
Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JetsLookingforDWare, Sep 14, 2008.

  1. Nesquik

    Nesquik Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    Thanks for that laugh sometimes i cant even look at this board after a loss cause these guys take so hard. it juts one game from a team who is BETTER than us , yeah there qb got injured but 21 other guys are still there.I want the jets to win more than any body but damn dont take so personal u guys gotta be rational and realistic about thing sometimes.
  2. Well maybe we're sick of teams ALWAYS being better than us. Teams have been BETTER than us since 1969...some of us are sick of it.
  3. Long Love Todd

    Long Love Todd New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    do U rely thnk thay R better then us beCause i dont think they are but i do think maybe they have beTTer staff than we do and maybe that is difference betwEEn teams what do U think about tHat
  4. al_toon_88

    al_toon_88 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2005
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    To me, the bright side is:

    1) Revis is a stud: I don't think Randy Moss caught a single pass (at least it didn't seem like he was a factor all game).
    2) Jenkins is phenomenal.
    3) Calvin Pace is a stud.

    On the flip side:

    1) Our 2nd half D sucked ass. We couldn't stop the run with the game on the line. We let the cheatriot offense run their cheap dink and dunk screen / quick slant game to perfection.
    2) We need a goal-line back like Marion Barber. Thomas Jones falls at the slightest contact. If we're gonna try to bulldoze it in near the goal-line, I'd much rather take my chances on Leon Washington being able to make somebody miss and slither his way in....don't know how many people feel the same way.
    3) Our offensive playcalling was a joke. Could we be any more predictable? 3 straight running plays at the goal line right up the gut - no play action, no misdirection, no pitch out, nothing?? I felt like I was watching Paul Hackett / Herm Edwards reincarnated.

    To add further, insult we get stomped on by Lamont friggin' Jordan, our former castoff who got cut by the Raiders, for God's sake...
    #24 al_toon_88, Sep 14, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2008
  5. semperfigreen

    semperfigreen Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2008
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    We have better talent...they have better coaching and better team chemistry.....they win
  6. Nesquik

    Nesquik Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    Hold up hold up why all the hate on me, Im a young dude im sorry but there are alot of things that are way more important to me then whether the Jets win or not, ive loved the Jets ever since i was 8 im 18 now thats 10 years , what have the Jets done since then, shit. Im sick of Jets not being one of those teams that are really good but some of guys seem like like your whole life depends on whether the Jets do good or not, its just a game.

    all of this fire Mangini fire Shcott oh mu god Brett Farve sucks, just last week ya were taliking about how good the Jets were omg dwight Lowery rookie of the year. Lay off its just only one game against ill say it again a BETTER team than us, can we please wait until later on in the season on whether the whole coaching staff and fo be fired.
  7. It wasn't hate on you man...you are a good quality poster. Just understand that some of us older guys have dealt w/ alot more heartache..and frankly many of us DO take the jets that seriously. I'm not all about the "fire this guy...release that guy" stuff..but I do understand the aggrivation and agony after a loss...especially to this opponent. I for one would give anything for one jets championship..and games like this lead me to believe it may never happen.
  8. Nesquik

    Nesquik Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    The patriots have a better WR core, better o-line, better d-line , better lb core right now(ours will definitely be better in a season or 2) . the only thing i could say right now we definitely have better than them is a secondary. the Pats have won 3 super bowls for a reason, there is a reason they won 18 straight last year. the only reason ESPN was picking us to win is because they LOVE Brett Favre. They underestimated bellichicks coaching abilities and without Tom Brady they thought that we would be able to sneak up on them.

    I personally blame ESPN for all of this madness they got u guys hopes up and im sorry ill call in and complain 2morow.
  9. Long Love Todd

    Long Love Todd New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Did you even feel that gail force wind fly right over your head?
  10. Gorgen

    Gorgen New Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  11. More classy Pat fan talk....
  12. Nesquik

    Nesquik Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    I appreciate that, i know that some of u older posters have dealt with more than i could ever imagine i know how tough it is to be a Jets fan trust me i do i just doesnt make any sense to me how so many guys can question guys and overreact when hindsight is 20/20 is easy to point out mistake and analyze what we could have did better
  13. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    I've seen two posts of yours. They've both been nothing but smilies. You obviously have nothing to contribute to the forum. Thanks for playing, and buh-bye.
  14. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    at a boy Jack... good to see the hammer on somebody. Let the blood spill.
  15. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Plus, assuming he's a Pats fan, how difficult is it to spell "Grogan"??
  16. TommyGreen

    TommyGreen Trolls

    Sep 8, 2002
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    He was definitely one of the "new" Pats fans, the wagon-hoppers who couldn't name a player besides Bledsoe before the 2001 season.

    Having the name as his handle was an obvious ploy to prove to us he's been a diehard from the start. And he failed miserably.

    BTW, Grogan sucked.
  17. SouthBayJetsfan4life

    SouthBayJetsfan4life Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    You guys tickle me....all this whining and crying little bitches is annoying.

    Yes, today was not the best. But there is PLENTY of football to be had.

    I'm usually a darksider, seeing the worst in EVERYTHING. However two games in is NO time to press the panic button. Will this team get better..who knows?? Wait and see before you start jumping off the bridge.

    By the way, the idea that next week's game is a MUST WIN is absurd. The Jets will still have Buffalo twice,one game a piece with Miami and New England. They got winnable game against teams like Oakland, San Francisco and now Seattle is tanking.

    Everybody take a breath.

    The sun will come up tomorrow..somewhere.
  18. notjustQBs

    notjustQBs New Member

    Dec 24, 2007
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    Well, when I read this post, I had another thought.

    Players will only take so much coaching because they develop their own opinion about how they're doing. That is the case in training camp.

    But when the real games start, they find out the brutal truth about every single thing they think to be a fact.

    It is good that we played a really terrific team like the Pats so early on in the season.

    They smacked the NYJs in the face; the Jets fought back surprised and probably a little angry, but they just were not prepared to prevail against a team that is convinced that they are the NYJs betters in every way.

    We beat up some of their guys, but we certainly didn't do nearly enough to change these guys' minds about being MUCH better than us.

    This spanking will certainly reinforce everything that the coaches have to say about where the NYJ players are and where they have to get to if they really want to win.

    This is the reality of losing the second game of the season to the 2007 SB runner up.
  19. Gloom N Doom

    Gloom N Doom Member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    "We're done. Time to clean house. Fire EVERY coach. We need to overhaul this thing completely. Otherwise, I'm becoming a Fins fan."

    Good luck with that !
    #39 Gloom N Doom, Sep 15, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2008
  20. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    With this team and its "braintrust", EVERY game will be a deathmatch. This team simply isn't as good as advertised. The reality of that, even with the $140million facelift, is a bitter pill to swallow.

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