Ted Sunquist?s Week One Scouting Reports: Jets At Dolphins

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by jcjet, Sep 5, 2008.

  1. Bill Belicheat

    Bill Belicheat New Member

    Sep 4, 2008
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    Mike Florio is a Jet hater. He's a joke.
  2. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Chad had plenty of weapons around him and a great line and running back in curtis martin.

    Chad will not miraculously get better on an offense that doesn't have as many weapons. Jet have the better line as well.

    I'd like to see him succeed, but he's past his prime. It amazes me that 2/3 of this board wanted him gone and now that he's been a Fin as long as Favre has been a Jet he's going to turn into superman... it just doesn't make sense.

    Chad was given everything to win in 2004 and 2002, lets throw 06 in there too. He had the tools. Coles, Martin, a defense.... Now you sound like the Chad-lovers from last year.
  3. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    When Chad had more weapons he was his most successful.

    Showing your lack of football knowledge. Sad some Jet fans let their hate spew and not their knowledge.

    I can't find one Dolphin fan who thinks Chad will turn into Superman, but you go ahead and exaggerate a little harder. Past his prime??? Brett Favre is entering his 17th season, Chad his 8th and Chad is past his prime? Wow, that's funny stuff.

    Well Chad had some pretty good seasons during those years. But I guess the educated Jet fans know the only player on the field responsible for the end results is Chad. Forget the coaching and other talent, it's all Chads fault. Even when your kicker misses field goals to lose the games....Chads fault.
    #63 feelthepain, Sep 6, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2008
  4. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Yes a QB needs weapons, but he had those things pre surgery. He has Coles and Cotch, and still throws 4th quarter pick 6s.

    Miami.. does.. not.. have.. better.. weapons.

    You compared Chad Pennington to Brett Favre. Wow, thats funny stuff. Please know the QB Miami signed.

    I don't remember which player said it in 06, but I quote, "As Chad goes we go" - that means his position and production on the field is the most significant out of any player on that field. That can be said with all 32 starting QBs. Its not always his fault, unless you look at the Cincy and Giants games of last year. NFL.com still has the highlights.
  5. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    How many pick 6's does Pennington have in his career? Shall we discuss the number of INT's Brett has? Or is that unimportant cause he's a Jet and not a Dolphin??

    Well that's a matter of opinion, I know for a fact Miami has a better backfiled, it aint even close. As for WR's I'll give the edge to the Jets, but our WR's are much younger and who knows what they will be.

    I compared number of seasons played, I didn't realize that's the same as saying the players are the same or equally talented. Your reading comprehension.....WOW.

    Nice way to ignore the rest of the talent on the team and coaching staff. I guess whatever it takes for you to believe whatever it is you want to believe. What about The 2000 Ravens that won a SB despite their QB play? Your obviously trying as hard as you can to convince yourself that the Jets have been magicvally fixed before the season begins and you want every rival fan to see things as you do, well I;ll see it that way when it happens that way till then it's comparing apples and oranges and opinion.
  6. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Smart Ass!!!!! Guys like you are the reason I don't post here more often...I've always ended my posts with that....shame you weren't here 4 years ago...


    The Mezz
  7. Mantana Soss

    Mantana Soss Active Member

    Mar 12, 2003
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    Cakes was here 5 years ago.

    I always found the extra signature to be kinda useless, but I'm not going to stop and call anyone out on it.

    I'm sensing a bit of ego from you this time around, Mezz... speaking as if due to certain users, we don't 'deserve' your posts.
  8. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    naw...don't take it like that...I'm just tired....been moving and you know, I'm sure how much that sucks and is draining. :)
  9. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I forgot Cakes is an old time poster too....just no one has ever mentioned it before...
  10. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Its not a matter of career, its a matter of who he is now in his career. He is not the same. Or is that unimportant because he is a Dolphin and not a Jet??

    Proved my point.

    After 8 seasons Chad's injuries have made him less effective and the arm strength has declined with each year, making his prime fade. Favre has gotten it done in Green Bay for 17 years. Thats the point I was making. Different shelf lives for different players.

    I don't have faith in him anymroe.... its that simple. Whats he going to do? Win Comeback Player of the Year twice? I believed in him only to be disappointed more than once. Now I'm on the other side of the coin. I have no faith in Chad Pennington, and I'm not buying this "new life" aura around him since the move. Its got more to do with Parcells than anything.
  11. Mantana Soss

    Mantana Soss Active Member

    Mar 12, 2003
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    I get it Mezz. Just don't be so glum. We're a good group, but some of these guys are tough shells to crack. We get a lot of cruddy new posters making their way around... and so the posters familiar with one another tend to stick together.

