completely distort there "assessment" whether it was a bad deal getting Favre. I don't see why you would fail to see that those of us who did not like him overstaying his time on the Jets would be critical of those who are supportive of him playing for a hated team, that being Miami. I don't think the accusation that this is not consonant with being a Jet fan is bullshit, and never said that any of you Chad Fans have been stupid enough to out and out root for the Jets to lose, but your too obvious pleasure in questioning his replacement with Brett Favre is quite apparent, and there is nothing wrong with others here noting it.

    I don't care a bit whether you continue to think China Dollington is a great Qb, but when it seeps and oozes its fetid, decaying presence into discussions such as begun by the OP on this thread, an obvious Chad Fan, yeah, I wish it didn't, as all those who want the best for the Jets and not for Chadly do, unlike some others here. And if you think there is something wrong with pointing this all out, I will just have to disagree.
  16. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Its like Herm love it to will fade when reality sets in.
  17. JetDynasty

    JetDynasty Active Member

    Apr 22, 2008
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    ive been saying this all along too...favre is overhyped....chad would have never lost us the game
  18. Kentucky Jet

    Kentucky Jet Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The point is at the top of the CHADANISTAS heads! They HATE every Jets QB that ever came into competition with Sir Chadwick. They hated Clemens; now they hate Favre; soon it could be Ratty or Ainge. My suggestion is that they become DOLPHIN fans and support their starting QB. Further, CHADWICK is nothing but an average QB. The CHADANISTAS think he is a sure fire Hall of Famer! Possibly! if he went to the ARENA LEAGUE!
  19. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    Yeah, I'm not sure why everyone keeps thinking this option was available to us. Why would a team trade away it's 1st round draft pick from the season before?
  20. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    This is an absurd comment. Pennington had a very ugly ankle injury last year and missed ONE game!

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