Brett Who??????

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by section134, Aug 7, 2008.

  1. Wild Thing

    Wild Thing New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    I chalk it up to his competitive nature. The man's absolutely driven to be the best in the world at what he does; it would surprise me if he didn't feel some animosity toward anyone who was a threat to pass him up.

    To his credit, though, this last year or two his relationship with Rodgers seemed to have changed a lot. After most offensive series, you could see the two talking on the sidelines - Brett motioning with his hands as he showed Aaron what the coverages were looking like as he lined up, and Rodgers paying close attention to whatever lesson was being passed on. It was good to see. Yeah, Brett's the last guy in the world you want teaching your rookies on mechanics and that sort of thing, but when it comes to reading coverages and making adjustments at the line of scrimmage, I can't think of a better player in the league to mentor your young guns. That could be a very valuable asset for the Jets right now, from what I know of your team.
  2. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    The first thing that the Packers told Aaron Rodgers when he got to camp was not to do what Favre does. Just because it works for Favre doesn't mean it will work for anyone else on this current roster.
  3. CleanFernandez

    CleanFernandez New Member

    Apr 27, 2008
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    i think ratliff is making a strong case for the back up
  4. xmscott

    xmscott Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    ^^^ I agree.

    Hope to see more of him before the Favre "era" starts........
  5. I bleed Jets Green

    I bleed Jets Green New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    The Rat & the Clown were able to connect very well with each other.

    RATliff & CLOWNny Show in Cleveland
  6. Jaded Green

    Jaded Green New Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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  7. Determination#4

    Determination#4 New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    I think Brett biggest concerns will be learning the play book and building team chemistry over the next couple of months. With sincere due respect, I don't really think there is time for him to be thinking about mentoring as well, this is a very fast and big enough transition for him already.
  8. Kendawg

    Kendawg New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    I'm not sure if you want Brett actually teaching these guys. He's not exactly a "textbook" quarterback. He takes risks... he tries to force passes and it seems to work for him but I couldn't anyone in their right mind saying do what Brett does. Not a cuss on Brett Favre but I don't think his style of play would translate well. His air of confidence and how he acts on the sideline is a different story all together.
  9. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    It seems to me that he did a pretty good job taking Rodgers under his wing in GB....

    Just because he's not Mr Choir Boy Chad doesn't mean that he doesn't care about his teammates, or doing what's best for the team... There's a difference between talking about being a good example and mentor, and then just doing it out of instinct...
    #29 Beamen, Aug 8, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2008
  10. favrefan

    favrefan New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    I still can't believe they traded Favre away. Rodgers is probably going to get hurt in the first game! Then the front office of the Packers are really going to cry!

    You guys are lucky to pick up Favre as your new QB.
  11. penny10jet

    penny10jet New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    While in Green Bay he was quoted as saying its not his job to mentor Aaron Rodgers, he had to focus on getting himself better...thats a pretty tell-tale sign.
  12. flgreen

    flgreen New Member

    Mar 4, 2008
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    This Ratliff development is very interesting. I really anticipated seeing Clemens for over a half tonight. So the Jets CS could see what he looked like under fire. His routine will change starting Saturday, and Favre will be getting all the snaps with the #1's and some of the # 2's.

    Somebody on the Jets CS wanted to see more what Ratliff could do under fire. Kid has had an excellent camp. He got his chance and took full advantage of it. In what probably will be his last extended live game audition for a full year, It couldn't have gone any better if his Mom had scripted it,

    Nothing wrong with what Clemens had done, but Ratliff looked like he knew how to play the game. Both of those long passes hit Clowney right in the hands in full stride, The second one was 40+ yards in the air. Clowney didn't have to slow down for the ball, it got there in a hurry.

    This was more then a Browning Nagel type display of a big arm. When Ratliff came in, the first two drives were still against the Browns better 1st and 2nd stringers. The second drive showed a lot of poise, and game management type skills. It was a long dink and dunk type drive. Took over 8 minutes off the clock. Could have been another TD, but he came away with 10 points in two drives.

    After he got the defense convinced the first bomb was a fluke, by dinking and dunking the rest of the game, and looking pretty effective at it. He rang their bell again in the 4th.

    This is a major dilemma for the CS. No way they can put this kid on the PS after last night. The fax paper will still be running and somebody will claim him. I think the same is true of Ainge. With his natural talent, if the Jets try to put him on the PS some body will grab him. There are a lot of really bad # 3 QB's out there.

    If Ratliff continues to play very well in practice, where does that leave Clemens? If I were the Jets I would try to IR Ainge. It seems they are trying to hide him. He hasn't had many reps in practice, and last night all he did was a few hand offs. All they have to say is his hand is still numb from surgery, and they are anticipating a rehab.

    If they can't get away with it. Clemens may have a problem
  13. penny10jet

    penny10jet New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    Very true all the way around. This is a tough decision for the CS. They certainly cant waste a roster spot on a 4th QB. And Favre is clearly not the future, hes the present and nothing more. Whats good is that I think we have the future QB somewhere on the team between the 3 of them. The problem will be deciding which two have the most potential. Unfortunately, I see Ratliff being the one left out. He has an uphill battle, although last night I think he did a good job make the hill less steep.

    They cant cut Clemmons, he was a 2nd round pick just 3 years ago, and has shown some serious flashes of good QB play. They just drafted Ainge this year in the 5th round and are hoping to develop him. Ratliff looks awesome, but it reminds me a lot of that running back last year in preseason--i forgot his name, but he was nasty throughout TC and in the preseason especially against the Giants, and was still cut.
  14. 4transplant4

    4transplant4 New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    There's an old saying...Those who can, DO. Those who can't, TEACH.
  15. flgreen

    flgreen New Member

    Mar 4, 2008
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    Fair enough, and I understand your argument. I also understand there is still a lot of time before the final cut, and anything can happen. If Ratliff continues to out play Clemens in TC, there is going to be a problem. It wasn't just this game. During the whole camp several scribes have opened their TC reports up with. "and the winner of today's QB competition was............Brett Ratliff"

    The FO has shown they will cut their losses on a draft pick. They parted ways with the" boar hunter" rather quickly. Not guaranteeing this, but it wasn't an accident last night that Ratliff got 19 throws, and Clemens only got 6.

    Somebody (Mangini) wanted to see what this kid could do under fire. He did pretty well. IF,and that's a BIG IF this continues, I wouldn't be surprised to see a change at # 2.

    I like Clemens. One of the reasons I was luke warm about Favre is because I really wanted to see Clemens step up and win the job. Right now he is being out played. Not only as the starter but as #2. RB's are every where, QB's aren't

  16. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    Ratliff showed some really good things last night. He's got great size and footwork. He showed a very good arm and accuracy. All the things you look for in a young quaterback. He seems to have the physical tools now its just a question of the mental tools. If he can learn to read a defense and make the right decision quickly he could be something special down the road. It's one preseason game so can't get to excited but it's been then another crappy performance from Clemens or a check down game from Chad.
  17. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    I think Brett will make KC better just by watching BF play & how BF call the game since KC & BF are both strong in the arm
  18. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    I never said he didn't care about his teammates. My point was that he doesn't appear to be the tutoring or mentoring type. It is not something you hear much about though, so I could be wrong about it. What you do hear is how much everyone gets on well with him. He's a great teammate and has great leadership. And like I said before, I am not making it a knock on Favre. He is who he is.
  19. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Right. He'll lead by example. I agree KC is going to benefit by watching Favre firsthand in games and in practice.

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