Offensive Weapons?

Discussion in 'Draft' started by Mr Electric, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    I'm glad we've gone defense in the past few drafts, and it obviously shows...on both sides of the ball. Revis and Harris have helped our defense improve, and Gholston should only make it better when he figures out the game. We have no threats. Teams aren't scared of the Jets' offense, even with Brett Favre leading.

    I think it's time for our FO to bring in some playmakers in the first couple rounds.

    WR: Cotchery has looked solid so far, and we've finally found a slot replacement with Chansi Stuckey, but in my opinion, Coles is done, and the team should cut ties with him after 2008. This is the year to grab a receiver, or two. Here are my top 5 WR prospects:

    1. Michael Crabtree SO(RS) Texas Tech 6'3 214

    2. Jeremy Maclin SO(RS) Mizzou 6'1 200

    3. Darrius Heyward-Bey JR Maryland 6'3 206

    4. Brian Robiskie SR Ohio State 6'3 199

    5. Jarett Dillard SR Rice 5'11 185 - He just knows how to score. He'll get drafted on the first day...they will be better athletes available, but no one is a better receiver than Dillard. He's a mix between Jerry Rice and Marvin Harrison.

    TE: Chris Baker is on board for a while now, and Dustin Keller will develop into a star...I just have a feeling about that kid. Bubba Franks is slow, and is far from being a playmaker, but he gets the job done. I think we're set at tight end...

    RB: Thomas Jones has looked good this year behind our improved offensive line, and Leon Washington is the perfect scatback, but he can't carry the load. Jones is getting close to passing his prime, so a replacement is needed. In my opinion, this isn't really a good year to go after a running back unless you want to use a top 20 pick. It really falls off after the top three guys are off of the can make a case for who should be ranked 4 and 5, because they are on the same level of NFL value:

    1. Knowshon Moreno SO(RS) 5'11 212 Georgia

    2. Chris Wells JR 6'1 239 Ohio State

    3. Marlon Lucky SR 6'0 216 Nebraska - I think he'll have the most success in the NFL behind Wells and Moreno, depending on where he ends up. He's just a complete back. 206 carries and 75 receptions as a junior at Nebraska...racking up almost 2000 all-purpose yards. He's my favorite right now, but I can't rank him ahead of

    4. CJ Spiller JR 5'11 192 Clemson - I guess his stock will rise because of Chris Johnson out of ECU, but Spiller is a lot like Reggie Bush. He's great WHEN he gets to the outside...but he can't run between the tackles, and you have to be able to do that in the NFL.

    5. James Davis SR Clemson 5'11 214/Arian Foster SR Tennessee 6'1 215/Ian Johnson 6'0 200 SR Boise State

    This thread is for everyone to name the playmakers the Jets should take in this year's draft. I've named mine, leaving out a few like Florida Gators Percy Harvin and Louis Murphy.

    Bring your info and knowledge to this thread -- tell everyone who's out there.
    #1 Mr Electric, Sep 19, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2008
  2. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    I've been reading a bit already on the prospects for the upcoming draft, but I don't get to watch a ton of college ball right as I normally do. (Damn women who can only handle me being glued to the couch one day a week)

    I would love to get our hands on Wells or Knowshon Moreno, but I hope we are drafting too far down to have a chance.

    Wee have so many young receivers right now I doubt we will look into one. There are a few interesting guys there though. I highly doubt, yet again, that we will be in position to get our hands on Michael Crabtree and that's too bad, the kid is going to be a beast in the NFL.

    I could really see us looking into some 3-4 Linemen on the D side, there is some very interesting guys out there in the first few rounds with guys like Ricky Jean-Francois, Ziggy Hood, and B.J. Raji. Out there. DT's with good szie and a decent first step make nice ends in the 3-4 and Raji has been touted as a potential 3-4 NT.

    Also, have you seen any of Terrence Cody from Alabama? I have not seen him play, but he's huge. I would have no problem getting a guy of his size to train into a 3-4 NT.

    I also would not mid some 2nd to mid rounders being spent along the O-line again. We severely lack depth there. It looks like there could be some interesting guys around then. With the Extra picks incoming form the Vilma and Kendall trades it should help us build some depth if we do not try and trade up for an elite offensive talent.
  3. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    I think Wells' stock drops if his injury limits him this year, possibly to the Jets... but RBs are usually 2 rounds deep in any draft. I'd like to see what WRs are out there.

    I'm actually down for drafting more trench guys this year as well, and on the 1st day. OL and DL.
  4. Nesquik

    Nesquik Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    I think that there is more depth on Offense then there is at defense in really every yeary when it comes to the draft. Usually because offense is the show and that is what people like to see but generally im not in favor of picking wr's and rbs high because u can usually find some gems later in mid rounds(unless u are cant miss prospesct like Calvin Johnson and Adrian Peterson).So even though we do lack some offensive weapons i still think we to sure up the defense even more.

    I still think we need another corner i like Lowery but we need 3 really good corners, a true free safety and another inside linebacker.
    #4 Nesquik, Sep 19, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2008
  5. Popeye's Army

    Popeye's Army New Member

    Aug 12, 2008
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    We have Stuckey and Clowney as young, possibly good WR. Also Marcus Henry is in development as well. And Keller should get better. So we have a number of guys who might be solid WR next season. Even if Coles left, I think the Jets would be fine.

    As a consequence I'm not so excited about drafting a WR. They generally take two or three years to develop. If we get one next season, I wouldn't really count on him giving us much help.

    RB can contribute right away. I'd like to get one later in the draft.

