
Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JetsLookingforDWare, Sep 14, 2008.

  1. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Sorry, but when I hear boos when the team is running into the tunnel with a 6-3 deficit, that means the fans are a non-factor. That was pathetic, no matter how the game ended. Brett Favre's first ever home game with the Jets and he's boo'd into the locker room. Pathetic. Sometimes I hate Jets fans.
    #81 abyzmul, Sep 15, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2008
  2. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    If History is any indication, then yeah, 1 & 1 is a accurate barometer as to what kind of team this is. Usually, we jell at some point past the 5th or 6th game. Unfortunately, the season starts with the first game.

    Another season that won't mean shit in the history of Jets football is in the offing folks. If you must drink the koolaid, at least spike it with Stoly... :)
  3. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Too bad for you then. If we were booing we weren't a non-factor, were we? I don't care who the QB is, down 6-3 is down 6-3 and it sucks because we had 1st and goal at the 3, it should have been 7-6 or really 10-6. Nobody was booing Favre, most of us were pissed about three runs into the line and the overall missed chances.

    This is New York, not Green Bay. Favre is a big boy, he's not worried about us, he was probably pissed about it too. Go be a Nebraska fan if you want a bunch of sheep in the crowd to cheer on a shitty performance no matter how bad it is.
  4. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Most here are not allowed to have stoly being under age they have to use milk instead
  5. BlairThomas#1

    BlairThomas#1 New Member

    Jan 15, 2004
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    It really is you who should get a grip with angrily confronting people who disagree with you. It really does no good to resort to name-calling of people who have a different opinion. Throwing in that I am a "brat" only serves to diminish your post.

    You view of my post is short-sighted. "One too many times" refers to the all the years of mediocrity over my lifetime. All the times the fans were pumped for a big game only to see the Jets get embarrassed. And make no mistake about it, say all you want about the Pats being 16-0 last season, but the Jets were embarrassed on Sunday by a kid who hadn't started at QB this decade. The Jets D was only able to give the Jets O 9 possessions.

    8-8, 9-7, 10-6 are all possible, but having a meaningful playoff run is out of the question in my opinion. The Jets have not in my lifetime, and may never have that "it" factor. And please don't say that I should be happy going from 4 wins to 8, 9 or 10. With an open checkbook to add talent and a future hall-of-fame QB brought-in this offseason, that should be a minimum.

    The Jets are a team that wins most of the games it should and rarely wins games against teams that are considered better than them. That is what I am begrudgingly resigned to.

    And, frankly, I am getting tired of defending Manigini. This team is one play away from 0-2 because of his deficiencies. It is in excusable not to have a someone other than your kicker able to kick an extra point. And, this past week's ineptitude falls squarely on his shoulders...he was outcoached by a wide margin and I am not even talking about the 1st and goal series which I actually liked.

    On a final note, I have tickets for the Jets-Chargers game this Monday. I was completely pumped / stoked / fired-up to go until this past weekend. I know I will go next Monday, but I have not faith that I will see anything but another Jets debacle.
    #85 BlairThomas#1, Sep 16, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2008
  6. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    This is where I'm at, too. Not to sound like champ here, but we are in it to win the Super Bowl one of these years, and this is the time of the year we see the annual dream begin to crumble. I mean we sit here all year and talk about it but this is when it starts to happen or not happen.

    Let's count it backwards. How do you win the Super Bowl? First you have to get there, the best way to do that is a bye week and/or at least a home playoff game to set yourself up. The only way to even get a home game--with or without the bye week--is to win the division. With the Pats in our division this has become almost impossible except for 2002 when we snuck in there at 9-7 and made a little run.

    This year, with us getting Favre and them not only losing Brady but having to come to our home opener the first game without him, it seemed like the door had cracked open. Now we're right where we always are, down a game to them in the division with a home loss to them already in the books. That means even if we go there and upset them like we did in 2006, we're only back to where we were Sunday morning--at best. So if you're any kind of realist, it's Week 3 and we're already sizing up a likely Wild Card at best, first playoff game on the road, and a very tough road to the Super Bowl. The same shit everyone bitched about "Chad couldn't do for us", well the Pats are still here, we still can't beat them and we're going to end up in the same spot at best. It gets aggravating after a while, especially when it looked for a week like this year might be different.

