Just went to my Electoshop and asked if they already have it, and i got it. 3 more hours of work and i?m on the course. I love Mario Kart since the SNES-age, the baloon-battles were so much fun. I can?t wait to try this. Mario Kart Wii Friendcodes : wildthing2022000: 2664-2648-4435 NYJATW: 4682-8864-5035 rillo: 0087-2938-0355 German Jets Fan: 3480-2663-2460 remembere, both players must add each other to become Friends.
Official Release here is tomorrow, april 11th. I got no idea if that?s also the releasedate in the US.
O ok..thanks, It comes out later this month here....didn't bother to look @ your location (even though your handle has it)LOL. If you get it, can you post a review? Pretty excited about this game.
OK, after almost 1 hour of play, it?s awsome. Controls - I love the wii wheel, maybe that?ll change sometime, but right now, it?s so much fun with that thing. It seems to be pretty accurate and one thing i realized very quick is, that you can?t turn it around too hecticly, or you?re pretty fast off the track. It?s very easy to get into the game and the wheel, but i think, there?s a lot of room to get better (at least i hope so for long term fun), especially the drifting seems to have a lot of potential, because you kind of load up the power when you drift, after the drift you get a boost, the longer the drift was, the better the boost ist. Have not yet tried another way to control it, but i read in the manual, that you can control it the tratitional way using the nunchuck Optic - meh, not really worth a next gen System, but you don?t really look at the details, it?s colorfull, it?s flashy, it?s Mario Kart. Online - There are two online modes, 1. the usual where you just drive a course with up to 11 others. You have 5000 W-Points to start with, and those on the top get some points from those at the bottom after every race (I was 8th and lost 54 points in my first race). 2. Battle mode, you team up with 5 other players against 6 opponents, to do either the traditional baloonbattle or a coinbattle (you collect coins and the team with the most coins wins after a certain time, when you get hit, you loose some coins, i think halve of you coins). Those battles are a lot of fun, 12 players in one arena is great. you get to play very quickly when you want to play online, it takes maybe 1-2 minutes from entering the game to starting the online race, so Online is the way to go, even when you only want to play for some minutes. Seems like a must-buy right now, and i have faith, that it also provides long term fun. I?m back on the wheel now! PS: sorry to tease you like that, but you wanted to know :smile:
Nice...sounds like it'll keep me busy for a while....between Super smash bros., Mario Kart, and GTA I won't have a life for a while LOL. Thanks for the review.
After 3 Days i gotta say, the online-mode is great. I played online for probably 6-7 hours now, not one lag, or breakdown or anything like that. As is said, you get to play online very quickly, finding opponents in not a problem, and playing with your friends is very easy, too. You just check if your freind is online, and join the party for the next race, very cool. There?s also a point system, when you?re good, you get points from those at the bottom. And it always connects you with players, that have about the same # of points as you have, so you rarely go up against players, who are way better, or weaker, than you, which is a big plus, imo. There?s also a introduction of the players, where you can see where your opponents are from. I had some concerns about the online mode, becaus Nintendo isn?t really famous for that, but i can?t think of much, they could have made better there.
i put a $5 deposit on it today. if you pre order it comes with the sreering wheel free.otherwise the wheel is $15
it was a bundle over here: Game+Wheel for 50,-? (average price for a Wii-Game). Are you sure that?s not for the 2nd wheel?
there?s no No-Bundle version available here. It?s 4 players, 2 can play Online with one Wii. You gotta know yourself, if you should get a 2nd wheel. I got a 2nd Wheel, because it?s more fun, when you play with your buddies. I would have gotten 4 Wheels, but i only got 2 Remotes. When i play with 3 Buddies, we use 2 Wheels and 2 GC-Controllers. You can control it with the Classic Controler, Mote, Mote+Nunchuck or GC-Controller. Online I?d say about 50% use the Wheel (you can see who does and who doesn?t). Some love the Wheel, some hate it, maybe you should try how you like it, before you get an 2nd. I think the Online-Pointsystem favors players who use the Wheel, but i?m not 100% sure about that.