    That's no slight on some of our great new Packers/Favre fan posters that made their way with him, btw.

    Holy teal goggles.

    You're going to tell me that an injured-and-not-playing-yet Ronnie Brown and Ricky Smoke-em-if-u-got-em Williams are better than Thomas Jones and Leon Washington?

    Or is it Patrick Cobbs that will wow us?

    As for WRs. Ginn is Santana Moss at best. Electrifying runner, but he won't be a complete WR in this league. Ginn and Hagan, your starters, would be our 3rd and 4th WRs. I don't think Wilford would have made the team.

    By the way, there is no other unit you guys match up equal-or-better with us in.

    OL? Nope. DL? Nope. LB's? Your strongest point, but ours too. Nope. You even managed to assemble an inferior secondary to the Jets'
    #71 Mantana Soss, Sep 6, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2008
  12. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    I guess in your mind there's no correlation in Chads numbers and the talent level around him right?? I guess all the changes the Jets made this off season don't tip you off as to the level of talent Chad was working with that had to be addressed? You can continue to make it all about Chad, but that's just excuses.

    So how do you explain his 06 season? He had a pretty damn nice season in 06that was just what 2 seasons ago, but again your trying damn hard to make it all about Chad and no one else.

    Well there you have it, a Jet fan has an opinion. We can all sleep at night now cause a Jet fans is just letting the honesty flow. I think anyone who believes your motives in realtion to Chad's current and futre ability is based on an honest evaluation, could be sold a Bridge in NY.
  13. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    Hey Green Jeans,

    I know only the Jets can be imporved cause Jet fans say so, but your team still has to line up and play the games and since you're not psychic, you have no idea what the two teams will do, so spare me the "WE'RE SUPERIOR" speech. I am also 100% confident our backfiled is much more talented then the Jets.
  14. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    So the QBs actual physical talent means nothing though? It's all about the other guys all the time? I know the level of talent he had around him, but I've said time and time again - Chad is not the type of QB to make others around him better, they have to make him look good.

    He had the most INTs ever in his career that year. This is the "mistake free" Chad who is a Rhoads Scholar. Since we are discussing the QB and only the QB, i'm not bringing anyone else into it - I'm discussing his talent alone. I'm not trying to find an excuse for any short coming he has in his mobility, arm strength, injury history, 4th quarter history, etc... Stop making it about everyone else when that has not been the argument the entire time... .and what in the blue fuck makes you think he's got more talent around him now?? Considering he had "no talent around him ever!!" before. With your own logic, he's fucked more in Miami now then he was in NY in 2005. Thanks, I guess.

    Yeah, I was behind this guy for years, hoping he'd be the guy to be proud of... He was for a short time in his career, and then it was injuries and bad 2 minute drills - it takes its toll.. We all can't have a Marino to fap over. And I'm talking about the Chad i've seen recently, not the 2002 Chad or the 2004 for Chad. Post 05 Chad isn't much to be proud of. 2002-2004 Chad, fucking great QB.
  15. Mantana Soss

    Mantana Soss Active Member

    Mar 12, 2003
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    Who is supposed to sack Favre?

    What good is Ginn's speed going to be when Pennington can't beat anyone long?

    What holes is Doobie Williams going to find behind that joke of an o-line?

    These questions should be answered tomorrow, and I will enjoy every minute of it.
  16. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    JOEY PORTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Santana Moss Jr, until Henne gets in there around week 9.

    He isn't but Sir, they have Jake Long at LT... you know the guy who has trouble against speed rushers.
  17. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    Yes well I guess only Jet fans are allowed to talk about improvements to their team no matter who the improvements are, only Jet fans can see into the future and only Jet fans can tell everyone their team is better without playing a game.
  18. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Its tough to talk about Miami's improvements. They are small upgrades but nothing of a leap or bound, yet. Yes, better QB, Lines, Coach, GM and philosophy, but after a 1-15 season its tough to translate that into excitement or a discussion of extreme length, especially with the Jets who know what a Parcells regime is - he'll fix your franchise, the players will fit the system and the philosophy will be a positive one, but he isn't coaching the team and no one knows what to expect from Sparano. I think he'll do well, but not out of the gate. Henne is the key to that franchise, I'm sure of it... if I'm wrong I'll apologize to Fins Fans everywhere - I really think that kid has the potential.
  19. Bill Belicheat

    Bill Belicheat New Member

    Sep 4, 2008
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    I love how there are more Jets in Miami than Dolphin fans.

    Mike Florio is a joke, that's why nobody takes PFT seriously anymore.
  20. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    The state of Florida is where NY goes to retire. Professional Sports should not be in Florida, only minor league or amateur league sports associated with NY. And the native FL citizens can suffer.

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