Sorry but the cuts were small, and looked better this way. Besides I viewed them on my giant monitor and they look fine.
I do. I find it is much easier on my eyes with all the print and icons larger. I tried setting my comp to hi-res, and then changed text size, but it only affects certain things and not others. If you have a solution, please let me know as low-res does have its drawbacks.
I'm not sure about a solution, but I do know one drawback that is becoming more frequent. The standard for websites aren't being designed to fit 800 width resolution so much anymore even, which will have a huge effect on that.
Good Job. I made a backround some time back, which i really like, but i?m not good a designing a complete Wallpaper. And your Backround looks a little boring, imo. You can use it if you like it:
Thank god for my horizontal tilt wheel mouse. As for the wallpapers, they are really nice. I especially like that the backgrounds are simple and not so busy, as I am a desktop icon lover.
Thanks guys, I tried to keep these simple, and really wanted to have the player take up the whole screen so I just did them at 800x600. When I resize the players they never look as good so I kept them small, and the backgrounds really do not look that bad even on higher resolution monitors. I am still just getting the hang of this, and working with so I am limited. I will try and make some bigger and better ones as the season approaches and I find some more good renders or cuts. German Jets fan thanks for the cool BG, I'll see if I can use it.
Cool here is another one, I like this one better.
rmagedon6 I posted a good Revis here: and here is another Harris:
That flesh colored thing stretched out on the right side would put bad images in my head every time i saw this background.
Oh well, you could always slap a logo on that giant hunk of flesh... Here start with this, maybe you can come up with something better. :wink:
I checked out the link to that forum...I saw one of Revis WITH Rhodes. I thought you maybe had 1 good one of Revis solo (hate to be a pain in the ass). That 2nd take on Rhodes jumping for the ball is great. Took that one. I'm printing these out in glossy Tabloid Extra and putting them up in my office to piss off my supervisor. He's a Patriots fan.
Cool, I will try and work on a solo Revis as soon as I get settled. I just got back from vacation. :drunk: