No, not Kevin Bacon -- The artery clogging burger from Wendy's. I grabbed one on the way to work today. Holy F'n F! Suddenly, I'm glad we put in all those Heart start Defibrillator machines at work. I could barely finish this beast . . . Of course this is what it actually looked like . . . I must say, it was highly palatable! It left me feeling a sense of fulfillment, and accomplishment. I also found it very similar to another heart attack waiting to happen . . . The Monster Burger. This is a product of Hardee's, or Carl's Jr., or Roy Rogers, depending on where you live . . . I'm not a fan of the "thickburger" style -- it's just too big. All in all, I was very satisfied with The Baconator, and I wish I had a chance to try it's spicey counterpart, but I missed out. . . That looks like heartburn. I give the baconator a 4 / 5
i had the baconator a few weeks ago and almost died. well maybe not, but i fuckin felt like absolute death.
yeah, by now your stomach should be making some crazy growling noises and mass amounts of nauseas fumes will begin leaking from your anus shortly. Enjoy the next two days of this.
Yeah, I'll keep you posted, as it travels through my innards. When I bit into this thing my eyes rolled back into my head, and I blacked out in ecstasy. When I came to, I felt a bit disoriented. The episode I experienced is what top nutritionists refer to as a "Meatgasm".
I have a steel stomach when it comes to food so it didn't bother me when I had it. Neither did the BK stacker quad (this plus 2 patties).
Okay, it's been about 2 hours since I ate it. I'm feeling a bit of bloating welling up. Some discomfort -- not too severe yet.
I have to say I stopped eating fast food, and packing my lunch. I just feel like ass after I eat it. While I'm sure that stuff is delicious, I feel bloated just looking at it... Add in a soda and some fries and your approaching one days healthy limit of calories for a day (2000).
Fortunately, I just got the burger. I'm not a soda drinker -- The HFC scares the bejesus out of me. I have become a fan of Organic Cola though. WOW. This stuff rocked my balls right on their ass . . . INGREDIENTS: Sparkling filtered water, organic evaporated cane juice, natural root beer flavor, caramel color, organic Ceylon green tea, citric acid, ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and sodium citrate. No HFC! This stuff is awesome.
I ate one around 12:30 today, and I'm just about okay now. It's a double whammy-it has negative nutritional value and renders you incapable of eating anything else for the rest of the day.
Normally I just get a #3 at Wendy's. (The triple, and I request bacon on it.) I order the Ultimate Whopper at Burger King. 4 Gorditas at Taco Bell. 10 Double Cheeseburgers at White Castle. Nothing ever fills me to where I can't eat more, and I was like this even before I started working out regularly.
Maybe it's a tapeworm? I wonder what 10 double cheeseburgers at White Castle is the actual equivalent of in a regular McDonalds cheeseburger?
I prefer the jalepeno one myself, but I'd rather just make my own burger and buy the peppers myself. It's like nuclear holocaust in my stomach, and that's just the way I like it.