IDK how to find my friend offers so I'm guessing I have to manually add you guys just like you did me?
Yeah I use the wheel but my friends hate it. I love the wheel. I haven't tried it with the gc controller yet but I'm sure I'll be great with it and it will be fun. Maybe then manual won't be so damn impossible.
I do & I got the gold wheel online & I've got stars in all 50 & 100 class grand prix & I've unlocked all the hard staff times, so yea I'm pretty good at it not to mention I did all of this on automatic(makes TT harder imo.)
Yeah, I still use the wheel. @ATW, the manuel isn?t hard to do, you just have to move the entire wheel up quickly, I know thats not how they tell you to do, but it works perfectly, also for stunts. And if you do that in the right moment, when the POW-Box shakes for the 3rd time, you only spinn once and you don?t loose all your speed, even works with Karts.
I refuse to buy anymore Mario games... galaxy and smash bros didn't do it for me and think both got overrated reviews. I played smash bros 3 times if that... pissed. I guess my age is showing?
i think ill rent this tonite, I was never really a Kart fan but alot of my friends are saying that this game is awesome. Ill post my id and shit once i rent it or buy it.
btw, here?s the first teaser for the RRR3: [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE] looks like they will use the Balance Board.
What are those games like? I've never played em before and I've never had much interest but some of you guys seem interested so I guess tell me more.
They?re a collection of Minigames. Think Mario Party. What makes them Special is the great humor they have. But there are also a lot of people, that find them just anoying. It?s hit or miss. [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]
and with that, I picked it up today. How do you get that insanely fast boost start off the starting line?