Three Obvious Reasons for the Loss

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Joe Willie White Shoes, Sep 14, 2008.

  1. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    There are three very obvious reasons why the Jets lost today:

    1. The Pats dominance on special teams. The Pats' special teams were far better than the Jets today. The Jets started all but two drives today outside the 20 and those were on the Jets 25. Meanwhile, the Pats started most drives at or near midfield. Numerous touchbacks on kickoffs and a far superior punting game was the difference. Through in Feeley's deflating FG miss on the opening drive vs. Gotkowski's 4 FGs and you have a Pat win.

    2. The Zebras. The Pats get every break in the book. The call against Cotchery at the beginning of the 3rd quarter was horrible and it was a game changer. If that is offensive pass interference, Randy Moss would not have one catch in his career. For the zebras to take away an incredible play by Cotchery where he was going for the ball and the defender fell down was a joke. Favre threw the pick right after that play and a potential 6-6 tie or a 10-6 Jet lead became a 13-3 deficit. There were other questionable calls also. The holding on Jones' long run, the roughing the passer penalty, the non-call on the third down pass to Stuckey late in the game etc. It is incredible that the Pats get these calls game after game. The Cotchery penalty changed the game and it should have been a non-call.

    3. The Jets play calling in the first half was too conservative. Now that the Jets have a QB with an arm and an OL, why does the play calling look the same as last year. In the first half , I think the Jets threw one first down pass. On the first drive when the Jets had first and ten on the Pats 20, it was the perfect time for play action. The Pats safety crept into the box and Cotchery had single coverage. The call - Jones up the middle. The crowd was pumped, the Pats were playing without Brady and with a QB who hasn't started since Pee Wee football. But do the Jets try to take the lead and put pressure on this reeling team? No. The Pats were there for the taking early and the Jets played a Herm Edwards keep it close and try to win at the end against a team that lost its QB and has a weak secondary. Why?????
  2. Jtuds

    Jtuds Active Member

    Dec 5, 2004
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    I agree with you but you have to put the referees just can't control that so it has to be at the there were no calls so atrocious that you can blame the outcome on the refs.
  3. JetMonkey

    JetMonkey Member

    Jan 28, 2008
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    For a weakened secondary, Ellis Hobbs made some decent deflections today...
  4. twinjetfan

    twinjetfan New Member

    Feb 10, 2004
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    I think it mostly had to do with their lack of discipline. There is no reason to have that many penalties. Offenses can only do so much with 1st and 15, 2nd and 20. Granted that not all our calls went our way, but there are those kind of calls every game. Those penalties resulted in terrible field position. We started every drive off inside our 25. We should give a lot of props to our defense for only giving up 6 points in the first half considering the Pats started quite a few drives in our territory.
  5. InChadWeTrust

    InChadWeTrust New Member

    Mar 21, 2004
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    Hobbs was DOMINANT today and it pissed me off because he had to tuant every deflection.
  6. discostu570

    discostu570 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2003
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    Cant overstate the special teams gap. What ever happened to Ben Graham being a good punter? Seems like a 50-50 shot that he shanks em recently.
  7. The Kramsta

    The Kramsta New Member

    Mar 3, 2007
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    Great point about the field position. It had a huge effect on today's game.

    Another huge factor was our inability to put together long drives (penalties effected that) and keep the defense off the field. The defense was on the field WAY too often in the 2nd half, it's the second straight week that this has happened.
  8. TorontoJETSfan

    TorontoJETSfan New Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Actually, it is my opinion that the JETS loss was because of 3 different Reasons;

    1. Undisciplined play - blame the zebras all you want but when you give up 60 yards to the Pats, you will pay.
    2. Kicking game ... WTF happened to our kicking game ? Both Graham and Feely. That missed FG changed the dynamic of the game + this factors in on our starting average (about our 20, the whole game)
    3. Our offensive line - Favre was pressured pretty much the whole game, and when it came to cruch....we lost a lot of yards for some ill-timed sacks against.

