Our fellow Jets fans at J!.com... Bongo59 has good scoop over there and very reliable. Plugged into someone in the NFL and got a text message. FWIW... http://www.jetsinsider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=177024&page=8
This is what usually happens to the Jets. It's about time it helps us instead of hurting us. Maybe this season will be different after all. And don't comment and say that I'm happy he got hurt. Injuries are part of the game and it's nice to see them help vrs hurt us. Obviously, it would be best if NO-ONE got hurt but that's not the real world.
holy shit....I know its bad to wish an injury on someone, and I honestly would love to see the Jets beat the Pats straight up, but If this is true, I will sleep well for the rest of the year!
I don't have any doubt that he is done for the year, I said it right when I saw the clip. Karma is a bitch!
I thought the injury looked like a bad one right when I saw the play. I wouldn't be surprised at all if ACL tear was the case. If true, now we'll find out how good a coach Belichick really is. And how good the Pats are without their golden boy.
If true, this is a very bad piece of news, for everyone who loves pro-football. Brady is a great QB, he might be a rival starting QB, but his rings still proves what he is worth to this league. (IM off) Still, the victory wouldn't be nearly as sweet if Brady wasn't starting...
I'm hoping Brady is 100% okay and ready to play next Sunday. I feel bad for his injury and expect a full recovery. In fact, I want him in top form, so when we kick his ass this time, Pats fans know it was kicked real good by us. I don't want him carted off after some insignificant Chiefs game in which they barely squeak out a victory. I want him carted off after Jenkins gets his arms around him and Harris sends him to the refrigerated section of the county morgue. This jerkoff represents an on-field version of Bill Belichick to me. He needs to be layed out. As far as his fans go, there's something in the water up there, I swear to God.
Favre is the only person in the world that can reverse the Madden Curse and aim at whoever he wants. I heart Brett!