Get off Chad's back

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by Al Dorow, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. MobiusOne28

    MobiusOne28 New Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    This is the truth.

    MrE > this poop of a thread
  2. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Isn't this the law of football? Go to the team that your former team hates and your disowned?

    My Pitbull, Vernon, will take care of the Egg Shell in teal.

  3. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Getting Favre was awesome and getting rid of Chad was awesome The Dolphins are going to suck and he is going to suck with a lack of line and weapons. I have nothing against the man, just could not take another snap/game/season of seeing him behind center. Now that he is a Fin, I wish him nothing but the worst.
  4. JUNJOBX2199

    JUNJOBX2199 New Member

    Oct 9, 2006
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    I have absolutely no Problem with Chad playing for the Dolphins! The joy I will have watching 3 yard dump off going for no gain and the pain that will be thick all along the dolphin stadium is enough to put life back into my body. Chad has been exposed and the Jets are the one team that know exactly how to defend against him. :jets: Welcome to Jets football Mr. Chadwick!
  5. kennyo07

    kennyo07 New Member

    Oct 1, 2006
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    Amen. Its funny how 75% of this board wanted Clemens over Penny and felt that Clemens was actually a better QB. Do you think any team would have even picked up the phone if Clemens was let go..HELL NO! Maybe Fed Ex would have called to see if he was interested in driving Jets inventory from LI to the new NJ practice facility.

    Its equally as funny that all the Clemens is the savior and Chad sucks posters now are silent because deep down they knew Clemens sucked, they just wanted change for the sake of change in rooting for Clemens over Penny. In fact, Clemens won't even be the #2, it will be Ratcliff!!!!!

    Best of luck Chad, this is a great move for you.

    Lets go Favre, take us to the promise land.
    #105 kennyo07, Aug 11, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2008
  6. balls777

    balls777 New Member

    Jun 13, 2007
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    Jets did what they had to do and Chad had to do what was best for Chad....hopefully it works out for him... he was a class act from his first day as a Jet to his last
  7. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    I'm not a Chad hater or Clemens supporter. During that time a rooted for Brett Ratliff, post history shows that I'm telling the truth.

    Having Chad and Favre would mean that the QB position would have cost 20 Million alone to keep two "starters." Pennington, as classy as he is, would hate sitting on the bench the whole season to Favre. Its one thing to sit Chad while you test a possible heir apparent, but to bring in a HOF is saying "you can't get it done." Releasing him was the only choice to make everyone happy.

    And get Ratliff's name right, the kid went from PS fodder to #2 in a year. That, sir, is progress.

    Its good that Chad is starting, but he is the kind of QB that needs the rest of the team to pick him up, not the other way around. That team is not going to help him any more than he will them.

    Clemens is cheap and is just a backup. The new QB is coming in soon, unless Ratliff could actually be a starter. If he is, then once Brett is done, lets go.
  8. kennyo07

    kennyo07 New Member

    Oct 1, 2006
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    I know economically it was not feasible to keep Chad and we needed his 6M off the books, but that is the only reason we let him go. Even with his age at 31, if his salary was comparable to Clemens, Clemens would have been gone. I think it is safe to say that our long term QB is not on this team. Saying that, I hope to God we get 3 yrs out of Favre and a SB ring to boot.
  9. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Clemens should become a better player behind Favre...if not, there's always the free agent market.
  10. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    I'm sorry if I misinterpreted your posts. I was only responding to the people who were bashing Chad for signing with the dolphins as if it were some unprovoked affront to the Jets organization or their fans. When I said "those people are clueless", I was only referring to those people who held this absurd opinion. So when you responded negatively to that post, I thought you were one of those people. Anyway, yeah it looks like our argument has been largely based on a misunderstanding. I'm not sure who's fault the misunderstanding was but it is irrelevant.

    The only thing I sort of disagree with you on is that Chad was a "me first" player. I see your point about him wanting out and about how he expected to be the starter and asked for a release because he thought that wasn't going to happen. (Not that this is important but it is my understanding that Chad only CONFIRMED the rumors about the Jets interest in Favre. He only said that the Packers had called Tanny about Brett and that Tanny had proceeded to have a sit down with both Clemens and himself. He also pointed out that the Packers called the Jets and not the other way around. However, the story had already leaked to the media because I first heard the rumors on Wfan a day or so before Chad said what he said to the media. I could be mistaken on this but I don't think I am.) But then he was told by the Jets that he would be allowed to compete for the starting job and that's all the guy ever wanted - a chance to win back his job. He had gone through the whole offseason and the first half of camp under that premise. Considering everything he did for the organization, I don't consider him a "me first" player, especially WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF the rest of the players in the NFL. He was a loyal Jet and only believed that he had the right to compete for the starting job. To tell you the truth, even though I really DID NOT want to see him become the starter (Before the Favre rumors, I was rooting for Clemens to beat him out in the worst way), I agreed with him that he should be given the oppportunity to compete for the starting job.

