J Russell could be Manningesque

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by Raiderjoe, May 26, 2008.

  1. Docny1975

    Docny1975 New Member

    Mar 11, 2008
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    I read this thread title quickly and thought it said J Russell could be mannequinism

    an epidemic where a citizen plays no key role in the economic or social contrasts of our world, such as closing oneself in a dark box, or having too much in hand hence having no time for volunteer work, or any participation in a community, in turn, this leads to the person literally turning into a mannequin; a subtle, crippled figure immune to the active world around it.
  2. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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  3. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    That is the most optomistic sounding article I have ever read.

    It is pretty damn funny too.

    Because he works hard he is Peyton Manning?

    Geez, I feel dumber having read the whole thing.
  4. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Now that is an unbiased commentary. Give the guy a few more starts before you start gushing about how he is the second coming of Peyton Manning.
  5. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    Easy if you can be the sixth best rushing team with pretty good RB's, what can you do with a great RB in Mcfadden.
    Mcfadden is a game changer who can take the ball to the house anytime he touches the ball. Mcfadden going to help Raiders passing game tremendously. For example what jet Lb you see staying with Mcfadden in coverage. Short swing passes have a chnace to go to the house.

    Javon walker when healthy is better WR than anyone Jets have.(legitimate number 1 wr)
    R Curry is the possessin Reciever and DRew Carter is the guy to stretch the field. Raiders rtio goes 6'3 215 Walker, 6'2 220 Curry and 6'3 200 D Carter . That some serious size at the wr position.

    Now throw in Zach Miller( who is one of Jamarcus Russell favorite targets)
    Michael Bush is very good pass reciever coming out of backfield. D Mcfadden going to create matchuip problem for defense .

    Raiders firepower has been upgraded severly this year.
  6. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Let's see Zach Miller had 44 catches on the season, and he caught about 9 or 10 of those balls from Russell. Miller averaged about 2.5 catches a game when Russell was the starter, and they only reason that average is so high is because Miller caught 8 balls in the last game of the season against the Chargers third and fourth stringers.

    Jamarcus Russell played in 4 games, and threw under 8 passes in 2 of them. You have no idea who his favorite target is...

    Once again, Drew Carter is a nobody. He's a gamebreaker, you say? 1. He can't stay healthy. 2. He hasn't scored more than 4 touchdowns in a season. 3. He hasn't had more than 38 receptions in a season. 4. His biggest YAC is 3.4, which is awful for someone that is supposed to be a "game changer".

    Do everyone a favor, shut up and go back to your Fader board.
    #46 Mr Electric, May 29, 2008
    Last edited: May 29, 2008
  7. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    I don't know if Jamarcus Russell going to get to 28tDS , because Raiders are going to run the ball alot next season. ( why not with weapons they have at RB) He going to have high completion percentage . I expect a large about of his passes to be to the RBs(Mcfadden and M Bush) and the TE(Zach Miller - his favorite target) Drew Carter should have a insane yards per catch with about 7 tds. Raiders passing offense will be off their running game. (playaction) Fake pitch plays to MCfadden and Jamarcus will try to hit his speed threats behind the secondary. MCfadden going to giver jamarcus Russell some infalted passing yards- a dump off has a chance to go the distance everytime he touches the football.
  8. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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  9. Yisman

    Yisman Newbie

    May 3, 2004
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    Sounds like Oakland will be a top 5 offense next season and win the Super Bowl in a rout.
  10. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    Again Raiders didn't put the ball up that much(Ran the ball alot) and they used Zach Miller for his blocking for most of the season.(because they were running it) Zach Miller catching 44 balls for a team that struggled with their passing game, and you can bet hes going to be a serious weapon next season. (hes that good as blocker and a reciever)

    Really dosen't matter what Drew carter did before he came to the Raiders. WHY.
    He going to a team that is known for its vertical offense. Think bigger james Jett)
    Drew carter is there to stretch the field(alot times a decoy) and
    Open it up for raiders other weapons to work there magic underneath. Drew carter because OF Mcfadden(fake pitch plays and safedtys will have to move up) going to get behind alot of other teams secondary. CHad Pennington not throwing him the football, but probably the best arm to ever play in the NFL. (jamarcus Russell. What were WEs Welker number before he came to patriots.
    Take it to the Bank DRew Carter will have about 7 TDs next seasons.
  11. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Yeah...Kyle Boller had the best arm in the history of the NFL before Russell. Shut up.

    Carter's guaranteed 7 TDs will definitely get the Raiders at least 6 points for almost have the season. I guarantee it! I bet you all of your vCash, since you like to bet so much you rebel you.

    Read the first part of your post, and then the second. First you blab about the Raiders only running the ball, and then you go on about their AWESOME vertical offense. What type of team are they jeaux?

    I'm with Yisman on this one. The Raiders are going to have the best offense in the NFL.
    #51 Mr Electric, May 29, 2008
    Last edited: May 29, 2008
  12. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I remember that was going to happen when they traded for Moss. The best receiver in the NFL couldn't help them climb out of the shitter.
  13. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Randy Moss really re-juvinated this fabled Raiders' vertical offense that jeaux speaks of.
  14. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    Maybe not next season, but they might be one of the best offenses in the very near future, (for a long time) Lets se3 20 D Mcfadden anD 23 M Bush QB 21 Jamarcus Russell, Two stud Fbs 27 Justin Griffith and 24 Oren Oneal. 22 TEZach Miller and 25 J Madsen They are building a very young OLIne that fit their stretch and cut blocking scheme very well. 26 LT Kwame harris/ 23 Mario Henderson RG27 Robert gallery C Chris Morris 25 / RG Jonathan palmer 24/ 24 Paul Mcquistan RT in about a week Shane Olivea 26-27?

