This is a requested sequel to "Where do you call home?" The last thread focused on where Jet fans are currently located. This thread focuses on where do you originate from. I'm from Manhattan, where are you from Jet fans?
BK. PS, didn't we just have a thread like this? I'll tell you the demographics already: mostly NJ/LI with a second tier of manhattan/bk/queens and a smattering of CT and others...
I know, but there were some people who requested this. And we had a boat load of people that posted other, and those people could be from anywhere in the tri-state area.
I love how people from NY only see this blob across the water/border called NJ. Growing up in Bergen County and living some time in Rockland County, I've got some NY friends. When I, as a Jersyite talk about NY, its "Rockland" or "Brooklyn" or "NYC", but when I ask a NYer, "where?", they just say, "I dunno, Jersey". Frickin' mooks:smile:
I am a New Yorker that loves Jersey. Hopefully I'll be living there some time toward the end of this year.
Outside of say, NY, California, Texas and Florida, I think that's how most states are referred to by outsiders..... For example, aside from trips to major cities (such as Indianapolis, Detroit, Cincinnati, etc.,) when you take a trip outside of your own state, you say what state you visited, not necessarily the town/region/city.... Have you ever heard anyone say, "I'm taking a ski trip upto (insert Vermont region name here)" Of course not.... That's just not how it works for most places.... Hell, when Americans travel abroad, we generally just specify what COUNTRY we're going to, never mind the region... Some people will even just say "I took a trip to Europe" or "I spent some time in Africa" without specifying anything at all...
funny thing is i was one of the people who requested it in the last thread, and here i come into the thread saying hmm i thought i already answered this poll, didnt bother reading the question and ended up answering ct when in actualitly it should be bx. oh well im retarded please suspend my voting priviledges for one week.