My take on 2008 jets

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by tomdeb, Sep 24, 2008.

  1. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    Not that I think anyone has been waiting, but here's my take on the jets this year. I hope they win the Super Bowl, but unless things change dramatically I think we're in trouble.

    Regarding the remaining schedule, yes it is favorable, but the jets blew it big time vs. new England. Miami's humbling of the Pats was not that big a surprise to me. Tom Brady IS the Pats. Bellichicken stunk with the Browns, was 6-10 with the Pats in 2000 and 0-2 in 2001 pre-Brady.

    The Chargers game does not bother me. The Chargers would have beaten anyone Monday night. They had so much energy being at home after the ref stole their game in week 2--NOBODY was going to beat the Chargers Monday nite.

    Now to the 2008 jets remaining schedule --here is what I see as their problems this year that damn it they should address or get ready for 4-12 again.

    1) Bench Thomas Jones. Yeah, yeah I know this won't be popular but THERE IS A REASON WHY HE IS ON HIS FOURTH TEAM. He is nothing but a journeyman running back who couldn't make my 79- year- old mother miss a tackle. Has he ever made anyone miss him? I would start Leon and plug in Chatman as soon as he is off suspension--This nonsense of sending Jones into the line for 2-3 yards every time puts the jets in 3rd down all the time. And he is signed thru the end of 2010?

    2) Make a change in their defense. They either need to play Gholston as a 4-3 end more, change their D coordinator, have Mangini call the defensive signals, anything. Eric Smith should be cut, Bryan Thomas has always underachieved, and Coleman and Ellis are way overpaid. The jets pays out huge money to totally average players on their defense and don't seem to care.

    3) Start Stuckey at WR. I would move Coles to 3rd WR--He has been a clubhouse cancer and the jets foolishly guarenteed his contract for this year and next. He shows no speed and a guy like Stuckey and eventually Clowney offer some excitement or possibly a vertical threat. Right now we are the generic jets on offense with T. Jones plugging for 2 yards and and then hoping possession receivers Coles, and Cotch barely moving the chains. I would have cut Brad Smith in preseason.

    4) Get organized in the front office. Some really stupid moves. Graham's cut--no he's back (injury to his replacement, but if a guy's cut move on to someone else). Coles bitches--guarantee his contract, Keep 5 TEs in 2007, keep 4 Qbs in 2008 (huh?). Cut Henry and keep Brad Smith who has really prodduced for the jets.

    Sorry to say this and I know it's early but the jets look like the are outclassed in the front office, on the sideline and on the field. Whose running the offense? They almost blew the Miami game by running Thomas Jones on 3rd and 7 at the end, did screw up v. NE by running Jones 3 times on the goal line, and the THROW A PASS on a 2 point conversion in SD from the 1 inch line. I hope we win the super Bowl but damn it they really have looked pathetic so far. I hope they turn it around!
  2. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Your moves are drastic to say the least. I think Thomas Jones is good and Coles is still worth being a #1 and if not, then he can swap with Cotchery at #2.
  3. xmscott

    xmscott Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    Thomas Jones really is garbage IMO.

    He has a lot to prove before i change my mind. One touchdown last year? Only 1 so far this year? Meh.
  4. PJ4Ever

    PJ4Ever Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    The one thing I do def agree about is Thomas Jones. He is probably one of the worst starting RBs in the NFL. And for being one of the biggest in the NFL, I have NEVER seen him break a tackle or make anyone miss. And he hits a hole with the authority of my 80-year old grandpa. Actually...that's an insult to my grandpa. He's still pretty active and plays tennis...I think he might be able to do a better job.
  5. Bosko

    Bosko Guest

    Thanks for sayin what I was thinking reading this guy's "panic post."

    For cryin out loud, can Jets fans stop being such Nervous Nellies?

    There's so much time left in the season!
  6. plasticsloth

    plasticsloth Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2006
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    yea bryan thomas has really underachieved by leading the team in sacks. Take a chill pill man. You can't really be suggesting cutting Ellis and Coleman as well right? that would really help the team. The people on this board need to chill the fuck out. Plenty of people had this team going 1-2 in the first three games and yet still making the playoffs. CAlm the fuck down.
  7. ScotlandJet

    ScotlandJet New Member

    Nov 10, 2004
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    You guys are watching a different game from me. I think Jones has been excellent this year.
  8. gustoonarmy

    gustoonarmy 2006-2007 Best International Poster of the

    Jan 30, 2004
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    LMAO! :rofl:
    He should learn to look before he plows forward into yet another brick wall.
    TJ on a typical hand off;
    Looks, takes with both hands , all good so far.
    MIGHT make one half cut/juke
    Head goes down, makes 2-3 yards.
    Gets up, looks moody and says shit!
  9. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    He's been doing exactly what he was brought here to do - he's been good. The fumble wasn't good, but he doesn't really do that much.

    He runs downhill, hits the hole hard and breaks a tackle with a stiff arm here and there. 4.2 yard per carry is just fine for a guy you want to carry the load.

    He's not LT or AP, he's a workhorse you can depend on. Saying he's terrible or should be benched seems pretty silly to me. The guy ran for nearly 5 YPC against the Pats but people still complained about him that game. It wasn't his fault the o-line couldn't open a hole in 3 tries.
  10. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    self mutilation solves these stressful dilemmas.

    most of this makes no sense.
  11. gustoonarmy

    gustoonarmy 2006-2007 Best International Poster of the

    Jan 30, 2004
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    Granted, he IS a workhorse, but one thats NEVER going to break open.
    I wonder if hes actually carrying too much muscle to move properly
  12. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    Bench Thomas Jones? Does that mean Neon Leon starts? At what point is that a good idea? Sure he has skills in the open field but up the gut is a different story. This is also a very bad idea in the pass protection side of things. Did we not see Adalius Thomas sack two men at once?

