Strange, every place I went to is selling the game with the wheel. You don't have to pre-order. Watching the videos of people playing looks like some serious fun, especially drunk.
Ok...the game comes with the wheel that's 100% true or else the game wouldn't come in a box instead of a DVD case, it's the extra wheel that costs $15.
Are you guys terrible? It's been out for a few days now and NOTHING on this board. Ok call me crazy but I think Mario Kart Wii nips out Galaxy for the Wii's best game. It should easily beat Brawl in sales (which is huge for a brawl hater like me, when all my friends want to marry brawl) and tho I haven't heard much of GTA yet, I think it could win game of the year. Seriously, the controls are perfect, the items are awesome, and online is so intense. I can't stop playing it. If anyone wants to put their codes in, go right ahead. My mii code is 4682-8864-5035
yes it doesnt come with the wheel.misinformation about that sorry. bought a second wheel and have been playing it ever since. when i got home from work to an empty house yestereday,what did i do? go to the gym?cook my own dinner?masterbate? no i turned on MarioKart and won first place in all 4 Mushroom Cup races. Waluigi is my man. what are these codes you speak of?
Those are the Mario Kart codes, you use to play online against your friends. Both players must register each others code to become Friends. I?m gonna addd anyone who posts his here, so anybody who posts his code can/should add me. I?m gonna edit the first post of this Thread and put all the codes posted here in it, so you don?t have to look thou the entire Thread. @wildthing: just added you
what?s up? I`m friends with wildthing for 2 Days now, but our friendship is still pending! Bring it on! @all, dont expect anythin in a race from me, i rarely play that. My home is the battle-mode and I?ll kick your ass anytime there!!!(about 4800 in races well above 6000 in the battle-mode)!
FC :0087-2938-0355 Already registered: wildthing2022000: 2664-2648-4435 NYJATW: 4682-8864-5035 German Jets Fan: 3480-2663-2460