I think once a week is good. I don't necessarily need to make every game I play be a TGG one, so that works well for me. It would be funny to see how the fantasy drafted teams would rival the real NFL standings from week to week.
"Flex Scheduling" We really won't have to play 1 game a week. As long as your opponent is online & ready to go you can play.EA has this thing called "Flex Scheduling" ===================================================================== IGN: Say I only have five friends, but still want to play in a full season with 32 teams. Is that possible with flex scheduling included? Ferwerda and Castorani: Actually, you cannot. This was a conscious design decision by us. We decided it would be better to ensure that all teams are controlled by users which would allow for us to implement our flex scheduling. To be clear, there is not a 'set' schedule in our leagues. All schedules are flex. IGN: We just mentioned flex scheduling, but some might not know what we're talking about. Explain why it's cool. Ferwerda and Castorani: Flex scheduling is cool for a multitude of reasons. First off, flex scheduling is what we refer to as an 'open schedule' with no set order. What this means is that if you log online and ten members of your twenty member league are online, you can play any of your opponents that you have remaining games with. The nice thing about this is that it doesn't allow for leagues to get stale or held up waiting for others to play. If the stars align, and you have all of your opponents online, you can, in theory, knock out your entire league in one day
That's pretty cool, although I think we might want to limit that to a game or 2 a week. It'd be crappy reading standings with one team at like 11-5, with nobody else having played more than 5 games.
Yeah, I re-did the list to make it more clear where we're at. Hopefully they'll get inter-console network gaming working this season, but again I doubt it. Otherwise, maybe you'll have to come to the dark side ...
Can't see any reason why a PS3 league and a 360 darkside league can't both exist. NEVER go back :wink: Maybe all the 'stuck in the past' 360ers should upgrade? 3..2..1...
Hey I'm new here but totally stoked you guys are going to try and run your league on Madden. I am in one that has been up since Madden 07 and we are still going strong thanks to a core group of guys. I deff want in this. My gamertag on XBOX 360 is A Jay Jay If you guys need more news and stuff about Madden 09 and there league details let me know because I know a lot about the new upcoming Madden.
My god damn 360 is ready to RROD again. It keeps freezing after about 10 minutes of play. Yesterday it gave a red ring after I turned it off once but I let it sit for a while, turned it on and it worked for another 10 minutes. What a piece of shit product they built. This is going to be my 3rd time sending it back when it finally does RROD. The point of putting this rant in here is that we're going to have to have a rule in place for people who get the RROD. It takes a while to get your machine back.
i have been playing 08 on my psp. i drafted a fantasy team and im 7-0 right now. against all madden of course no all pro here bitches
so glad i opened my mouth just got smoked 35-17 i have no idea what the fuck happened in the 2nd half
Sweet well I should check these boards around once a day maybe even more you never know how addicted I might become. I check my other leagues boards around 6 times a day. It's crazy. If you need any help just give me a holla. Deff could help you out man.
Well I kept playing and the thing kept freezing but no RROD. I tried a bunch of trouble shooting tips and nothing worked. Finally, I reformatted my hard drive and shit seems to be working correctly now. What sucks is I lost all my game progress.
There's plenty of room in the leagues for each system right now. There are 16 signed up for 360 (including you), so we have room for 16 more. I think there are 4 signed up for ps3 and 1 for Wii.
I wonder how committed people will really be when this drops...but at least the potential is there so count me in! 360 gt: Duk Dodgers heh