    Raiders have some very young Wrs that in a year or two could be special. 1 22 years old Arman Shields 6'1 195 sub 4.4 speed 2 26 year old Drew carter 6'3 200 3. 22 Chaz Scillens 6'4 225 sub 4.4 42 inch vertical. 4. 24 year old Todd Watkins 6'2 190 5. 23 Johathan Holland 6'1 195 6 23 Johnnie lee Higgins 5' 11 185 7 22 Marcel Reese 6'1 230 4.4 something 8 25 Will Buachon 6'3 190(fastest player at Usc that including Reggie Bush)

    Could as alot of these guys are going to be gone by start of season. Still James Lofton has some serious athlethes to work with. Worse case they are drating the Wr position.
    #54 Raiderjoe, May 29, 2008
    Last edited: May 29, 2008
  15. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    First Raiders didn't have a potential franchise QB like Jamarcus Russell throwing the football to him. Did they. Might have been alot diffrent if he was the QB.

    Second Raiders don't run a vertical offense anymore but they will always take their chances down the field.

    Third Raiders oline couldn't block long enough to use that vertical offense. NOw with an explosive consistant Running ga,e, they will use that attention defense much pay, to set up those deep passes. (playaction)
  16. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    1. Daunte Culpepper wasn't a potential franchise QB? Keyword: POTENTIAL. Don't get your hopes up.

    2. Exactly, they don't run a vertical offense anymore, so stop saying that they do. Every team in this league takes chances down field.

    3. A running game that's both explosive and consistant? That could happen...POTENTIALLY. Teams are going to come after Russell no matter what. He's young and inexperienced, and their offensive line is weak in pass protection. Once again, don't get your hopes up.
  17. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    I don't think so. What Russell has to go with that big time arm is accuracy. High Sixth percent he completed his passes. 28 td with 8 interceptions in the toughest football conderence in America.(sec) Raiders CBs are speaking very highly of Russell . NOt only is he throwing with some serious velocity, but he putting it in spots his recievers can only get.

    Let me clarify my position. It didn't change. There is no question Raiders have one of the best run blocking units in all of football. There is some serious question about their ability to pass block. Thats not a concern if you don't get in too many known passing downs. (alot of third and shorts and the top speed runners have to play the run first)

    So OF course IF Raiders Oline not there yet as pass blockers, your not going to play like the Patriots on offense. Your going to use your running game to set up the passing offense. (playaction) Fake pitch out to Mcfadden going to Get 6'3 200 pound Burner Drew Carter behind alot of secondaries. With his size advantage against alot of CBs ,your going to take your chances with him, when you get single coverge. Example James Jett.
    Because Raiders pass blocking still suspect, IMO you will see The MCfadden, M Bush anD te Zach Miller catching a majority of Russell passes. For Millonth time Mcfadden going to get alot of cheap yardage for Russell(dump passes and he might go the distance on a couple)
    #57 Raiderjoe, May 29, 2008
    Last edited: May 29, 2008
  18. SameOldJets2008

    SameOldJets2008 New Member

    Dec 30, 2007
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    Ok first of all, Coles is better than Javon Walker secondly, he hasnt been healthy in two years, what makes you think he will be healthy now.
  19. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    1.Again Every ex Raider That has bashed the raiders on their way out the door , have went out of there way to praise Jamarcus Russell. They think The Kids going to be special.

    2 Thats wrong. How Many teams have the weapons and The QB( best arm ever)
    Defenses have to account for Mcfadden anytime hes in the game. That gives these big very fast WR a chance to get behind a secondary. (Raiders have alot of them) Russell ball don't hang up there, so these CBs better be running stride for stride with these burners. Another fact is how many teams have the CB with size to matchup to the Raiders size at Wr.

    3. Raiders offense relies on alot of rollouts. Russell is in alot better shape than last season, and is moving alot quicker. The Top passrushers want to run around the tackle and they are opening a gaping hole for the raiders running backs to exploit. Also teams can come after Russell, D Mcfadden and M Bush on dump offs will make them pay big time. They move out Mcfadden wide before the snapp, who does a defense cover him with.
    Last year without the playmakers Raiders had that might have been effective. Not Now.
  20. Raiderjoe

    Raiderjoe Banned

    Jul 5, 2003
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    Coles is not better than a healthy javon Walker. Thats just silly. J Walker hasn't been healthy in two out of last three years. He put up big numbers in Cutler rookie year. Thats not with Favre, but a rookie QB. (have to factor that in the equation) Like with his first Year with Broncos(wanted to prove something) Javon Walker is defintely motivated. M Shanahan made sure of that. M Shanahan tried to make Walker out to be damage goods to the rest of the league. You can bet Champ bailey will have his hands full with this guy on opening day.

    Again why JavoN walker will be hugh. Hes used to catching Brett Favre and Jay Cutler fastballs. Gives J Russell confidence that he will catch his fastball.

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