McFadden interviews with ESPN

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by NDmick, Mar 7, 2008.

  1. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    I hope your being sarcastic, because he didn't say "that kind of person" speaks that way. We are analyzing Darren and only Darren's speech patterns, choice of words, and sentence structure.

    if he said, "they all speak that way" then he's an utter racist.

    Calm down L.A.
  2. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    WOW I did't realize that until i read your post. haha, he really does look like Kanye.

    More illegitimacy? wow i didn't think he could pull of one more. Burn..
  3. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    ignorance is a repercussion of laziness. and unless he has a learning disability, his speaking ability is a repercussion of laziness and not wanting to put forth the effort to speak intelligibly, and that laziness will probably permeate into other facets of his life, including professional football where you need to put forth a constant effort and discipline every day.

    you can get by on pure talent in college football, that is why so many great college players don't translate to the NFL where the talent level isn't so diverse -- most players are as good as you. but in the NFL you need to be disciplined and hard working, and if you have a tendency to be lazy, it will ultimately become evident in your ability to score TD's. so it isn't as irrelevant as you think.

    I'm not saying he will be a poor NFL player, but if he is lazy he won't be the type of player he was in college, which is what you are drafting him at 6 for. he'll just be another average or serviceable back.
  4. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i think he was being sarcastic, however he was referred to as retarded, not even ebonics was a term written, comparisons to desmond howard and vince young, plenty of people dont speak proper english but why are the only mentions of blacks in this thread? why are these men referred to as retards because of how they talk? why is there an ebonics actually not even ebonics point brought up?

    you dont have to necessarily make a blanket statement about an entire group to make a race based statement.

    its just something that has been bothering me on the board the past few months and well this was the thread i decided to say something.

    my apologies to all that wanted to talk football but hey this thread didnt really even start out about football

    to quote NDmick

    Talked on ESPN, typical BS- play my best whoever drafts me i'll play for-- COMPARED HIMSELF TO PETERSON, ugh.... Did say he is a cowboys fan and hinted about playing there but i dont think the trade is going to happen... talks about the nightclub incident...

    The kid is talented, but he sounds retarded- reminds me of Desmond Howard when speaking, and Howard is not an articulate guy and was total bust. Howard was taken 4th overall, but if i was the Skins GM back then i wouldn't have touched Howard based on interview alone-- which may happen with this kid... he just sounds unintelligible. And its not his accent.

    followed by savino

    yea i heard him give a speech at the walter camp clinic....RETARD lol...he cant speak normal english....its not even ebonics lol....its just really funny...i was laughing throughout his whole speech....but would i want him on this team
  5. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    i dont know what the huge debate is here.

    of course when you see a player present himself in a intelligent and articulate manner you start to assume the guy also does his x's and o's work off the field. etc etc

    and that goes both ways people tend to think you have bad characteristics if cant present yourself well.

    this is how the world works. its all a dice roll, i just like what ive seen from the guy and think he will be very successful in the league if hest not asked to carry a team on his back 1st yr in.\

    time will tell.

    me personally i say let your play speak for yourself.
  6. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    No its not about football, its about one man who may be the Jets selection, where we will invest 20+ Million in guarantees. Character and behavior are the essence into being part of this team, our CS and FO have made that clear. If I see a player who looks as if he doesn't fit that bill, and is now the media front-runner to be on this team... that raises a red flag for me.

    As for his "retardation"- welcome to the age of phrases in which what is said isn't exactly what is meant. we know he's not as dumb as Forest Gump (theres a white reference), yet how he speaks is unintelligible, and that is what warrants the reference.

    BTW, Jared Allen- sounds intelligible- but i can see that he is a brash party animal douche. Just to be fair and even out the whole race thing.

    Obama is a very well spoken highly intelligent individual who may become the most important political figure in the world.

    Have the scales returned to order yet?? No, ok i'll continue..

    Troy Vincent is the President of the NFLPA, and has been for over a decade. See, its not all blacks- just the one's who sound as dumb as billy-bob in the woods who still thinks that we didn't evolve from apes and that God pieced us together limb by limb.

