Bundy is a PROVEN commodity - he once scored 5 TD's in a game. We'll be lucky if he's still on the board when we pick. If not I wouldn't be surprised to see us reach a little for the Water Boy.
Get your facts straight, pal. FOUR touchdowns in one game. Al Bundy can only do so much. (And in all fairness, Polk High had a very unreliable offensive line).
If Bundy is available there is no way we pass on him. He is a special talent that comes along once in a generation and we need play Makers.
jefferson was a beast after he found out his car was "fucked with" (cough..jeff spicoli..cough cough) only real knock on bundy is his work ethic....its either hes scoring 4 td's, selling shoes, or chillen on the couch with his right hand in his pants....plus he has two kids who are adults so character can be a concern....:grin:
Jefferson's Brother: My brother's gonna kill us! He's gonna kill us! He's gonna kill you and he's gonna kill me, he's gonna kill us! Spicoli: Hey man, just be glad I had fast reflexes! Jefferson's Brother: My brother's gonna shit! Spicoli: Make up your mind, dude, is he gonna shit or is he gonna kill us? Jefferson's Brother: First he's gonna shit, then he's gonna kill us! Spicoli: Relax, all right? My old man is a television repairman, he's got this ultimate set of tools. I can fix it.
haha the best part of that movie....the football scene is pretty funny too when jefferson like eats the QB..... off-topic but the best quotes of fast times at ridgemont high best quotes -Jeff Spicoli: This is U.S. History, I see the globe right there. [Spicoli has had a pizza delivered to class] -Mr. Hand: Am I hallucinating here? Just what in the hell do you think you're doing? Jeff Spicoli: Learning about Cuba, and having some food. [Spicoli, talking on the phone, hits his head with a shoe] -Jeff Spicoli: That was my skull! I'm so wasted! -Jeff Spicoli: What Jefferson was saying was, Hey! You know, we left this England place 'cause it was bogus; so if we don't get some cool rules ourselves - pronto - we'll just be bogus too! Get it? sorry but i love that movie and so should all of you:grin:
No one from "Wildcats" in the first round? Worst mock ever. Tremaine could easily be a top 5. Krushinski a late 1st round.
What about #9 QB from Ohio State. FBI Special Agent John "Johnny" Utah. Evidently was a stud in the Rose Bowl before taking a brutal shot to his knee. Pros:Great decision making skills, good team player, very loyal, 2 sport star. Cons: Never Took Wunderlic: was bummed out when found out it had nothing to do with Wonder Bread and his tongue... angrily muttered something before leaving about how hard he'd been practicing. Also sometimes can't take that necessary shot downfield so he will pull up and throw it straight up in the air. Update: For anyone who doesn't know who this guy is, go get "Point Break" on DVD this weekend and enjoy a great action/surfer flick.
What about QB Paul (Burt Reynolds) Crew from the Original Longest yard or Steamin Willie Beamon from Any Given Sunday! What about Rod Tidwell from Jerry Mcguire!
you guys are getting annoying with this...first its a joke lol....second, he said it on the top of the page that former players and players in the nfl wont be on this list ex. paul crewe or willie beamen