that's about the most honest and perfect statement tonight. just got off the subway from the mets game to be greeted by this monstrosity. i just throw in the towel on all fronts...i give up! i feel like i wanna pull EVERY hair out of my head...and that's just for starters. i blame myself for this mess...i could have just as easily been a giants and yankees fan growing up, but no...i had to decide on the two most inept franchises in the tristate area.
It could be worse. My father tried to raise me a steelers fan, and w/ my logistics I could easily be a Pats/sox fan right now. But no...instead I root for the biggest joke in sports.
actually mets/jets is pretty bad too. Mets and their disgraceful BP will cause us to falter down the stretch and miss PO.
yea but at least the mets are in contention, the jets on the other hand are a very very bad football team
Here's a positive, Favre gets the throw the ball a lot. Sometimes you gotta take a step backwards to take two steps forward. I just pray that Jenkins is OK, because if he's not we're fucked.
um we're fucked either way because this team is not a good football team. this team has shown nothing to prove otherwise
i don't know this point i would just as soon take a baseball team out of contention then have to go through this bull shit for the second year in a row! It's getting to be more then one person can take going from one team to the next watching one loser after the other. besides, i don't want to hear shit from yankee least you've been there the past 15 years. all i have to look forward to as a mets/jets fan are high expectations and crushing defeats. my sporting life is just one HUGE letdown year in and year out!
- Leon Washington and his runbacks. - The fact that Favre and his receivers were getting "used to each other" later on the in the 4th when it was all but over. (The consecutive pass plays) - Chansi Stuckey.
The special teams played really well espicially Washington. Jay Feely made a field goal lol finally a field goal went thru. Ben Graham had some nice punts, i hope they keep graham, and Chansi Stucky again.
Positives 1. Leon Washington 2. We kicked a field goal Negatives 1. EVERY FUCKING THING ELSE 2. THE FUCKING METS
I dunno, I saw a lot of positives. A LOT! I saw Bret Favre throw the ball a lot. Isn't that what everyone wanted BEFORE the game? Well, he threw the ball a lot. And best of all? He made a lot of mistakes. Yes, you read that right: He made a lot of mistakes. And I think it's a good thing... You know what I learned during my long lifetime? You don't learn anything from your successes. You learn from your MISTAKES. So the Jets learned a whole helluva lot tonight, and Bret Favre is just the kind of student of the game to learn from them. Also, the Jets have a good offensive line. Not a great line, not an unstoppable line, but one that Favre needs to learn to trust, already. So many busted plays happened after Favre rushed a passing attempt whe he could have held onto the ball for another ten minutes or so. The defense looked great while Jenkins was in there. Of course, the downside could be Favre watching the game this Tuesday, and then saying: "Guys, I just don't have it anymore. I'm hangin' up my spurs." And then we watch Mangini start Clemens instead of Ratliff and that's THE END, folks.
-Revis played a monster game -Chansi Stuckey is proving to be one of the greatest late round steals for this team -Leon is truely "Neon" -I know I'm going to catch flak for this one but...Lowery. The guy had a lot of break-ups early on and stayed with his WRs. I know he got beat deep but he's a rookie corner going against veteran players and aside from that and a few other plays the guy has looked better than his asking price. Right now, his development has probably given me the most hope for the rest of the season.
Positives? Stuckey -I've been big on him since last year so I'm happy Cotchery - Showing again that he can be an Elite WR with the ball in his hands. Coles - Comin' around and Holding on to Passes Jenx - The guy is our Defense. Westhoff - Makes Leon and all our ST shine. Keller -Makin a few plays when he had to. Barrett - Yes Barrett. The guy plays hard every time. And that TD was on Rhodes for NOT picking up the Slot and rolling over. Graham - Cut, came back and had his best game :lol:
Knew I missed something, here. Thanks for mentioning that. As for Barrett, I always liked his heart but he just isn't always on when it comes to talent. I loved his INT for six but I didn't really see enough out of him to elevate himself over Smith at FS...although it was true about Rhodes and his miscue on the TD.