^^ So what's the point you're trying to make? That the "he's just trying to make a living" rationalization, after we shelled out to him for years with one of the league's biggest contracts, is valid?
Dear Mr. Beamen, I would like to suggest that your signature about "It's Finally Over!" is probably not as apt now as "Now It REALLY Starts!"
^ Haha, I like that.... I'm still wondering how many of these 'fans' are going to find themselves rooting for our most bitter rival this year, simply because they can't go more than 5 minutes without humping Chad's leg.... I've never heard so many Jet fans speak so highly about a Dolphin player
Why do you think Pace and Faneca decided to come here? How about Coles coming back? You think Favre took a pay cut to be here? Athlete's like all of us have bills and obligations. Some of these athletes have charitable foundations. Nothing wrong with earning all the money you can and doing something productive with it. It's not all about paying the bills, some of these athletes and their wives are very involved in all kinds of things. Money is a huge factor don't ever discount it.
Talk about clueless! I was referring to the "scummiest organization" stuff, pilgrim... If you think those of us who still support the Jets because they dumped Mr. Penny are "clueless," well... I'd like to make this point to ALL of you Chad supporters: He was a "disgruntled player." He asked for his release at the end of the year when it was becoming obvious that he wasn't going to get it, and began to act like a prima donna. You know how Tangini hate it when players speak off the cuff to the media? Well, Pennington leaked the Bret Favre story to the beat reporters. I can't think that the team was too thrilled when Chad pulled that stunt. IMHO, all of you Chad supporters who badmouthed Pete Kendall, or took management's side against Chris Baker when he started to complain? Well, Chad was just another guy who wanted off the Jets. Chad was becoming a me-first player. Check the Daily News in-depth report on how Tannenbaum signed Favre, and read the stuff from the last few weeks.
Im not comparing the Jets to Peningtion. I was referring to individual performance of Chad, not the team's performance. Of course, both stunk last year. Jets should probably get 3 times more wins this year. As for CP, he's going to a team that is happy they did'nt go winless. If CP can bring that team anywhere near .500, then its a success for him. Big time success. New QB, washed up team, no reciever and who's the coach BTW? All I know is Parcells is running the show. I have'nt heard anything about their coach the whole off season. Its all been Parcells. You're spot on about Testaverde. Im not gonna bash him either, but if I had to pick between Testaverde and Pennington, by far it'll be Pennington. Pennington is'nt coming out of retirement. He still has a good 3-4 years left in him. Plus he did'nt go to the cheatriots and offer some experienced tips to Brady.
Chad was a good player, teammate and consumate professional during his tenure with the NY JETS. Unfortunately injuries led to his declining performance. To bash him is RETARDED. I hate the FINS as much as freakin AlQueda but the fact was Pennington was CUT by the JETS. Do you expect him to take a lesser job elsewhere? Despite his physical limitations he has a fighter's spirit, and wants to play and I'm sure against the JETS twice a year was and added incentive along with the obvious ($$, Tuna, Dan Henning, etc....)
What is wrong with you people? Clearly we have some that just want to flame everything that isn't perfect in Jets-land. This is proven by some of the same people flaming Chad in this thread that flamed him in his "appreciation thread". Our organization isn't scummy but some of our fans are certainly scum. There - I said it! You see-its pretty easy to post insults and sounds rightous. On top of that some of these same people are the ones that hated Chad on our team. Now they hate him on the worst team in our devision (maybe worst in all of football). All their big talk about how they wished the Jets could play against Chad and get easy wins is out the window. A broken QB that we cut is on one of the worst teams in the league is now somehow an evil trader? SOme of you need to grow up and learn about life before making an ass out of yourself on our teams forums. Bottom line Chad was a class act who always put the Jets first. He played his heart out for us. He played injured for us. He kept his mouth shut during the tough times. He gave us all he had and never once showed any sign of not being loyal to the Jets. There is nothing more we could ask of a QB. ANd the only thing we have to offer him in return is our respect. And we owe that to him. Good luck Chad. You were a great guy and a great Jet.
chad will do well in miami i think because of the climate..but the fans will soon start to admire his dink and dunk routine
Agreed. I always like to equate our former players who showed class with whining internet pictures. You must be the cool kid.
Chad wanted to end his career with the jets, just as bad as favre wanted to end his with the pack. We, as fans don't see football as a business. that's our problem. It is a business, and like Ab Vigota said in the "Godfather", "tell Michael i always loved him, it was just business". Our business is to beat our opponent. Chad's a Dull-phin, he's going down!
cool kid? no. but at least smart enough to have basic comprehension abilities. spend more time strengthening your cognitive abilities and less sharpening your sarcasm. clearly the intimation of my post was that people whining about leaving Chad alone are the equivalent of that pictured idiot, not Chad. a retard could have figured that out. why couldn't you?
Actually, it's ABE VIGODA.....and he said "tell Michael I always LIKED him" (not loved). The rest of your reply was just fine, however!
I dont consider asking people to show some respect to = whining. It feels like you dont have anything to respect so you dont understand how to give it. I am sorry for that.
I appreciate your condolences. now can we get back to your lack of basic comprehension skills. or are you trying to cover that up by simply being snide.