    I think the higher priorities should be ILB and DL.
  6. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Stuckey and Clowney are slot receivers at best...and Marcus Henry barely made this team.

    The fact is the Jets have no legitimate threats on offense right now. Keller could become a scary tight end, and Cotchery looks good, but he's a possession guy. New York needs a home run threat.

    If Coles left, and the Jets didn't replace him with a rookie or a solid free agent, they'd be screwed.
  7. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    I think LeSean McCoy should be a Jet. In fact, I think he's the best RB in this class...with Moreno a close 1A.

    Michael Crabtree could be the next Andre Johnson if he wants it.
  8. rhodesfan16

    rhodesfan16 New Member

    Feb 7, 2008
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    well if one goes running back I think a guy who can carry a full load, like from what I understand Morreno will never be able to do that which is why I like Wells I wouldnt be opposed to Ian Johnson or Keiland Williams either, but Williams has to prove he can handel the work load and with Scott getting alot of carries his stock is droping. speaking of Charles Scott here is a guy who is 5-11 and 233 damn he could be amazing in the NFL. But in terms of receivers any one who can simply stretch the field I mean look at a guy like Desean Jackson most people knew that he would never be a number one option but even in the slot he can tear up a defense thats what we need we need speed top speed. But if we get Crabtree it would be awesome
  9. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    I completely forgot about LeSean McCoy. Nice call.

    He ranks in front of Wells, but still behind Moreno for me.

    Marlon Lucky is still one of my favorite sleeper backs...
  10. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    I really like Andre Brown from NC State. He's the peeeeerfect compliment to Leon.

    I also like Javon Ringer from quite a bit.

    Lucky's got good size, and he's probably on par with those two as a prospect.

    I'd rather have a junior RB though...fresher legs and etc.

    Another WR I like is Greg Carr. I'm gonna try to catch some FSU games cause I alswo REALLY like Everette Brown...I think he could be better than Wimbley.
  11. Popeye's Army

    Popeye's Army New Member

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Clowney is not a slot receiver. That was the mistake GB made with him. He is an ex-track star burner on the outside. Ran a 4.3 at the Combine. He is our deep threat.

    Cotchery, Stuckey, Clowney and (eventually) Keller. That's 4 solid, athletic receivers - probably more than most teams have.
  12. semperfigreen

    semperfigreen Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Daddy likes...I would love this guy in green....
  13. sackexchange

    sackexchange Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    How 'bout SR. RB Javon Ringer from Michigan State?
  14. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    He reminds me a lot of Curtis Martin, but he has tired legs. I think he's getting close to 45 touches a game...and that's crazy for a college back.
  15. sackexchange

    sackexchange Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    Yup, you're right. They are running him into the ground. As a State fan, I'm actually concerned that he won't make it through the season. Kids, a horse though. Not real tall but strong as hell. Squats over 600# !!
  16. Twombles

    Twombles Active Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    Seeing how dominant some recent high flashy offensive weapon picks are appearing to become has made me re-evaluate their importance in a full season perspective.
    Miami has Ronnie Brown
    Buff has Marshawn Lynch
    Pats have Moss, Welker (Moroney?)
    Jets have ? Leon, Coles
    Bengals have CJ
    Browns have Braylon Edwards
    Pittsburg have Willie Parker
    Houston have Andre Johnson
    Colts have Addai, Harrison and Wayne
    Jax have Jones-Drew, Taylor
    Broncos have Brandon Marshall
    KC have Dwayne Bowe, Larry Johnson
    Oakland have Run DMC
    Chargers have LT, Gates
    Boys have Owens
    Giants have Plax
    Eagles have Westbrook
    Skins have Portis, Moss
    Lions have Calvin Johnson, Roy Williams
    Green Bay have Jennings
    Minn have Peterson
    Falcons have Turner/Norwood
    Panthers have Steve Smith
    Saints have Reggie Bush and Colston
    Arizona have Fitzgerald and Boldin
    Rams have Steven Jackson
    SF have Gore

    I left out the Ravens, Titans, Bears, Bucs, San Fran out of there. And not surprisingly those offenses need a massive game from their quarterbacks to be any good.
  17. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    The Titans have Chris Johnson...he's going to be making big plays in the NFL for a long time
  18. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    I think we need to focus on the trench depth this year, get one very solid (early pick) OL and two Defensive Lineman and an ILB. I think those are what the concern should be if one of the starters (e.g. Faneca) goes down, not Coles.

    Having said that, if you want to talk strictly Offensive weapons, I absolutely love Crabtree and would do backflips if he were to go to the Jets. Another guy is Percy Harvin, maybe in the 2nd Round or end of the 1st. You find a way to get him the ball because he's a playmaker.
  19. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    This is a nice Harvin highlight reel:

    I like it because it's not all spectacular, once-every-two-games type of plays; these are his routine plays. Notice his lack of dancing, his keen, decision-making and speed, not to mention, he runs much stronger than I thought. I think all that will translate well to the NFL.

    BCSUPERFAN New Member

    Nov 1, 2005
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    ringer from mich st definately...hes not going to get much touches his rookie year and maybe a little more year 2...get him rested and let him get stronger... ive watched him every game and he just takes the ball and keeps pounding and pounding... not like thomas jones who get nothing then nothing and then maybe 3 or 4 yards, hell keep getting positive yards and positive yards and put us in a good position for PA or another quick toss or run. He has such ability in the 3rd or 4th when the D for the opponent is dogging it he breaks the 30-40 yard run and breaks the game open

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