Some highlights: This guy is a juice-head and a quitter on plays. Please God, don't let the Jets draft him.. why he's a juice head: look at him. why he's a quitter: anybody watch the championship game? Hardcore analysis. 1. WTF is with the steroid accusations? Because he's cut? 2. I have to love how people only look at the bad things he did in the Bowl game, yet no one seems to mention that he got multiple pressures and hurries. That game has become definitive proof that he has no motor, and therefore he's only a roided up freak who is also... a "fucking weirdo": Heres the quote: See he's weird because he lives with a girl and may not be fucking her, and he didn't watch non-mandatory games with the rest of the team. What a hellraiser that guy is... Yea...who needs to realize he's had 22 sacks in the past 2 seasons...he's done nothing. DIDN'T YOU SEE HIS BOWL GAME?!?!?!!?!? BTW: Chris Long is a lock to be the best player everz because his motor is high and come on...who can resist that smile?
DWare... we all know we are better here and somehow more logical on this board... they are more judgmental than we will ever be. The fact is that the guy is very to himself. As long as he is beating the shit out of QBs he can sleep in a chamber when not practicing or playing like Dracula. People are fucking overbearing with the analysis sometimes. I didn't come out of my house for a whole year once when i was kid besides for school and sports- the rest of the time i was in the house alone like Gholston- yet i produced on the field/court and in school and no one said a word about it. I'm kinda like Gholston, just not in a "so talented its cool" kinda way.
good one, bravo bravo-- for the record i go out these days and i'm a pretty successful kid.... big turnaround during the adolescence...
I guess if you're not bitch-slapping a 98 lbs. woman, making it "rain" in exotic bars or be a total-self-promoting-jackass, you're not a normal FOOTBALL PLAYER. Hmmm.
I gotta say I'm on board with not drafting Gholston. I'm not saying he's on roids, but he does look like he's wound pretty tight. I'm betting when you look back at this draft, it's going to look like he went too high if he goes top ten.
Those kids over at JI are judgmental, childish and downright moronic. Posting their garbage here is just silly and dirties the place up. :grin:
Or he could have been the white guy with the blonde hair, blue eyes, ex-football players son, and a "motor that just doesn't stop." You'd think Gholston stood and flexed all game the way these guys talk about him. Meanwhile he's racking up 22.5 sacks and 30+ TFL in like 21 starts. Then after the game he went and sat in a corner of the locker room taking steroids and anxiously looking around because he's scared someone will talk to him. Like NDmick said, I would have been a weird athlete too. I did stupid, non-athlete things like read books and conversate about things besides bitches and my sport (baseball). Gholston has sounded nothing but intelligent and confident in interviews, but ZOMG they saw one meh game and they've come to the conclusion that he's lazy and weird. They're stuck on these retarded athlete stereotypes for...what? Very few of them are true. Curtis Martin, Mike Mussina, Derek Jeter, Andy Pettite, Bernie Williams, Paul O'Neil, Mo Lewis...NY has had TONS of athletes with solitary personalities. And wow...he loves bodybuilding too...this means he has no real passion for football and he's only looking to get paid so he can buy more steroids to get bigger and have his bust size match his bust size. It couldn't be that athletes...stay with me here...actually have lives outside of their sport? Nah. They have to BLEED for the game to show that they LOVE it right. Then they should go out and fuck bitches because bitches love to be fucked by athletes right? It's stupid shit like that that makes me worry about people. It's sad to see perfectly fine, intelligent people spout out such ignorant trash. I know the people on JI aren't dumb, but some of the trash that comes out of that place is much emphasis is placed on such superficial bullshit.
He was a top 15 pick before the Combine, and now is looked at a top 1-7 pick. I said that these #s shouldn't shock anyone because he is that good of an athlete. I don' think he'll be Mamula-esque but he won't be better than Ware or Merriman.
These days there is over analysis on every prospect in the draft. With that said I am not all that crazy about the idea of drafting him for the Jets. I do think he is the best pass rushing prospect in the draft but also believe he is better suited to ply end in a 4-3 rather than OLB in the 3-4. I like both C. Long and D. Harvey better than him for our D and as far as value goes I like Groves better too.
Dude you read books?? Wow, i didn't know anyone did that anymore. Your one crazy cat. Everyone knows books are for THOSE people. (smart logical intelligent, us :up Anyway.. The Hip-Hop/Bloodlines world has engulfed the NFL, and its nearly impossible to find someone who does not resonate from that life. The Barber twins are two that aren't that way, but no one likes Tiki. Most guys who breathe in football go crazy after its done. I watched Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel and most of those retired players can't live without the sport and lose it mentally. Those guys had alot of concussions as well, but they just couldn't live without the sport. Gholston is a different breed. In this day and age of the NFL, its not good to be different as you mentioned. God forbid the guy is an upstanding citizen instead of a dare i say an N*****?
Exactly, and it's sick. Why should we hear about quiet DeMarcus Ware when we can see Shawne Merriman sack the QB and do that dumbass dance after, right? Anyway one of of my favorites is that Gholston is a "one year wonder." Gholston from his freshman to junior year >>>>>>>>>> Chris Long: Long - 108 tackles, 24 tackles for a loss, 7 sacks Gholston - 87 tackles, 30.5 tackles for a loss, 22.5 sacks My man love for Gholston is coming back.
Quite, unassuming, non self promoting sports star? Those never work out in NY. I mean the whole Curtis Martin project was a huge failure for us. I say we trade the pick for a out spoken guy like Chad Johnson. :breakdance:
I am on the Gholston bus, being an artist/musician while being a univeristy student but having played semi-pro lacrosse, football and 20 some years of hockey I was a bit of an odd one myself, if anything I want a guy like this on the team, sign me up and order me a new jersey to replace my Vilma
Now I know why you are ranting. You have your stats waaaaaay wrong on Chris Long. He had 14 1/2 sacks in his senior year alone along with 17 TFLs. He also AVERAGED 6.3 tackles a game in the same year. Better check them again.
Don, if you actually read Dware's post, that is stats from freshman to junior year... I don't know that the stats are right, but still, at least read the mans post jeez....
It made my head spin just trying to read it. I guess I missed that. I also don't see the relevance. It's skewing the stats to make a point. What were the comparison stats between Long and Gholston in their senior year. See what I'm saying. Well, I just found Long's career stats. Total 187 tackles, 43 for a loss, 22 sacks, 3 forced fumbles, 17 passes broken up and 1 interception.
That comparison would work if Gholston wasn't a junior right now.... I'm sure if Gholston stayed in school next year he would put up sick numbers yet again.........
0, Gholston's a junior. Gholston also had as many sacks as Long did in way less starts. And despite his motor and run stopping knocks lately says that running plays directed at him resulted in a gain of -1.117 YPC. Not that that's all Gholston, but the Gholston knocking has gotten ridiculous.