Brett Favre was a mistake...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Hemi, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I don't think many of us,myself included,expected this rough start. I think a lot of people really thought Brett was going to be the immediate saviour. The excitement of getting Favre drowned out the logic that it was going to take time for him to be effective. Unfortunately it just doesn't make sense now because by the time he is insync it will be too late for contention,and his time as a Jet will be short. I would absolutely love to be wrong,though.
  2. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I don't think these last two weeks were "just" losses, but a loss is a loss to some extent, and the Chargers could end up in the SB. If they win this coming week, many here will be relieved, including me.

    I was pretty upset last night, but a bit more philosophical this afternoon. If the Jets lose to Arizona, though, philosophical goes out the window.
  3. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    It's really a wash. A lot of the money Favre is making is the money Pennington would have made and all we gave up was a conditional draft pick, which is likely to be a 4th. They had to do it, if you got to the 4th round of the draft and a 38-year-old Brett Favre was there you'd probably take a chance, no?
  4. rillo

    rillo New Member

    Feb 21, 2006
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    I never bought into the hype, but I have to root for the guy because I'm a fan of this team good or bad. I've seen this before, you don't win games on paper. When the schedule was released I thought 1-2 was about right. Then after the trade I thought the same, getting a QB that late into the preseason spelled a rough start IMO. My prediction was that we are a 7-9, 8-8 team, and thats an improvement from last year. All you can ask for IMO.
  5. #28Martin

    #28Martin Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    This site has so many crybabies, it's not even funny. Eeew, Brett Favre was a mistake, sob sob... Get outta here. They just lost to a desperate team with superior talent. Stop the crying, it's embarrassing. The season starts this Sunday, when the schedule lightens up. Just for the excitement of it, Favre was a tremendous sign. He'll be fine and for some to cry already and say it was a mistake, it's absolutely pathetic.
  6. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    So the season starts when the schedule gets easier?

    Does that mean it ends before with the playoffs, when the schedule gets much harder?
  7. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    and why is it when someone states an opinion that you don't agree with, it is crying.

    Don't tell me its all sunshine and rainbows for the Jets.
  8. #28Martin

    #28Martin Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    It has absolutely nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing with my opinion. It's crying because that's what it is. The Jets have played 3 games. 3. There is no reason whatsoever for this type of reaction after losing to what might be the most talented team in the NFL, in their stadium. Favre plays a big game vs. the Cardinals this weekend, which I fully expect and the Jets are 2-2 going into the bye with a very do-able schedule ahead of them. Thinking a team with a new QB was gonna go into SD and beat a desperate SD was a reach, an absolute reach. The fact that it didn't happen is no reason to overreact. The Jets are gonna be fine this season. They're gonna go 10-6 make the playoffs and then get knocked out by a better team. Possibly the one they just lost to last night. Until they start losing to the Arizona's, the Rams, Raiders, the 49er's, the Bengals of the world, they're is nothing to overreact about. Freakin support the guy, that would be a nice change. Team was 4-12 last season. It's one think to be optimistic, it's another to be unrealistic.
  9. al_toon_88

    al_toon_88 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2005
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    This thread is idiotic. I guess with Chad we'd be 3-0 on our way to the Super Bowl.

    Or with Clemens starting...
  10. Mr. Papagiorgio

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Right now, he is on pace for 32 TDs and 16 ints, which would be a better total than last year of 28 TDs and 15 INTs. At this point last year, he was at 6 TDs and 2 INTS compared to 6 TDs and 3 INTS this year. For Weeks 4-6 last year, he had 3 TDs and 3 INTs (Vikes, Chicago, Washington). Games 7-11 is where he lit it up the most last year. He had a Pro Bowl year. If Favre and his receivers get on the same page, hopefully they can get things going more smoothly. I still think things will turn out good in the end.
  11. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    I like Brett, just not in this situation.

    The problem I have here is "waiting for the schedule to get easier". Don't you agree we need to start showing something now. These are the teams, the Pats, the Chargers, that we need to beat. Beating teams like St. Louis should be a given, and maybe in the end get the team in the playoff. But it could be short lived if they cannot beat the good teams. They didn't bring Brett in to just make the playoffs. At least I hope not. I would expect more.

    I guess you are ok with a short exit out of the playoffs.
  12. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    I'm sorry but this is a terrible thread....