    How are you going to diss the guy who is leading this team in sacks and is playing very well for us this year. He is playing like he is being paid to do, having a rookie breathing down your neck would probably make anyone step up their game as well.

    Stuckey over Coles? WTF?

    Drastic isn't even the word for it...
  13. ScotlandJet

    ScotlandJet New Member

    Nov 10, 2004
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    Obviously you don't know as much about football as you claim. Football is a game of incremental inches and yards and Jones, who granted isn't a Sanders or a Payton, does what any workhorse is paid to do, hit the wall and work it.
  14. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    Totally agree.

    If the play is calling for him to hit between the T/G, that's where he goes.
    Like on his TD run in Miami. He went to the Hole, nuthin and bounce it to the outside. Isn't that what we want a RB to do? Make something out of nothing?

    Last week almost every play he had to cut back because there was nothing there and he ended up making psoitive yards on his own.
    What more do you want?
    This ain't Madden and we don't have LT.

    Maybe if we wouldn't announce when we are going to run the ball things would get easier but TJ has looked Good so far.

    also, Seems like teams are attacking our running game by coming off the edges.
    The Pats and SD both did it.
    Which means there is a weakness in our blocking schemes that they're exploiting.
    Hmm, go figure. I though we had geniuses here to take care of that shit.

  15. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    1. We can't bench Jones, we have two Rbs on the roster and Leon is not an every down RB. I agree that Jones is nothing more then a journeyman back but he is the best option for the majority of carries, at least until Chatman gets back, then maybe at least it becomes debatable. I think we need to get Leon more touches and get him more involved but he is not going to be our feature back.

    2. Makes no sense at all. Are you suggesting we completely change our defensive scheme after 3 games? A scheme that the FO has spent alot of money in the offseason building. Jenkins is the key guy in our D, a guy that they spent big bucks for who isn't exctly average as you say. Its funny how much better Ellis and Coleman look and the Dline when they have a guy like Jenkins in there taking up blockers.

    3. Coles is off to a terrible start, he needs to start playing better. Not the time to bench him yet. Stuckey looks promising and is going to keep earning more playing time. If Stuckey and Keller keep emerging and Coles gets his head out of his ass we should have some nice weapons to work with. Coles is very important to this offense, he is the best WR on the team when he is right, he needs to get going.

    4. Graham was cut because he sucked and was brought back because his replaement was injured. Not sure why they are keeping Hodges around though, he should have been cut when Graham was brought back. I don't see the problem with 4 QBs, we have 3 young guys with potential, why is it a problem to have your 53rd player that never suits up on Sunday to be a young QB with talent. Isn't it better to keep him on the roster rather than lose him and let him develop into a starter somewhere else?

    Everyone is frustrated with 1-2 but geez just relax a little and let the season play out. If we win a winnable game at home on Sunday we go into the bye 2-2 and set us up nicely to compete for the division. Huge game on Sunday.
  16. Revis Flytrap

    Revis Flytrap New Member

    Aug 31, 2008
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    Good discussion provoking post:

    1. If you're going to put LW in, you're basically playing a third-down offense all the time and I like the idea. It's time to become a passing team and use the pass to set up the run. It would require a change in overall philosophy and I don't know how difficult that will be to do or if we have an OC capable of developing such a plan. I personally have a hard-on for the SD offense of Coryell and would like the Jets to emulate it.

    2. Realistically, Sutton and the 3-4 are here for the rest of the season--I have not been able to follow Gholston's play as much as I would like--is he playing DE on all passing downs? If not, he should be.

    3. If we go with at least a 3WR set on every down (see #1), Coles should be one of them.

    4. I think Tannenbaum has done well, but I like the idea of an advisor for both FO and coach. Not gonna happen though, due to ego's.
  17. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Thomas Jones is doing a pretty good job, imo. I don't really have many complaints about him. When an opposing defense knows what play will be run, it's hard to make a play.
    The problem with this team is that, like the Redskins of the past, you can't just plug in high priced FA's, and expect the chemistry to develope immediatly. Especially at QB.
  18. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Benching Jones is pure insanity. We do not have another starting RB on this roster. Leon is a great change of pace guy, but not going to carry a work load or wear down a defense. I'm all for drafting a RB high next year (I would love to get our hands on Knowshon Moreno or Chris Wells) if a good one falls to us, but no need to panic now.

    The 3-4 is here to stay. Sutton on the other hand should have been gone long ago. Gholston should never be playing end in the 3-4, but is fine as a pass rushing OLB at this point.

    Coles is a good #1. Stucky is a good #3. No reason to mess with a good thing right now. I would not expect Wes Welker to replace Moss in the Pats ofense, nor would I expect Stucky to over take Coles in ours.

    Out front office is the best its been since Parcells packed up and left. We have drafted very well. We have also made good trades to fill holes and moved vets to get extra picks. The FA signings have been huge for us this year. That said, we need to do some cleaning out of assistants in the coaching staff. The Kicker/Punter situation is a mess. With Hodges getting hurt so close to the game they were hand cuffed on what they could do there.

    Things have not looked great so far, but there are several bright spots to be looked at as well. No need to go jumping of any bridges yet.
  19. brothermoose

    brothermoose Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2006
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    Thomas Jones hits the wall and falls down. There is no working it. When's the last time you saw him churn his legs for that extra yard after contact? That's what a workhorse is supposed to do.
  20. themantda

    themantda New Member

    Sep 7, 2006
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    For someone so "jacked" TJ sure goes down easily. Hey Thomas, maybe a little less bicep curls and some more squats pal.

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