    You can point to the Giants last year or the Steelers a few years ago or the Raiders from 1980, whatever. We're not them, we're the Jets. We've gotten as far as the AFC Championship game twice since the merger---once when nobody had a bye week and once the one time we did get the bye week. So unless the Brady thing or something else catches up the New England this season--wake me when that happens--we're going to be right where we always are. Nowhere.
    #86 Italian Seafood, Sep 16, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2008
  7. BlairThomas#1

    BlairThomas#1 New Member

    Jan 15, 2004
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    I think there is a difference between us and Champ. We can recognize progress and laud it, all while not being satisfied with .500 record. Champ just rails about everything and rarely has anything good to say about the team and throws around "have they won the championship" in every post.
  8. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    This is true. I mean I can certainly appreciate the ride of a 10-6 playoff year over a 4-12, it's not all the same like it is to him. But we all would like to win that big one once in our lifetimes, and we get to start even at 0-0 with everyone once a year. Now that has past and we find ourselves looking up from a hole again. Yes, it's one game, a league game! :smile:. We've come back and made the playoffs from 0-3, 0-2 and 2-5, but it's not easy to do and in those years we didn't have a dynasty in our division already with a leg up on us.
  9. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    Uh huh...well you enjoy that nice, low sky you've got going on in your world....I have no idea what the past has to do with 2008...but I'm not as psychic and wise as the older posters here I guess...

    Nice touch with finding a way to complain about the win...

    If you want, I'll GLADLY take those tickets off your hand...all I need to do is find a way to SD...but I'll do it if it means you don't have to put yourself through *that* kind of hell dude. I really don't know how you'll live watching this terrible 1-1 team beat a dominant Chargers team (0-2).

    God you pessimists love to reach and exaggerate...
  10. BlairThomas#1

    BlairThomas#1 New Member

    Jan 15, 2004
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    Way to add exactly nothing to the discussion. It's like you didn't even read my post, and just droned on with the standard "you're an idiot because you think the sky is falling."

    What exactly am I exaggerating? Were the Jets not embarrassed on Sunday? The Pats scored five times. The Jets scored twice. The Pats started 5 drives on the Jets side of the field. A back-up QB was able to walk into the Jets home stadium and walk-out with a victory by 9 points. The Jets played sloppy, undisciplined and when the coach asked the offense to give him three yards on the ground, they couldn't do it in three plays. (I'll do the math...that's 1 yard per play...that's it.)

    You are right, I did exaggerate the Jets win in Miami. They were two plays away from a loss. A TD and an extra point...that you cannot dispute.

    Again, if you read my posts I think the Jets could win 7, 8, or 9 of the next 15...not sure how that is "sky is falling"-type stuff.

    What the "older" posters are alluding to most definitely goes beyond this season. Historically, the Jets don't perform when it counts the most. Last Sunday was another example.

    So, any thoughts of this season being different (with another great crop of rookies, a HOF QB, a revamped line, a terrific tandem of OLBs) than all the others (with their fumbles and 21-straight running plays and HB-option-INTs and back-to-back 40-yard runs to start the season and a 96-yard run in OT and penalties and missed FGs) was pretty much squashed with the pathetic showing versus the Pats on Sunday. That is the essence of SOJ.
  11. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    thank you for at least attempting to show some of these people how insane they are. its the second game of the year. do i think the jets should have won? yes i do, but i can live with the fact that they lost even to the pats.

    yes the pats didnt have brady and had cassel playing. but we have to remember that we did sign a bunch of free agents this offseason. these guys are still getting to know each other and the offense/defense. is that an excuse for losing? no its not.

    i do think that we have not even come close to seeing what this team is capable of. give the offense a few more weeks to get in rhythm especially favre/coles. give the defensive guys a few more weeks to get in sync with each other.

    if we can get to 2-2 at they bye i like our chances of making the playoffs this year. we all remember how much better the defense looked last year after the bye. now imagine that improvement with a defense already far superior to what we had last year and this could be one of the top 5 defensive units in the league when its all said and done.

    now the offense, while favre seems to have a nice connection with cothchery and stuckey he still looks uncomfortable out there which is understandable. now i expect his feel for the offense to improve each week and the bye week can only help that. the bye gives them an extra week to prepare for an awful Cincinnati defense. i would look for big things from the offense that week. a big outburst coming off the bye will really boost the confidence of everyone on the offense and set the stage for a great final 12 games of the year.

    i believe when we see the pats again this team will be far improved from the team on the field sunday. the pats will stay about the same, maybe a little improvement from cassel but that team is pretty much what it is at this point. so i look for a big win on the road the next time we take on the pats, and a legitimate shot at the division.
  12. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    You make cute posts but the bottom line is there is no way in the world we should have lost that game. We were the better team and your stats almost prove that. So, do it the Jet fan way and accept mediocrity as if it fixes the problem.
  13. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    I can't. It's not gangster enough.

    I will say though, our coaching is better than our execution Sunday made them look. No team committing that many key penalties is going to beat the Patriots.

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