I really hope I won't be getting banned. I actually like being on this board. I was just trying to make a joke. I'm sorry.
If I get banned will it be permanet? If I get banned can it be just like a week? I didn't know I was doing anything wrong.
This is what you do. Click on the rules on top and read them then, copy and paste the rule you Violated.
Fake news. If you deliberately post a fake news article, you'll be banned with no prior warning. I guess that's the rule I violated, but I'm sorry it wasn't suppost to come off like that!
no, by posting it in the Jets forum, you inherently inferred it was a Jets player, thus it is fake news. pile up on the posts while you can, kid, you don't know which will be your last for a very long time. Jetkid87 pulled the same prank last offseason and hasn't been heard from since.
Ok i've never seen someone beg that much to stay on, and he's probably the youngest member too... yell at him, and send him to his room- then beat him. Mods, change the thread title so that everyone doesn't think our new star isn't injured.