    Honerable mention goes to poor playcalling.
  9. Traveling

    Traveling New Member

    Sep 7, 2008
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    I don't know if this is exactly a "reason" for the loss. After the first drive for 11 plays and 67 yards and to come away with no points, I knew it was going to be a long day.
  10. Namath2Kolber

    Namath2Kolber New Member

    Nov 28, 2006
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    Ben Graham sucks donkey nuts . . . that is all.
  11. N.Y. Johnny

    N.Y. Johnny Member

    Sep 4, 2004
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    signing Jay FAILy is a disaster and it may bite them in the ass later. I can't wait to see him miss a crucial FG later that may determine a playoff spot. Look, I know you can't find Vinatieri out there and sign a guy like that, but to miss a measly FG like FAILy did today is pathetic....there's a reason this guy was fired after one day and has kicked in every city in the NFL. This is the best we could muster? Who won the punt pass and kick contest last year? thats a better choice than this.
  12. Long Love Todd

    Long Love Todd New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    I disagree with assigning any blame for this loss to the officiating.

    In my opinion, today's loss comes down to the coaching staff. It's obvious this team lacks discipline in key situations, as evidenced by the personal fouls it gets called for and the amount of O-Line and D-Line penalties committed.

    In addition, how many times a game can a team get called for too many men? And one of those was coming out of a commercial break after a kick-off. No, really...someone explain to me, how it is that we have twelve men on the field coming out of a commercial time-out. All that indicates is a lack of organization on the part of the staff. They do not have their shit together and this is their third year at it.

    Personally, I've seen all I need to out of Mangini and his assistants.
  13. DonnieBaseball23

    DonnieBaseball23 Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    Can't agree with you more. Yeah, the playcalling wasn't favorable for us, but you can't blame an entire loss on the refs. They Jets had more than enough chances to win this game, and the ST performance today was miserable.
  14. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Looks like Brian actually learned a thing or two from his father; namely horseshit playcalling, and choking in the red zone.
  15. patsfaninpittsburgh

    Sep 12, 2008
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    Offensive Pass Interference was called because it's like you know... offensive pass interference.

    Sorry Jetturds but the defender has as much right to the ball as the wide receiver. The CB was in position and looking back at the ball.

    Text book case. How do I know? Pats fans are universally scgooled in the rule since we saw loads of bogus calls on randy Moss last year.
  16. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    I agree with this, BUT the most maddening thing for me was the 20-yard sack for a loss at a time when we couldn't afford a 20-yard sack for loss. That wasn't a line problem. Adalius Thomas was being blocked by a dude half his size. I have to pin that on coaching.
  17. zace

    zace Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2008
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    No the Refs CAN be blamed, and are part of reason. Yes some of the penalties were warranted, but some were not. The defensive penalties led to points. Offensive Penalties stalled drives. I'm glad some fans are trying to be accountable for the team, but casting blame on self for things that are out of the teams control don't make the calls ok. That said penalties hurt, but poor play calling, special teams, and poor redzone play really hurt today.
  18. ColoradoJets

    ColoradoJets Member

    Apr 6, 2006
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    My list would be...

    1. Kicking game/field position. Their punter was booming them and ours shanked almost all of them. Our field position always sucked and the Pats always had great field position. Our field goal kicker sucks as usual and it changes how the offense plays the game.

    2. Coaching. Play calling is atrocious. No matter who we hire as O-coordinator they call the same plays as the O-coordinator we got rid of. It's like the Jets have a company playbook that the coaches are forced to use. I mean two screen passes in a row!?!?!? Did it work on the previous play? NO, so why is it going to work now?

    3. Coaching. Worth saying again. We couldn't run up the middle all game so why call three straight rushes up the middle on the goal line. How about a pitch to leon on the outside? Why not a rolllout with the QB where he has the option to run or pass it in. WHy not anything else but the same freakin' play up the middle 3 times.

    The refs calls in question were tough calls but not blatantly horrible calls. they were bad breaks that good teams overcome. Crying about the refs is pointless, try being the San Diego Chargers today. They can bitch about the refs but we can't.
  19. al_toon_88

    al_toon_88 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2005
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    The league loves the Pats, hates the Jets.

    The 15-yard roughing the passer called on Pace(?) in the 4th was an absolute joke. He didn't lead with his helmet, and if you watch the replay, he actually pulled up and sort of held Cassell so he wouldn't fall backwards.

    And the offensive interference on Cotchery? F- the NFL and their jerkoff refs.
  20. ajetsfan4ever

    ajetsfan4ever Active Member

    Jan 21, 2006
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    you forgot to mention the 3 straight runs from 1st and goal, you gotta let your great qb throw at least 1 pass there.

    i agree w/you on your post, except for the last 4 lines

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