    Desmond Howard, Vince Young, McFadden, all sound retarded and one was a bust, one might be a bust- but is just leaning towards justifying his 3rd overall pick. And now we have one more case in which it may happen again.

    I don't give a shit what color they are... as an individual who's about to make more in 2 years what it takes 50 for some, and is about to be a figure for the most media covered, and prolific organization in American culture, i wish more of these athletes would work on their communication skills.

    Our own Curtis Martin went from a thug, devil-in-church piece of garbage to a intelligent, well respected philanthropist and do-gooder, who is ready to take part-ownership of an NFL team.

    Ebonics is one thing, but it goes beyond that. Pidgeon uses ebonics and i fully understand what he is trying to say with each post. McFadden uses 2nd grade language, where i am worried he's going to make 25M+ over the next few years.
  7. allan1

    allan1 Active Member

    Dec 20, 2002
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    Hasn't he fathereda bunch of kids already by different women?
  8. dwalsh

    dwalsh 2006 Rookie of the Year Award Winner

    Mar 3, 2006
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    he really doesn't sound all that bad...
  9. lightning

    lightning Active Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    Wow Reggie Bush's name should not be in that sentence. He may speak well, but he's not in the same building as those guys.
  10. PennyandtheJets

    PennyandtheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    This is a really dumb all are arguing like highschool girls.
  11. asscue35

    asscue35 New Member

    May 29, 2003
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    WTF? Who cares if he is dumb or sounds dumb.He is not in this draft to have his speech rated or have his intelligence tested.He is here to play FOOTBALL, or run the football.If he is drafted by whatever team and he has a pro bowl year , who cares about his children, intelligence or diction?Lets get real.Personally, I will rather not draft him only because we are not in desperate need of a RB.
  12. ScotsJet

    ScotsJet Active Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    Huh? I think he comes across really pretty well in that video. I'm less nervous about picking him now than I was before. It'd be nice to have a potential superstar on the team, even if it doesn't work out down the line - no pick is a certainty.
  13. bigbeast

    bigbeast New Member

    Mar 7, 2008
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    The wood he was refering to was something similar to chopping wood at rutgers and those Shrek days with good old Herm. It had nothing to do with anything other than the way the arkansas team creating a theme for their season.
  14. ANJI

    ANJI New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    This thread is super racist........
  15. Force

    Force New Member

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Contrary to popular belief you do need to be at least somewhat intelligent to succeed in the NFL. I'd like to see a list compiled of how many flat-out stupid superstars there are in the NFL, past and present.
  16. KRhodesMVP

    KRhodesMVP Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    I think Pacman Jones was/is fairly retarded- but Im not sure what that proves- You need some intelligence to achieve and sustain stardom?
  17. Force

    Force New Member

    Jan 2, 2007
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    My point was that if you look at the stars across the league past and present you won't find too many stupid ones. People keep on saying "I don't care if he's retarded as long as he can play football" when in fact the two directly corrolate with one another. Retarded superstars aren't exactly a dime a dozen.
  18. JCotchrocket

    JCotchrocket Active Member

    Apr 29, 2007
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    I don't understand these references. Would you mind elaborating?
  19. ANJI

    ANJI New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    Yeah,it's called be a revisionist. Nobody cares if Bradshaw was an idiot as rookie, you know he was on superbowl teams so he had to be smart. Does anybody care about LT tweeking on nose candy??? Everythingis good when your a winner though and you're an idiot if you think talking well translates into being a winner.
  20. bigbeast

    bigbeast New Member

    Mar 7, 2008
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    Yes. Last year when the Rutgers footbal team was undefeated their coach kept saying that they have to just keep "chopping wood". Team t-shirts had the saying printed on them. The whole season was themed off of just keep getting the job done and "chopping wood". If Brian Leonard in a post game interview kept saying "I'm chopping that wood" "I'm chopping that wood" would you look at him has unintelligent or making sexual inuendos?

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