    Brett Favre was not a mistake, it's like the team purposely brought him in to lose. Come on. This team is better than the record. There was no way San Diego wasn't going to blow us out last night. I sat there in my seats and at about halftime I figured they would have had a better chance if the NFL hadn't screwed SD last week. They were bitter and they wanted to make a statement. Yes Favre made a few bad throws but he later admitted he missed Stuckey wide open on the one that Weddle picked off.

    Lets look at this rationally..... with the exception of Coles our main pass catchers are getting better every week. We see Chansi emerging into a future star, Cotch had a pro bowl type game and Keller is finally getting some balls thrown to him.

    Lets be honest had this team played with the aggresivness against the Pats that they had last night they would be 2-1. This ship is not sinking and if you think it is then I'm sorry.
  13. Favre4Ever

    Favre4Ever New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Whichever way the wind blows I guess.....

    You guys are putting all the blame on Favre. Last time I checked, he doesn't suit up and play defense. That was a horrible display of defense by the Jets last night. The first INT by Favre was NOT his fault. Anyone who argues otherwise is delusional. Pass interference could have been called there.
    LC and Favre are both accepting some blame for the 2nd INT. LC quit running on that play. Favre didn't anticipate that.
    The 4th and goal play that should have been picked but fell incomplete was another one of those plays in which the chemistry isn't there yet. That and the fact that Keller is a rookie. I've seen Favre throw a lot of TDs in his career in which a player makes a move off of a defender and Brett throws the ball at a location where the receiver should be after he makes his move. Keller broke to the back of the end zone. If he breaks from the defender back to the ball, he has an uncontested TD reception. Stupid move by Keller. Going to the back of the end zone allows the defender to step between him and the QB.
  14. Favre4Ever

    Favre4Ever New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    I agree. San Diego is IMO the best team in the AFC. The Jets are still a work in progress....and I'm not limiting that only to Favre and his receivers. The O-line and the defense have a lot of work to do as well. How many times did SD punt last night.....once? You don't win many games when you can't stop the opponent.
  15. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Yes had San Diego started out 2-0 as they should have I think the Jets would have had a much better shot to win last night. They walked into a hornets nest and I don't care of the 85 Bears walked into Qualcomm last night they would have lost. Like I said if this agrresiveness would have been there last week they would be 2-1 and not vice versa.

    Most people knew we would be 1-2 after 3 weeks it's not like before the season when people were crowning San Diego the best team in the AFC many people though we'd go in there and win. How anybody could say bringing in a guy that had made the team relevant after how many years of being worthless was a mistake clearly doesn't understand how this game works. Throw in the fact that Favre had relatively no pre-season to expect miracles is insane.
  16. Pennythetowelboy

    Pennythetowelboy New Member

    Jan 3, 2006
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    ok maybe 1/3 of all jets fans are retarted.
  17. mr nyjet

    mr nyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    even with all those mistakes, if sutton and mangini were not there and a guy like rex ryan was, we still win that game with a defense that keeps the other team from running the ball all the way down the field and actually stopping them on 3rd down. 9/13 is an indicement of both sutton and mangini.
  18. packerbacker1234

    packerbacker1234 New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    All I can say is this: Barring two point conversion attempts - Favre virtually got the offense to score 30+ points against the Chargers.

    Again, the Charger's answered back with 48. So, ok. Lets say those two INT's were deadly, spotted the Charger's 14 points.

    Guess what, minus the ints, Chargers still win 34 - 31. Just saying, everyone is blowing up because OMG, BRETT THE JET THREW 2 INTS! Guess what, he also had three TD passes, completed 30 of 42 passes (71.4% completion), and had a pretty good all around statistical game. You want to start point fingers, do so at your defense. Favre threw the same type of INTS in GB his entire career, and still put 30 on the board when needed. He did it again with the Jets. The difference between the Jets and GB? GB has a semblence of a Defense. Apparently, minus Jenkins, you can't stop the run. Minus Reevis, you can't stop the pass.

    Just saying, don't go blaming Favre for being favre. 30 for 42, three td's, and 2 ints is not a horrible day for brett. The defense didn't stop anyone, and that was the key to this loss.
  19. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    I said before the game it was up to the defense... but they weren't up to the task.
  20. CJLang

    CJLang Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    You really believe this? 38-14 after 3 quarters, the game was over. The Jets scored on an int and after a 95 yd return. The Chargers let up in the 4th and the Jets scored some garbage time points, and favre got garbage time stats.

    It certainly isn't time for Jets fans to jump ship, but you have to be worried about the way Favre throws it up for grabs constantly.

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