that's ugly, hopefully tangini pulls the plug before we trade rhodes, harris and a 1st... (in other words , too much)
Why alot of Jet fans get criticized, for this tremendous type of opinion. Yeah, WANT THE guy with the 5 yard arm to QB the team this season instead.
Calm down, this was the latest. no reason to go jumping of any bridges yet. Unless less you have a completely different reason to jump off a bridge, then by all means continue on. :smile:
I don't even know why TB is so desperate for a QB...if we had Garcia and were coming off a playoff season, as opposed to Clem-ington, I don't think I'd care one way or another about Favre right now. For all the people who are opposed, how much worse off could we be in the future than we have been for the past 39 years? It's not like we are on the edge of a dynasty here and getting Brett Favre would ruin that.
That's exactly the point. Whether you like Favre or not, he's a far superior qb than Chad or Clemens. It's not even close
The Name Clemington scares me, I get this picture in my head of a guy with a quick release, no velocity, that only throws 5 yards, and to the wrong team.
Some people are convinced that the path to greatness is paved with due diligence performed on your third round picks. Let's take a shot! The risk is low.
WOW! other than a game thread... I don't think I've ever seen so many people in one thread before!! This Favre guy must be something special
You are completely right, but this is the Jets were talking about. At this point, I think we'd need a goddamn miracle. And to believe that there are people here who are excited about overpaying for Calvin Pace and are against trading for Brett Favre...unreal.
I sure hope my bad gut feeling on Farvelatio comes back to bite me in the ass, and if they wind up getting him, he leads us to the promised land... course, if that happens, my ass will be in such a euphoric state, I doubt it will feel that bite...
I don't really know much about his talent on the field, but I am familiar with his work in There's Something About Mary, which is absolutely phenomenal.