OK, this is my situation. I live in Mass and obviously the Patriots are getting top billing here this weekend. Normally I would scour the web to find a streamed source if one was available. The problem this week is that I have a commitment at 1pm that I can't avoid. Is there any hope for me? Is there anyway I could get a recorded copy of the video or audio? If anyone has a solution I would be forever in their debt.
Don't sweat it...somebody usually posts the torrent for download a day or two after the game. Usually here: http://forums.tenyardtorrents.com/
thanks, I was hoping to be able to watch later that night without finding out what happen. Unfortunately I think this is unrealistic
Do what I do. Record the games into your PC... I do it in HD but you can do either analog or HD. Get yourself a good tuner card, set it up and set the record schedule. 1 step further.... If you have an XBOX (or PS3) you can stream it to your TV.
He means after you download it or capture it on your computer. Then if you have windows media center you can stream it to your video game system (PS3 or 360) from your computer.
Like one poster said....wait for the torrent to be put up a day or so later...I think that's the best you can hope for....hmmmm...maybe I should get into the business of recording these things off Tivo and rip them dvd and then put them up...heeeeeeee I could make a killing.....maybe lol lol :rofl: Peace! The Mezz
Believe it or not, upload sites will pay you per download of whatever you upload for free. The people that download don't pay for it either...good ol' advertising. I wouldn't imagine a football game would be as lucrative as tv, movies, or games though.
I've never done this (at least not with LIVE streaming videos, but with YouTube.com) but your PS3 has a Web Browser. Open it, go to the website that is streaming the game live and you should be able to watch it. You'll be watching it on a little screen, unless the player has a Full-Screen option, but when it blows up to Full-Screen it gets slow, distorted and really choppy, regardless of whether u have a Plasma tv, or regular tv. At least that what I think RTee meant.
On Vista & XP MCE you set up your PS3 or 360 as a network device.Then just play the file from the units.. The 360 is better because it acts as a MediaCenter Extender so you can watch live HD, play music pretty much everything on your PC. It has a TV guide and full DVR capabilities. If you don't have XP-MCE or Vista then you can use Tversity. I had a thread on it a year or 2 ago in the BS section before the crash... nah, not the PS3 browser. The 360 has the capability of playing HDTV from the PC. The PS3 & 360 both can stream files from the PC.
lol, I guess he didn't read the initial post....unfortunately that's pretty common around here nowadays..