    Anyway, sorry for the misunderstanding regardless of who was at fault. :beer:
  11. Kayber

    Kayber New Member

    Apr 18, 2008
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    I happen to live in WPB (About an hour from Dolphins bs) and I can tell you the radio down here has totally approved the move for Pennington. They love that he plays what they call "mistake free" football.

    Hmm as a Jets fan all my life I don't recall him playing mistake football. He was always hurt, they seem to leave that part out :)
  12. OhioJetsFan

    OhioJetsFan Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    I wonder if the "Chad-Lovers" and the "Chad-Haters" will keep going at it on this board as long as the "Herm-Lovers" and the "Herm-Haters" did (or still do, to a point).

    Let it go, people, and move on. There's football to play.
  13. Phear

    Phear New Member

    Mar 4, 2008
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  14. KRhodesMVP

    KRhodesMVP Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    Chad is garbage. Im tired of hearing about what a great guy he is. The sympathetic figure is Kellen Clemens.

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  15. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Mistake free football? They didn't watch the Cincy or Giant games last year did they?

    Can't wait for that 12 yard out route.
  16. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    I guess throwing game-changing INTs in the 4th quarter is considered "mistake-free" in Miami.
  17. redneckjet

    redneckjet New Member

    May 22, 2006
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    I refused to read all of this negative shit...but I hate that Chad is gone. I welcome Favre and hope that he performs well, but I hate that we had to give up the true leader of our team to get it done. I wish Chad the best in Miami and I hope that he helps rebuild those guys....I have no hate for them. This is an unfortunate way to end this, but...GO JETS!!!
  18. MACPAC

    MACPAC New Member

    Aug 10, 2008
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    Penny will play his a$$ off in week one in an effort to show that he still has something left. I think he has lots left.
  19. HardHitta

    HardHitta Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    He sided with the enemy , THIS IS WAR!!!
  20. Bosko

    Bosko Guest

    LONG POST! (But I hope it's worth it!)

    Dude, no problem. I'm an obnoxious poster here and I like to rile people up, so I have no problem dealing with the fallout (except for the girly bitches on this board who keep calling me a "Patriots fan," that's getting old...)

    As far as Chad's "loyalty" and all to the Jets? And whether he was pissed off at the team management and whatever? Well, I do think he signed with the 'Fins as an affront to the Jets.

    Look... he signed with the damned Dolphins. There is no more hated team in the NFL if you are a true, long-time Jets fan. Chad probably could have chosen a team like the Chiefs or the Packers or whoever, but instead he signed with the damned 'Fins--which is flipping the bird to the Jets, and he knows it. It's the same motivation Favre had when he wanted (SO badly, as he admitted he was being "vindictive") to sign with the Vikings, so I actually admire Pennington's competitive desire, and there are many things I admired (like that) about the guy. It's reminiscent of how Johnny Damon wanted to sign with the Yankees, and how Manny Ramirez now wants to join the Yankees.

    Also, he did leak the information that the Packers contacted the Jets, and to the Mangini regime, who never want players to say anything to anyone, this was a definite taboo. This was huge news, and confirmed what had been a rumor up until that point. I am convinced that Chad did this on his own and that team management was not happy when he opened his big mouth. But also, Chad was not in the team's plans, so ironically he was in a similar situation as Favre. Did you read the account of how Tannenbaum signed Favre in the Daily News, and how important it was to him that the Jets "flew under the radar?" Well, Chad alerted the whole world about the Jets' intention to sign Favre. He nearly jeopardized the deal. Is that loyalty?

    I liked Chad when he first took over the team and had the highest QB percentage of any QB in NFL history etc., of course that was an amazing season, and I can see why so many Jets fans fell in love with the guy. And he did/does seem to be a great guy in his many interviews. But he lost me when he lectured the media a few years later about "what a privilege it is to cover the New York Jets." I relate to the beat writers and consider them to be the voice of the fan, so I thought this, from a guy who took a major or minor in sports journalism in college, was a back-stab in many ways. The beat writers have always been very good to Chad, so this petty little attack was out of character and an indication that his superstar status in NYC was clouding his judgment.

    It also seems to me that as he suffered those (possibly) career-ending injuries, and started to play badly and lose, that he also lost his grace. For instance, Pennington recently admitted that last year, he had a serious injury that kept him from playing at his best. Yes, it's great that he wants to stay in the game, but at what point does a player's inability to be effective on the field hurt the team? And when does their intent to keep starting become a "me-first" decision (especially when so often, players get financial bonuses for the number of stats and snaps, etc.).

    I am not trying to bash Chad here, but I am trying to bring some perspective. Sorry if my post offended any Chad fans. He was a great Jets QB, he led the team into the playoffs, and I will always remember him that way. But I hope that the jets sack his ass in the first game and put him out of his misery.

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