Not only is he a lousy punter, but I believe him to be a bad holder. Mangini has to be like Parcells would be here. This is not a receiver or O lineman where you see potential and wait for him to develop. You can find a punter somewhere that can be average. A punter is not something a coach should think about a lot. Either he punts OK, or find another one. Put him on a Quantas flight and he'll be back in the outback on walkabout by tomorrow....and at the very least have a QB or some other 'hands guy' holding.
Graham is likeable, his story is pretty cool, and he's not really terrible. Which is why some management schools of thought would suggest he is a perfect candidate to be cut and replaced. Gotta send a message. Do I think that? I don't really know. But it wouldn't make me upset if they did that. His punting was pretty awful yesterday. Why do the Jets have to have such shitty kickers?
I thought Mangini and co. would not stand for mediocrity are were going to replace under performers. This guy has not punted good from the middle of last year, through the pre-season and the first 2 games. He is awful. Line drives, short, shanked. Who cares if he's from somewhere else. Screw him and hsi family. REPLACE THE PUNTER TODAY or you full of shit Tangini!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There HAS to be a senior college punter that didn't get picked up out there who can get the job done, doesn't there?? What about a FG kicker than can hit a GOD DAMN 30 yarder? I f'n hate kickers, I really do.
I just answered my own question: Punters: Mike Dragosavich - N. Dakota St. - Released by the pats. Geoff Price - Notre Dame Jimmie Kaylor - Colorado St. - Released by the Falcons. Those are 3-5 of the top 5 punters available in the 2008 NFL draft and they're still available. Can we at least bring them in to see what they can do? I'm SURE someone else can hold the ball for place kicks. Kickers: Taylor Mehlhaff - Wisconsin - Released by NO Garrett Hartley - Oklahoma - Released by Den? There are more I'm sure
I think I have seen enough of Graham, too. You just can't give up huge chunks of yardage due to a shank. Inexcusable..........Graham was mediocre last year to close to kinda poor. It didn't stand out that much because he blended in with the rest of the team. Not anymore. We spent too much money to put up with a performance like that. It is time to get a replacement.
He had a really nice year when he first came up, but last year, and this year thus far has been putrid. Plus the fact that we know he can NOT: Kickoff Kick an Emergency FG Run a fake Punt Or FG I seriously think his days are numbered as a Jet.
Its time for the Jets to cut Grahm. I would cut Grahm and put Nugent on notice when he gets back from injury.
He's gotten progressively worse. He was a project to begin with and it's apparent the experiment hasn't given positive results. When your punter is a huge cause of a loss, something is clearly wrong.