Having gone to Jets games since the age of six, I'm now 20, I've always grew up with some sort of tradition at gate D. We used to throw quarters and dollar bills down to the bottem of the spiral staircase known as the pit. Then wait for the one moron (who always seemed to show up) And try and pour beer on him as the crowed cheered wildly and the person scrambled for money. Then they started kicking people out who went into the pit, and eventually built a fence so no one could even get in. So we resorted to a new tradition.... one a bit more contraversial. Hundreds of drooling men would cheer wildly and entice women to show there breasts. That went on for a year or two before they started throwing the girls out. Now they are putting up banners to block the view and end our fun. So my question to this board is what should the new tradition at gate D be post your thoughts.
Your sister flashes her tits? Yo, dude, don't be looking at your own sister's tits, even though she's dumb as a rock.
Slight thread hijack.... I don't have a sister, but for guys who have hot sisters, and they have brought them to Gate D, have they peeked???? Sorry Jeto, you brought out the question... its all your fault
wow cry about it buddy i'm just trying to have some fun. And no my sister was laughing at all the dumb girls who CHOOSE to expose themselves because they enjoyed the attention.
new york state has laws that allow woman to take their shirts off any where that men are allowed to. too bad the jets didn't build the new stadium in new york.....
Footballgod 214 i've been looking at your avatar for too long now what the hell is that clams in a cup?
This is rough. Really rough. That was my source of entertainment for 8 miserable Sundays of my year last year. If they are getting rid of the boobs they better get some actual halftime entertainment.
:rofl::rofl::rofl: Ya know, I've seen that ? asked more than a few times, and I have yet to see him answer it. I'm going to go with a clam in butter for the money though.
So now, Woody Johnson is sending out the JETS FANS FIRST brochure to tell ya'll what's what. Gate D will probably be renamed "Front Door One". You will be videotaped and recorded if you linger more than 5 seconds in your ascent / descent. Somebody will be asking for your ticket stub to determine where you are sitting (and whether it's your seat or your host's) before you get the popcorn and hotdog while the team is warming up. Don't be so surprised. The NFL is coming. And you are it. I would suggest forgetting all about the pranks of Gate D and make yourself cheerfully anonymous. This stadium is on the way to becoming G-rated. For sure.
I actually had a debate about this months ago with my boyfriend. The story was that a guy had naked photos of his sister all over his house. The sister was a model. Now I found this grossly wrong in so many ways. But I've since asked a lot of males and they seem to think that it's fine to have naked photos of your sister if she's a model... But. I mean honestly.. a naked female photo is for one purpose only... and it's your sister!!!